Who is doing the same thing as I do?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Greddy, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    Just because you dont hide behind the spawn shield doesnt mean you can c4 everyone..
    Helping the team? He'll just redeploy 10secs later
  2. HadesR

    Wouldn't be surprised at all :)
    • Up x 1
  3. Greddy

    I do things you don't like, people do things I don't like, I call them cowards. You call me names, I'm glad you are mad. We are the same kind. You just don't realize it yet.
  4. Tekuila

    People like you ruin this game.
  5. ent|ty

    You're a champ.
  6. Corporate Thug

    It does do something bro, it provides hours of laughter for the devs. I'm sure they are cracking up at our tears, wouldn't you?
  7. woooow

    I mostly just tk people if I see them tk'ing and if their doing something that is going to cost somebody else resources. Like if I see somebody tk'ing a max, I'll help out. I don't do that much anymore because one time I saw a guy running towards a friendly max firing at him so I dropped the guy, and then the max killed me and I re spawned to see him firing upon others and had to euthanize the fellow with a brick. That kind of taught me to mind my own business. I'll still tk anybody I see attacking a sundy and if I see one blown up with another deployed in the same spot, I'll destroy it.

    People hanging back I won't do a thing to. If its too annoying, I'll just go out myself and see if anybody follows and if not, it was not meant to be, we lose, oh well. But sometimes when people feel the need to hang in a doorway strafing when I am using it as cover to attack a tank or something, I'll stop caring and just fire as if they were not there and hope they manage to dodge it. I've been in many sieges where we could have held out if people just created fire corridors and stuck to them instead of moving around all the time blocking eachother.
  8. karaperro

    Who are you to tell people how they should play?, who gave you the control and the absolute truth of things?
    Players pay or not, play like they want, live with it

    Personally every time I see someone do something like that, I reported this player, so when you have many reports for that,enjoy your ban champ