When will TR MAX be nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jdono67894, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. RovingDeath

    That is a damn impressive chain of kills, but I wouldn't say nerf-worthy. He's obviously utilizing his MAX in the manner it was meant to be used. A Hacksaw MAX can indeed make similarly impressive runs, however, he must be much closer to the fight, exposing himself to enemy fire. The NC MAX more easily overextends himself, and once he reloads (which happens very, very often), he's in trouble if charge is on cooldown (Pro tip: save charge for retreating whenever possible). The TR MAX with dual Mercies can hang back with the group more easily, providing a brutally effective base of fire. This makes it harder for the rockets and C4 to reach him.

    The way I see it, if more TR MAX users played like this guy there wouldn't be so many complaints about the NC MAX compared to the others. This game strives to achieve asymmetric balance. I don't know of any VS MAXs performing like this, however.
  2. rickampf

    Troll master of the day.
  3. Minsc

    Ummm...your signature.

    What're your thoughts on NC MAXs and their scattercannons?
  4. Izriul

    VS max is more than fine. TR max is pretty much equal to it.

    All max's are short range, but I guess some people think 50-60m is medium range. I call medium in between toe to toe and max render distance, for example, AR's are great medium range weapons. SMG's are great CQC and Bolt actions great long range.

    NC max is imbalanced towards other max's in CQC but too weak in anything other than toe to toe. Against infantry it's strong, but so are your standard shotguns, and since we got OHK pump actions, even less reason to whine about it (as infantry). Hell, even bursters are rather viable nowadays against infantry, at least a lot more than they use to be.

    VS/TR max's do not need a buff.
    NC max needs less upfront toe to toe damage against other max units and more sustainable damage passed the 15m range. Either that, or give VS/TR A (single, not multiple choices) shotgun, and NC max AN (single, not multiple choices) Automatic type suppression weapon.

    Though, ignoring OP's post because that's just a troll.
  5. Ronin Oni

    My entire post was seething with Sarcasm.

    the TR AI's are better than VS's.... but then again... your Comets are like Dual-Lashers.... that also deal AV damage (not massive, but they do) and I think Comets are actually the best thing VS Max got going for them.

    Honestly I won't complain about TR MAXes, they're fine... I was just joining in the sarcastic spirit of the OP since a couple people took it seriously.
  6. Purg

    A refreshing change - would read again. :p
  7. PurpleOtter

    • Up x 3
  8. Lopshot

    Just LOL.
  9. RovingDeath

    That is one of the best pictures I've ever seen. That being said, please don't lump me in with the troll who started this thread =P
  10. TeknoBug

    I like the sig... Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, the sig is missing the "party on dudes!" part.
  11. RovingDeath

    LoL thanks, not enough people get that anymore. I figure it's something of a reminder for many denizens of this wretched hive of scum and villainy.