Which servers have the worst factions?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Teegeeack, Dec 12, 2013.

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  1. CL4p2p

    Well I play with my NC Alt on Cobalt and I have to agree with what most of people say here...

    My main is VS - Connery ,and god... Cobalt player are just d**b...or fearful... Or both. You see a massive zerg of Vanguard and Lightening, none of them try to advance in the battle, no , they all stay in line too fearful to geting killed. And the worst is that , soon or later One will die , then an other etc... and finally all are dead, so this massive zerg was totally useless...

    I don't know why you say that... I have to admit that some night players act idiot , but most of the time they do what they have to... at least on VS and TR. Everyone do their job properly and are here when it need to.
    Of course you will always meet some noob some night, but you will also meet a lot of good player who don't fear the enemy (medic who try to heal you in the middle of an heat , same for engie, HA that try to rush in zerg, etc etc... Good player.)

    I know the NC have the outfit [X] , tough guys. I don't have many other server experience but I wonder why you say that.


    So the fight are tough ? Are they also big at the begening of the night ( 18:00 - 23:00 GTM ) ?
    And do you know if there is some organised NC Outfit ? I'm really interested if what you say is true...
  2. Progapanda

    Cobalt NC probably.
    P.S. Great thread.
  3. Mhak

    On Connery, I have respect for both the TR and VS. VS are easily the dominant faction on the server, with a few outfits of very high BR players that just crush their opposition mercilessly and never lose, even when outnumbered. They're like Korean MLGers with OCD playing while high on meth.

    TR perform pretty well too. I'm tempted to think that NC is the worst faction on the server just because I never really think "Wow the TR/VS sure does suck tonight," but I do think that about the NC fairly often. But we do win a decent amount of alerts.
  4. Borusa

    As I mentioned earlier, I never played on Connery so I could be wrong. I just watch some streams from time to time as a background noise when I'm bored. But what I've seen there, let's just say the majority of the players didn't exactly have the best situational awareness. Quite the opposite in fact.

    Miller NC has MCY, WASP, 252V and JNJ which look pretty good, I also played Vaanu on Miller before and you get to see these tags quite often on your list of deaths.

    As for the size of fights, out of the four EU servers I've been to, Miller seems the biggest and the fights are the most organized there as well. You get to see lot of Galaxies, Sunderers and MAXes that's guaranteed.
    Just give it a try, go around with a low level character. I just rerolled to Miller NC 2-3 days ago with a friend of mine (at around 8 pm GMT+1), after fighting a battle at Quartz Ridge with seemingly about 200-ish players around, we went to look for other opportunities, we could easily find 48+ battles. On all three maps as well.
  5. JudgeDeath


    Cobalt VS and proud of it.

    All we need is more population, otherwise we are fine.
  6. Piestro Community Relations

    Unfortunately a thread specifically made to call various factions on various servers bad is inherently non-constructive. It's not really savable.
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