When are Premium Members getting the free month they DESERVE?!?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Your Future Ex, May 5, 2013.

  1. Your Future Ex

    This isn't about "what ifs", it's about a business transaction that I PAID FOR and I am ENTITLED to what I paid for right? No one else is entitled to what I paid for, period. If that doesn't make sense then you're even more ignorant than you seem.

    How can you say that I don't deserve something I paid for? You a 47%'er? Get those food stamps! You are absolutely wrong and saying the same thing over and over when I've proven that you wrong and have no idea what you're talking about doesn't make you right.
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  2. Tact

    Yeah thats right, walk it back; next time refain from posting at all. Good day sir.
  3. travbrad

    Keep in mind only people who have already spent money on the game got this free month of premium, so it's not like they are just giving it away to everyone who plays the game for free.

    I have a gold membership right now and I haven't noticed much difference in the queues lately. If anything I've been getting onto full continents much faster, simply because the queue actually works now (instead of just spamming the WARP button and hoping it eventually works). You can still play the game while waiting in queue too.

    The number of active players on many servers is dropping like a lead balloon, so whatever they can do to retain players will help us all.
  4. hansgrosse

    You are still getting EXACTLY what you paid for. The only difference now is that there are several more people in the VIP queue. Also, let's not forget that you're still benefiting from all the other perks given to you by your membership and that it's only for a friggin' month. Also, you're apparently getting a free month of premium to make up for it, so you're really not losing out on anything. If anything, you're getting an extra month of increased XP and cert gain for free at no loss of overall line-cutting time for your money.

    You're complaining about an injustice that doesn't exist. Best to take a deep breath and move on.
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  5. K3STR3L

    I would suggest you take your own advice :)
  6. K3STR3L

    Reading failure on your part I guess, no worries I expect no less.
  7. Krayus_Korianis

    Yea, but knowing how these self-entitled idiots do it, they won't let it go since they want "MOAR free stuffz!"
  8. Your Future Ex

    HA! Funny stuff... "You are still getting EXACTLY what you paid for." Followed directly by "The only difference is..." That was pretty funny. You totally negated your first sentence. Smart.

    Just FYI, at the time of the creation of this thread, we were not getting EXACTLY what we were paying for. Regardless of even counting, or caring, who was getting the free month, the fact remains that they let a multitude of people into a special PAYING group that affected what we wre paying for, especially during ALERTS. Now, since they're giving us our just deserts, I have no complaints about the longer queue times. I'm happy, you're happy, lets go rock some NC tail.