Which races have better armor ( for Heavy assoult )

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Evliyaoglu, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Evliyaoglu

    Which races have better armor for ha.?
    And what you think about ursa ? cuz i like to play with orion but i wanna take ursa but i need your idea..
  2. Akashar

    Stats are the same regarding armor across faction. Orion and ursa are both good, depending on your playstyle! :)
  3. Evliyaoglu

    Ursa a little bit slow is that problem ?
  4. Akashar

    Orion is a beast in CQC, while Ursa shine at longer ranges, so it really depends on what you do on the battlefield. At 100 meters, I prefer having an URSA than an Orion, while at 10 meters, Orion is the 1st pick! :)
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  5. Plunutsud pls

    There is only 1 race in this game, all 3 factions are human.
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  6. DatVanuMan

    All factions have the same armor statistics. If you mean tanks and aircraft, though, the NC is your faction:)
    Both are excellent weapons depending on the range. The Orion has a faster reload speed and much faster fire rate. This is your CQC gun. The Ursa has slight recoil, deals more damage than the Orion, has more bullets, and is of higher velocity. This is your long-range gun. Hope this helped:D
  7. Klondor

    The stats are the same for all factions, but for some reason, every time i shoot at a VS who's using the resist shield, it feels to me that they can take so much more damage than when i use mine, and mine's almost maxed out.
  8. cruczi

    Might be the 0.75 ADS movement factor from their Orion causing you to miss shots that you'd hit versus NC
  9. lawn gnome

    ranking up resist shield doesn't change how effective it is, only how long you can have it on. it may be that the VS heavies you are fighting are also using high level nanoweave too. i traded most of my survivability for more explosives anywhere i could. 2x C4, 4x AV grenades, 4x decimator rockets, 21x exploding crossbow bolts, and my lasher with extended mag ALL WEAPONS MUST SPLASH!!!
  10. SharkSpider

    Nanoweave and resist don't stack anymore.

    Also OP, Ursa is garbage, insanely low DPS and very few redeeming qualities. Stick with the Orion or maybe grab the SVA88/Flare if you need some more range.
  11. Klondor

    I guess that could be it, though the moments where i land 95% of my shots[some headshots mixed in] and they still take it like a champ feels weird to me.
  12. cruczi

    Then the only remaining explanations are: (1) VS heavies tend to use Nanoweave much more often than NC heavies (2) VS heavies have much better overshield energy management than NC heavies (3) you're imagining it. I'm leaning towards 3 :p
  13. Chazt

    Nc and TR armors look the coolest. Vanu look lame no matter what they wear.
  14. Klondor

    Number 3 is pretty much it, i can't say the Devs would just make VS that blatantly OP---.... wait... i remeber something starting with the letter Z... but that's another story.

    I'm honestly going to assume number 1 is the primary cause, i do run into a lot of people who soak up a lot more ammo than i'd expect them to after taking center-mass damage.
  15. lawn gnome

    after the ZOE we had the striker and it spent several weeks at least destroying everything that came within sight of TR heavies.
  16. Frosty The Pyro

    I like this cat, he knows were its at.
  17. JThreeD

    that some like a super kickass anti tank loadout
  18. lawn gnome

  19. JThreeD

  20. MrNature72

    You brilliant b*stard.