Who else enjoys playing infantry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Thardus, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Quor

    I love my heavy and my max. I do ok with a Vanguard (I find I can nail some impressive shots with my cannon) and I've managed to get pretty good at flying an ESF, but I really enjoy the ground pounding action. People talk about infantry being farmed, but honestly, good infantry coordination will overcome anything in this game.
  2. phungus420

    Heavy Assault is alot of fun. A platoon of MAXes with engy support has probably been the most fun I've had. Just starting to get into Light Assault, and have used it on occasion as it provides better flanking and aproaches on some bases, but it's really situational the HA shields are just too nice - also LA has a serious ammo problem.
  3. badname02

    I exclusively play infantry. It needs work, but it's a lot of fun regardless. This game's a free Battlefield 3 meets space aliens from the future on steroids mmofps. It's far from perfect, but with it being a free game and NO other free mmofps like this out there or even in development as far as I know (no, dust 514 on the ps3 is not like this... that's a shooter, not an mmofps) I don't see any reason NOT to keep supporting this and see how it ends up.

    What else am I going to play? Call of Duty? Team Fortress? Combat Arms? Hell no. Love TF2 and BF3 but something about PS2 makes me luv it regardless of its flaws. Let's just hope the devs fix some stuff before the big outfits go into hiatus =p
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  4. BadHabitz

    "M.I. does the dying. Fleet just does the flying."
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  5. Vendettta

    About 80% of my deaths are from tanks and aircraft.
  6. CVTG

    I usually play LA with C4 to break defense camps, pick off HAs and Engineers on turrets and detonate the odd tank or two. I do, of course, switch class as necessary though.

    I really do love playing infantry because I tend to prefer going the agile and sneaky route, which vehicles don't really lend themselves to. I therefore find it's a shame that most of the outposts and small-medium bases seem to be designed to be armor and air-friendly, so I feel there's never really situations out of Tech Plants and Bio Labs where infantry really feature prominently. I was actually hoping Amerish would have been densely covered in trees that severely hindered armor and obscured visibility for air so it would feature huge infantry battles between bases. Alas, it was not to be.
  7. gunshooter

    Infantry is unplayable in any situation but a Biolab and i'm saying this as someone with a 3:1 KD as infantry.

    Funnily enough, Biolabs are the only places vehicles can't get to.
  8. h00n

    I am Doctor.

    Doctor with gun. Sometimes not doctor. Then gun is bigger.

    Other times small man with small gun.
  9. Wintermaulz

    In brightest day, in blackest night, No NC shall escape my sight! Let all who worship VS' might, beware my power; INFILTRATORS SNIPE!
  10. BobJohnson

    I love infantry. The only time I grab a vehicle is when I want to get somewhere fast.
  11. VSDerp

    hope i see more positive posts and topics like this one
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  12. gunshooter

    hope people lie to themselves more so that actual problems with the game don't get fixed and we all keep living in our fantasy world where balance issues don't exist
  13. VSDerp

    and who are you ?? NOBODY its nothing wrong with having some positive post like these all you wanna see is negative posts mostly about i quit and whining?? people behind the computer get bold these days im telling ya
  14. gunshooter

    is english your first language
  15. Caracal

    I prefer LA. for me, it is the absolute funnest class in the game. I do find myself on engineer from time to time for repairs, but after that its back to LA. If I ever bring out a vehicle, it is a sunderer.

    And despite having to get really close to a vehicle to kill it, I still do not believe that vehicles are too strong. Because, the fact that i can walk right up to a tank, kill it, and get away... means that there is no way it can be OP. I mean, I walk up behind them and stick two c4's to it, and then i need to get out of the blast area before setting them off.

    I think that those who complain about vehicles, need to cert into ways to kill them. Heck, ive even seen HA's run in with shields on to blow up tanks/sunderers
  16. BadHabitz

    This game will never be balanced. All you can do is keep tweaking things to try to get there, but it's never going to be balanced... unless you want to be like Battlefield where each side uses the same weapons.
  17. VSDerp

    ok im not gonna feed into this. thanks for the insult now grow up
  18. iller

    I really liked the idea of playing infantry at first.... atleast before I understood the game's "balance"

    Kinda regretting it now though.
  19. XRIST0

    I play infantry 90% of the time , i often run from point to point which are 1000m apart because i dont want to get in a vehicle =)
  20. gunshooter

    hopefully when I grow up it's with a proper education