Which Vanu LMG to buy?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by ThaFreeJ, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. RileyRocks

    I really like the Ursa now. Pulsar and SVA88 are both solid choices, however the fights I end up in make the Ursa a very solid choice. I have never really tried to Orion, I think I will have to now.
  2. Hypnoso

    Well I play ONLY heavy, and the best weapon in my opinion is flare.
    I kill enemies at close range, its perfect for mid range, and I also take out snipers at 500m range. with soft point ammunition and stabilizer you're a god.
  3. IronTyrant

    all depends on your budget, the SVA-88 is probably vanus if not the best LMG available but it is gonna set you back 1000 certs or 700 sc where as the pulsar lsw costs 100 certs or 250 sc and is still a respectable weapon, if you want more information on the pulsar here is my review for it:
  4. Erendil

    The SVA-88 only costs 500 certs. It's still more expensive than the LSW, but for CQC to mid-range fights IMO the OP would be better off just sticking with the Orion until he can afford the SVA. The lower recoil and 75-round battery of the LSW isn't enough to counterbalance the loss in RoF, ADS and hipfire accuracy, the .75x ADS movement multiplier, and first shot recoil compared to the Orion.
  5. Donaldson Jones

    This guy does a nice comparison of the Flare vs Ursa. It's a good watch.
    • Up x 1
  6. Mannylol

    You'll find it very hard to put the Orion or SVA-88 down even after auraxium. I've personally recently fallen in love with the Polaris because of the advanced laser sight.
  7. Ronin Oni

    SVA-88 if anything...

    Orion (default) is perfectly fine
  8. Ronin Oni

    ^exactly what I have.

    Eidolon pairs with Lancer for those long range battles going over large open terrain. Main reason i got Eidolon was to get a good range option on my Engineer (It's engie/HA capable.) OH! And it has NO drop... but it's like a semi-auto sniper (well, max 4x, I use 3.4 ^ sight). It's pretty awesome. Only 250 certs for a solid long range weapon for 2 classes that often are used in those long range cross-country fights.

    Oh, I also have the SMG (Sirius) which I use sometimes in lab fights and whatnot.

    oh, and get a Lancer.... nothing stops an Armor zerg like a couple dozen heavies with Lancers and a good field of view.
  9. Erendil

    Masochist. :p

    I've found the Puslar C and Ursa do just as well at long range as the Eidolschlong (better in some cases due to the tighter ADS CoF) but aren't nearly as gimped at CQC. I put mine back in its case a couple of months ago and until SOE gives Battle Rifles the love they deserve I'll only take it out when I get nostalgic or feel like really humiliating my enemies... :D
  10. vanu123

    Flare, softpoint, 2x sight, and foregrip and I may swap to laser sight. Destroys everything in CQB I kid you not.
  11. Ronin Oni


    I use my Commissioner if it comes to CQB when I have eidolon, though with a laser sight attachment it doesn't matter much, I can kill with it just fine.

    And I only take it for known long range engagements... and flying/driving as I'm always in a field when I lose my vehicle and survive.

    Terminals and AMS are common enough I can swap out when we get up close. And till then I have a pretty good headshot machine.

    I'd have my Lancer with that kit anyways, so it's not like I want to keep the kit when we get to interior base fighting.
  12. Phaze

    The kill data (as it is leaking out) for the Polaris and SV-88 are downright insane. You're talking about guns that are killing at a rate of about 40% more than their closest TR/NC counterparts.

    Use those, while you can.
  13. Quieteyes

    I've clocked 900+ kills on the Flare. And it's the best-kept secret for Vanu HA. People are not joking about refitting for CQC; with 2x, compensator, foregrip, and soft point, you will EAT through people like sharks eating leftover whole cow, ripping out big juicy chunks of shield and armor. Even wounded MAX suits will get a run for their money if you go toe to toe; and in some cases, inexperienced MAX players at full health have had their heads handed to them by me. Hell, I have killed some pesky ESF that have gotten too close with a single 75 round magazine.

    Once you understand the Flare and how it works, you will wonder why you have stuck yourself with a bullet hose that you can barely control. If you need convincing, go to the VR, fit a Flare with iron sights only, foregrip, compensator, and hollow point, and go shoot at 50m; come back and tell me how much recoil you have.

    Hint: you won't with iron sights. If you fit 2x (like I do for CQC) then just pull the mouse straight down in a slow, steady fashion and you will ALWAYS stay on target.
  14. CL4p2p

    Thanx a lot that's confirm me I did good chose :)

    I'm new player (1month) and choose the Ursa and indeed it's prety good for long range ( at least I like it for my play style with Heavy)
    Good video.

    About the main subject of the thread I think all guns (more or less) are good. It depend of our playstyle
  15. Erendil

    I hear what you're saying. I used to do the same thing all the time, enough to rack up 3400+ kills with it. Then they needlessly slapped sway on the 6x scopes, making 4x scopes the smarter option due to the Eidolon's shoddy ADS CoF (.1) and difficulty to land enough shots to get the kill with a 6x before your "held breath" runs out, even with headshots. After that any viable combat situation where the BRs could shine above other long range options pretty much went away.

    My point is IME now you're better off grabbing an Ursa or Pulsar C so you get the same long range effectiveness without any short-medium range disadvantage. You get the faster TTK and better flinch mechanic of an automatic weapon for short-medium range. But the Pulsar C's Adv Foregrip and Ursa's extra 140m/s muzzle velocity - combined with a recoil on both that goes straight up with a low horizontal deviation and their tighter ADS CoF (.03) - make them just as deadly as the Eidolon at pretty much any longer range out to max render distance.

    Yep, the Flare seems to kill a bit faster than the SVA-88 at medium range since it is more accurate during sustained fire. You're also not nearly as ammo restricted as the Orion or SVA-88. The faster bullet hoses run out of ammo really fast.

    However, what makes the Orion/SVA-88 so great is the .75x ADS movement multiplier, making you a harder target to hit (it does make a big difference when strafe-firing) combined with a tigher hipfire CoF and a slightly better ability to out-flinch your opponent at close range.

    It's a tough choice, they're all really effective. But basically it comes down to this.

    If I'm doing strict close range against only 1-3 opponents at a time I'll choose the Orion.
    If I'm expecting a little more medium range combat or I think I'll be going up against more than 3 people before I can reload, I'll choose the SVA.
    If I'm expecting a good mix of short, medium, and long range combat, if I need to keep up a continuous stream of bullets with an extended mag, or if I know I won't have much opportunity to re-arm, I'll grab a Flare.
    If it's going to be strictly long range I'll use the Ursa.