Which NC LMG (except GD22c)

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by iostreamz, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. iostreamz

    Can't decide on which NC LMG to settle on.

    Not looking to engage anything at exceedingly long ranges. I'm looking for something to provide good solid medium range fire. I'm am not considering the gd22c because of the 50 round mags. I am leaning towards the gauss saw s because of the single shot mode but am hesitant because of the 75 round mags. I usually run with a good squad of medics, engys, and light assault guys so I never really have to fight in extreme CQB situations.

    Advice is greatly appreciated.
  2. Trivial

    The EM6 is the best stats wise, comparing it to the default gun

    Damage: 6
    Reload Speed: 6
    Fire Rate: 5
    Accuracy: 6

    NC6 Gauss SAW
    Damage: 8
    Reload Speed: 2
    Fire Rate: 2
    Accuracy: 6

    By this you can see the EM6 has 2 less damage but more than double the fire rate (3 more) which means it does more damage faster, other than that the reload speed is 3x faster
  3. Quor

    I second the EM6, although the SAW S is also a good choice.

    The GD seems more close-combatish, as it has a rather high rate of fire with good damage, as well as scopes that emphasis close and mid-range fighting.

    The SAW S can be modded for long or short range, as can the EM6 (both come with HV ammo as well as 6x scopes).
  4. Zwan

    gauss saw s hands down. tried the em6 in beta, personally i think it's worse than the standard saw we start with. CQC saw drops people much faster(if you're good at aiming), mid-long em6 just isnt good. tried them all, and tried the saw s last, never went back to any of the others. good at all ranges. really great gun
  5. STABB

    For Mid range Fights I would run with the EM6

    For close quarter stuff I would carry an GD22

    It all depends on your play style.
  6. HadesR

    Just trialed the GD22 and TBH it had a nice feel to it for close to medium range , simple because of the high fire rate and easy to control recoil.
  7. HMR85

    I am a fan of the EM6. It is a very versatile LMG that does great at medium to long range. Heck it does good at close range also. Its all personal preference though. The Gauss Saw S is a great weapon also.
  8. Hyllan

    Gauss SAW S might be for you, especially since it has extended magazines available as an unlock. Doesn't hurt that you can choose between soft point and high velocity ammunition as well.
  9. Incarnadine

    EM6 all the way for me... I just can't like the Saw S... it just doesn't feel good for me -.- the Gd isn't bad but I think the EM6 is better
  10. failbot

    EM6 is imo the best. Most versatile and not complete crap CQ like the regular SAW. SAW S is pretty good too, but personally I prefer the EM6.
  11. strychzilla

    You're counting out possibly the best CQC Mid range LMG because of its clip but it reloads considerably faster to make up for it. I would keep it in consideration if you don't plan on long range combat. On top of that it's on sale for half off. If you insist on not using it I would suggest the SAW S. It's solid at all ranges as long as you burst fire. I wouldn't use single fire because you can just click once.

    My suggestions come to you without adequate testing of the EM6 so take it how you like.
    • Up x 1
  12. MadInkhorn

    The GD22 has been doing well for me so far. It is good in cqc but with the forward grip makes it much easier to use at medium ranges. So now it is the only LMG I use.
  13. BadBas

    I used my gd22 a long time because its cheap and much better for close combat than the gauss. Now i got my new shiny em1 and i dont use the gd22 anymore.
  14. ThElement078

    If you use the EM-6 you NEED a sight cause it's normal iron sights are WAAAAAY too obstructive, like looking down a barrel of a gun with a hole at the end, it's a much better CQC weapon than a mid-range weapon, with pretty strong kick.
  15. CleverClothe

    Ignore the UI, it is not very accurate. The raw stats are:

    NC6 Gauss Saw
    Damage: 200
    RPM: 500

    Damage: 167
    RPM: 600

    So -16.5% damage and +20% RPM.
  16. Hawkerased

    I find the em6 to be the best all around. You get the rate of fire, the damage is decent, low recoil. The only thing you need to do is lead more on targets because of the lower muzzle velocity.

    If you need something for CQC, use the Jackhammer. In light of that, most situations, even in CQC situations, I'm using the EM6, I usually pull a 3/1 pretty regularly with it. It is a playstyle choice. I prefer rate of fire and lower recoil, some prefer the higher initial damage of the NC gauss SAW. I've used both extensively, and I still keep going back to the trusty old em6. You might have to play with both if you really wanted to know. The SAW is free, but for it to work properly you need the ADV forward grip, Compensator, I'd stick with the iron sights on the SAW.

    EM6, compensator, foreward grip, and Teklyte x1 (skip those High velocity rounds, kinda worthless).
  17. Hawkerased

    EM6 doesn't have much recoil at all. The Gauss SAW has substantially more recoil.
  18. Crewell

    Way to raise the dead.
  19. Chubrokoli

    EM6 for everything
    It's not as good as TR CQC weapons but it has higher range and lower recoil with the grip and compensator than the standard SAW.
    The most important is that you get higher rof to be more viable at CQC.
  20. KnightCole

    OP< if your wanting a good, solid, all rounder NC LMG, I definitely vote for the EM6.

    It has 100 rounds, so ammo wont screw you, its accurate, its deadly, its RoF will suffice in many CQC situations and all in all the EM6 just seems to fit almost every situation it will encounter.

    The only ingredient taht is ever missing is a competent player(not saying your not good). I love my EM6. I played with the NC6 and GD22S but I gotta say the EM6 is simply superior in short-mid range combat. At range, it's TR like dmg is lacking, but in towers, bases, tech plants and other various close range...it shines.

    Oh, and the part in your post about the 75 rounds? If it wasnt already a clear choice which gun to choose, the EM6 can mount extended mag so it can sport 200 rounds...ammo problem? Whatchu talkin' 'bout?

    I run mine with a x2, Comp, Grip.

    For improved CQC I run a x2 and Laser. JUst gotta have a resupply box nearby to change out aas needed.

    SO, short answer, EM6