When Libs are no more, tanks will be abundant...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dreadnaut, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Flag

    Why should this be true for air, but not for tanks?
    Look to the server smashes as an example. Air played a major role -every time-, tanks have yet to enjoy the same kind of spotlight.

    And here you go again, telling us to pull air to deal with air.
    Why shouldn't you "have" to pull a tank (or harraser, sunderer, whatever) to deal with tanks? Why aren't you "required" to make the same choice as you're asking us to do?

    Currently, AA allowing (and AA is another problem) aircrafts are the solution to everything.
    Tanks are only ever a "solution" to one thing, and for AA, that's only true if you have multiple people around to help you. Alone you're little more than an annoyance.
    I guarantee you that if the situation was reversed you wouldn't be content with being told to abandon your chariot and pull a tank.

    So for a bottom line: If pulling a tank isn't the most effective way to kill ground vehicles, then why the balls are they even in the game? That's what you're arguing only about air.
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  2. WTSherman

    If it was 3 ESFs, those ESFs would be toast. Me and two buddies can take down ESFs with lockons, much less skyguards or base turrets. Libs and to a lesser extent Gals (only because they use more crew for less firepower) are the only units capable of crashing large fights in relatively small groups with impunity.

    Also I didn't say "without air support", I said "without significant air support". In other words it doesn't just take air units, it takes LOTS of air units to drive just 3 libs away, even with ground-based AA assisting. Well, unless you have 3 libs of your own, but we already know how a thing's counter being itself goes. The only thing that really keeps libs down is that there is rarely a large group of them. Do you have any idea how much of a pain 24 libs would be?

    It would be nice if I had a tool that allowed me to place a "Need air support" icon on the map to summon swarms of ESFs instead of having to beg for backup in /orders, but in the absence of that ground units need options to deal with lib groups besides "prepare your Vanus".

    And you kind of highlight my point by repeating the "I can't crash 48+ fights with a single lib, libs UP" line. Just do what everyone else has to do when the size of the fight grows: bring more libs, expect at least one to go boom. After all, I can't crash 48+ fights in a single tank either, and I'm pretty sure you don't want me to be able to.
  3. Dreadnaut

    First, it's average KDR based on the top 10 players in each weapon category. Comparing that same KDR to the averages of others does show an effectiveness of that weapon. Single KDR for an individual doesn't have much merit but the average of the best 10 users of a weapon does.

    Have you forgotten there are 3 people in that Liberator? I'm working together with my crew. 3 guys on the ground working together can easily deter the Liberator, and if they're good, just kill it.

    It's simple math.
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  4. Alarox

    It isn't fun.
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  5. Dreadnaut

    "Since the German attack on Poland in 1939, no country has won a war in the face of enemy air superiority, no major offensive has succeeded against an opponent who controlled the air, and no defense has sustained itself against an enemy who had air superiority. Conversely, no state has lost a war while it maintained air superiority, and attainment of air superiority consistently has been a prelude to military victory. It is vital that national and theater commanders, their air component commanders, and their surface component commanders be aware of these historical facts, and plan accordingly."

    If you want to win, you control the air. If you don't control the air, you lose.

    If you're going to require that Libs are only A2G vehicles and should be forced to have ESF support to live...then you're required to bring support when doing Anti-Air. You can't have it both ways.

    • Make Libs louder
    • Cut belly gun ammo in half
    • Revert the MBT resistance to AP rounds
    • Cut Tank Buster damage from 335 to 200, and extend Max Magazine Size to 75 rounds.
    • Change resistance on AA turrets so 72 rounds @200/dmg kills the turret

    ^^ Do that, and you're going to see less Lib spamming.
  6. Dreadnaut

    That's your opinion. Arguably, the opinion of most too, I'm not debating that.

    Personally, I love shooting aircraft down, especially Libs that think they're going to come farm anywhere I am. It doesn't happen.
  7. Dreadnaut

    Don't disagree with that at all. The Liberator update was not what anyone in the community wanted, added buffs that weren't necessary, and weapons that were/are useless. Lib Comp Armor did get a TWO PERCENT increase in resistance to Flak tho, hahahaha.

    Only good thing the Liberator update did was increase the turret mobility of the tail gun.
  8. Qaz

    Ya, my team of three has a 2/2 mbt and a skyguard. Sure, the skyguard will deter the lib ... but only after it ganked the tank. Cuz, you know, a skyguard needs to pump two mags into a lib, even at close range. So, simple math dictates that your team of 3 in a lib can do whatever it wants while my team of 3 on the ground gets crapped on by libs all day, even if we try to protect ourselves. But, I KNOW, bring 2 skyguard ... or even better, make the tank useless by attaching an AA secondary to it. Yay, balance.

    As for KDRs ... they're stupid indicators. Kills per hour and KPU are more meaningful.
  9. Dreadnaut

    You're right, KPH is more meaningful.

    Of the top 10 users by kills in each category, removing the highest and lowest #'s:

    Average KPH:
    • Tank Buster: 18
    • PS-120 AP: 38
    • P2-120 HE: 114
    • P2-120 HEAT: 51
    • Dalton: 65
    • Shredder: 69

    Average VKPH:
    • Tank Buster: 19
    • PS-120 AP: 26
    • Dalton: 32
    • Shredder: 26

    Didn't think it was necessary for HE or HEAT for the Prowler in VKPH since they're not AV...but here they are if you want to see them:

    • P2-120 HE: 5
    • P2-120 HEAT: 15
  10. z1967

    Connery... (no seriously, it is 24/7 zergs. Free certs at every 48+ battle)

    Aside from that, even the better drivers on the server still get 2 bricks or some crushing AP rounds. Its surprising at first but tank warfare is relatively level for skill if you take time with your approaches. Especially for AP lightnings.