When are Premium Members getting the free month they DESERVE?!?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Your Future Ex, May 5, 2013.

  1. Hagestol

    ITT: Entitled members thinking they deserve anything. You paid for a product and you got it. Those who didn't pay recieved a trial on said product, which is not uncommon.

    You got a free camo set. Be happy. Don't worry.
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  2. MasonSTL

    With this attitude you don't deserve ****!
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  3. Cl1mh4224rd

    The XP bonus and daily member sale are the biggest benefits to me. I solo, so I don't have to waste time waiting for a higher up to decide to participate in, for example, an Alert; I can quickly Redeploy to the warpgate and warp to the appropriate continent before it fills up. If I do end up in a queue, I just go and find a fight on my current continent until it's time for me to warp.
  4. control-z

    I'd like the SC at least.
  5. ColdCheezePizza

    They gave the "Loyal" Soldier Bundle to everyone even newbies? well thats disappointing.
  6. Liquid23

    they didn't... they gave it to alpha packs, current subscribers and people who spent money on SC or subs before the beginning of April... so "loyal" customers in the sense that they gave money to the game

    if you never spent a penny or were really new you didn't get **** on a stick
  7. Kelu

    The queue is longer on average for many people, however at least you don't keep on getting bumped back from 2nd in queue to 125th in queue whenever few members come into the queue. Now, like a regular line, no one can cut in front of you. It all depends on whether you get to the queue first or not. I can understand how this is unfair to the paying people but, it's only for a month, and according to what I hear you'll be getting a free month as well.
  8. Your Future Ex

    Still trying to figure out how this is showing how cool it is to be a Premium Member... it doesn't even make sense, they aren't showing them anything and pissing off the current members. Stupid.

  9. Mythicrose12

    So you're 64th in queue. Big deal. There's 46 non members behind you in queue that will get pushed further and further behind as more members join. I've not gone through the various membership status perks in some time, but last I knew, the queue doesn't (or didn't) distinguish premium members from "lesser" members. Once this free month is over, your queues are likely to decrease again. If not, there's always the possibility SOE will create a premium member queue to be over a member queue to be over the common folk.
  10. Your Future Ex

    So you don't think the Premium Members that are now stuck in a queue TEN TIMES longer (if we get in at all during an Alert) because of a stupid promotion, don't deserve a free month or similar compensation? I'd love to see how people around you deal with our illogical and ignorant ideas.
  11. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Duuude calm down, they already said that current members are getting a 1 month extension to their subscriptions. Just wait and see if they follow through with it.
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  12. Mperor

    As a paying customer you don't want to spend 30 min just to log in...or be disconnected for the 2:nd time tonight...GRR!!!!!

    To be honest SOE, there is so much **** going on with this game atm I can't find words for it!
  13. Beartornado

    Well then I guess we can't because you said so.

    SOE isn't gonna do anything about it though. So have fun with that, just makes me even happier seeing all this qqing.
  14. Mythicrose12

    FFS multiple people have stated the all mighty Higby hath spoketh that you premium members shall receivith thy free month. You have created at least two threads that are nothing more than rants and demands. A little patience on your end would've prevented your own complaining.
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  15. PhiladelphiaCollins

    It's still a bit disingenuous to harp on people for being somewhat upset at this whole situation. Even if people like him are doing themselves no favors.
  16. Torok

    go play on another continent, derp
  17. Mythicrose12

    Heck, even 30mins is better than what non members have. It can be even worse for them if they disconnect and have to jump back in to the queue. At least members only get behind other members in the queue. Unless a lot of non members like the free month, things will go back to more or less "normal" queue times for members.

    Membership is like having the "fast pass" at amusement parks. You get to cut ahead of everyone else that doesn't have the fast pass. The park retains the rights to have promotionals, including giving away fast passes to incite future sales.
  18. Your Future Ex

    Too all you naysayers out there, good news, you won't hear anymore complaints from this guy. Why? Sorry, can't say, but have fun with YOUR uncompensated month! ;)
  19. LT_Latency

    I think this is a fair complaint if you went from wait 3 or 4 mins to 30 mins + When it was only an extra 3 or 4 mins people are over reacting. But 30 mins is pretty big time increase increase

    That is a huge wait if you only have 1 or 2 hours to actually play the game
  20. Cab00se187

    FFS guy!!! It's a promotion to show people who don't have a membership what they are missing. This thread and every other thread should about this should get locked and all whiners who keep making them should end up last in queue until the promo is over.
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