Who else enjoys playing infantry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Thardus, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Thardus

    So, all these complaints are getting me down. I want to hear, who else enjoys playing as infantry in this game? I play HA almost exclusively, with LA for close quarters, indoor work. In vehicles I feel clumsy, and worse, I feel like a massive target. When I'm in the air, I feel exposed, and as if everyone around is drawing a bead on me.

    When I'm on foot, however, I feel safe. I'm a small target, I'm agile, and I can make AMAZING use of cover. Two twigs, a pile of rocks, and a small divot, and I'm almost invincible and invisible. I can prey on tanks, and ignore ESFs, and if you come too near in a vehicle, my friends and I are going to destroy you. Only by fighting on our terms will you be able to get us out of our terrain, meeting us on foot, where your tank can't go without becoming hopelessly bogged down.

    So, who else just LIKES being agile, being small, packing a nasty punch, always having allies around, and having every hill, rock, and tree as their guardian. Who else LIKES playing as infantry?
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  2. MNO

    I love infantry, really not a fan of armour though, just never seem to do very well with armour.

    Play HA a lot, recently playing Engineer a lot as well playing with proximity mines which is always fun, and unlocked the VX6/7 for LA and Engi so I'll be playing both of them a fair bit.

    Don't like the big fights along roads though, that's usually when you just get overrun by armour and the lag hits so people only render 10m infront of you.
  3. Vargs

    Infantry is a lot of fun in this game so long as there isn't any aircraft around.
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  4. VSDerp

    being infrantry is the best.you get all the action on the front lines
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  5. bPostal

    Infantry is where it's at! Being cattle led to the slaughter is not so much fun but most of the time it's probably due to the situations I find myself in (I still don't think 'Run Away' is a valid option)
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  6. Vendettta

    As a hardcore rusher, its all I do. I play HA and LA 99% of the time. Vehicles are for noobs.
  7. Breidr

    Too Drunk to drive most of the time... walking is safer when playing with my outfit.
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  8. Mojo_man

    Engineer all the way baby.
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  9. RichBoyIv

    I love infantry right up to the point when the MBT start to spawn camping me
  10. bluEyedillusions

    I prefer infantry for certain.

    Vehicle zerging is currently far too effective. So often I see clumps of not 10, not 20, but THIRTY tanks. They can just stampede all over everything. The vehicle zerging is just horrendous. I want to chalk this up to not enough people using anti-tank mines and heavy rockets and such... but I'm not convinced.

    I think vehicle price needs to go up, or it needs to take longer to get vehicle resources. As it stands now, vehicle zerging is by far the "best" way to play the game.

    Battlefield games have a smart balance of vehicles, being that they spawn and there's a limited amount of them. In Planetside, EVERYONE can have their own personal tank, and with the organization at the platoon-level plus the massive scale of battles, it's way too easy to say "Ok, you fifty players, everyone spawn a tank and zerg." Then you have a bowling ball of 50 tanks just plowing through everything across the continent.

    This is a first person shooter. Vehicles should be support for infantry; vehicles should not be the entire game.
  11. siiix

    i HAVE to mix it up , i cant stand infantry only games... vehicles give a whole other level to game play

    in batlefield2 i was a tank whor3 , but honestly i think i only spent 15 minutes in a tank the 109 hours since i play PS2... its just not the same here, but i do like to hunt them with my rocket launcher

    i think the difference is the even trough tanks are more durable in PS2, there are SOOOOO many enemies that i get destroyed way to fast and then have to wait 15 minutes to get the next one... and the light tank its just a joke, its basically cannon fodder

    i guess i could just do what many do hide far away with my tank and shoot once in a while at something and hope i can hit it, but that seems soooo boring... also in BF2 i liked playing with tanks in the cities where you can hide behind so many buildings... again barely able to do that here

    so i like infantry play HERE, but with out vehicles i would not play PS2 as much
  12. VKhaun

    Yes sir!
    I love infantry battles, and my Decimator makes short work of any tank who thinks they're going to spawn camp me. I used to play more LA and Medic, but after realizing I could negate fall damage with the heavy shield I started playing that more now.
  13. siiix

    ABSOLUTELY NOT, 15 minutes is already idiotically high, its fine as it is
    most of this game is actually infantry , most people only use the tanks for initial attack , but get destroyed in a few minutes anyway so stop crying, there is plenty of infantry play here

    actually i would like to see how many times EACH of you crybabies get killed by a tank compared to your overall deaths
    because for me is super low... it does not seem fair ? well it should not, its a frekin tank, but it does not happen very often, especially not compared to BF2 and BF3
  14. Gavyne

    I love infantry, playing heavy assault 95% of my time because it suits my style. In BF3 I play the Support class, BC2 I was Assault, so you get the idea. I'm run & gun in your face player, and I have to have my C4 to blow up vehicles to make a difference in the game. I blow up so many sunderers to save the day it's not even funny. Many don't realize with a seemingly impossible defense at times, all you have to do is first blow up their spawn points (sunderes) then retake the supply bases around so they can't spawn zerg.

    I die a lot, and I'm happy with a 1:1 kdr. Some elite snobs like to talk down on people with a low kdr, but eh I bet I do more objectives and make more of a difference behind the scene than those that farm from a safe distance. With infantry you get to run in first, trigger the necessary objectives and take down generators so those sitting in vehicles can get through. You get some really good fights as infantry.

    I do enjoy tanks every once in awhile, especially when traveling from point A to point B. Or when I see 2 other factions fighting, I just can't help but farm them a bit since people are so oblivious to the obvious at times. Yes I'm there, sitting on a hill in broad daylight, shooting at you both.
  15. Lee

    I love playing infantry, and even if I stick to support classes like medic and engi because my computer is a bit too old to allow me to rush into combat as a LA flying around, I still manage to kill people quite fairly in bases or around. That's also why I'm pretty disappointed by the last updates which killed tech plant defenses...

    The few certs I earnt went into infantry weapons, I have nothing on vehicules yet.
  16. bluEyedillusions

    My point is that yes, respawns take a long time, but there's a huge issue with everyone spawning a tank at once. When that happens, you can easily get 30+ tanks just zerging base after base. If tanks were being blown up here and there, and spawning at separate times, everything would be fine. But as it stands you can synchronize with your platoon so that *Everyone* spawns a tank at once and then you get an unbeatable ball of tank death.
  17. bluEyedillusions

    Those are the COD noobs obsessed with KDR. It's sad. Same problem in the newer battlefield games. Ever since COD, all that matters to some people is getting a high K/D.

    In an objective-based game, your KDR doesn't mean ****. It CAN be correlated with success, but typically just means you're an a-hole who does hardly anything to help his team. The low KDR guys are typically the most helpful, being medics or engineers, charging into capture points, etc.

    The ones padding their KDR play too safely and don't contribute jack, typically. I can't stress enough to those people: Kills don't matter. Capturing points and completing objectives matter. If you get kills along the way great. If you get tons of kills WITHOUT dying a bunch, excellent. But, if you got 30 kills, 1 death, and you lost your base... you failed. If you got 45 kills and 2 deaths, but you failed to capture the base you're attacking; you failed. If you got 5 kills, died 12 times, but rezzed teammates and actually captured the base, you win.
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  18. Vastly

    "Ever since the first FPS went multiplayer" more like.
  19. Gavyne

    Not quite true, back in Quake 1 days, it was more about number of kills not deaths. Score chart was always about number of kills and points. Quake 1 CTF days were about teamwork, true teamwork. It wasn't until Counter-strike when people started worrying about KDR, mainly because the pace of FPS games became slower with CS. People started doing the whole sneaky, hide here, playing careful, worrying about kdr, etc..
  20. UzumakiW

    Combat medic at your service here.