What's wrong with the gatekeeper [showcase] in under a minute

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFlamingLemon, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. TheFlamingLemon

    This happened to me about a week ago, and I had it recorded thinking that it could start a nice discussion about the (un)balance of the gatekeeper. Also, don't mind the audio put out by my squadmates, this video is just focused on the effectiveness of the gatekeeper at such extreme range. In total, it killed at least two sunderers, an AV turret, and at least one lightning.
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  2. AxiomInsanity87

    Can't tell if pretending to be dumb or just dumb.

    There was more than a gk shooting that.
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  3. AxiomInsanity87

    I've watched a few times now

    Is the video a satirical stab at people who have the observation skills of a mole?.
  4. zaspacer

    Do you are if the Gatekeeper is toxic? Setting aside the accuracy or merit of that clip, do you see any issue with the Gatekeeper in terms of being bad for gameplay?
  5. AxiomInsanity87

    It's hard/impossible to know where shots are coming from.

    That's all.
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  6. zaspacer

    Fair enough.

    While I am not defending the accuracy of his video as a statement, I do fully support his overall assertion that Gatekeeper is wrecking the in-game experience for many players. Kinda like the Occupy Wall Street group: they didn't understand the details on how Big Business was wrecking house, but they got wind of what a terrible thing it was pushing. Some reporters ridiculed these protesters for not being able to recite specific details on camera (though maybe they just showed the clips of only those people who had bad answers: US media is pretty agenda/bias/bad right now), but they ignored the underlying fact that OWS was/is actually correct in the core intuition of their reaction: Big Business *IS* wrecking house.
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  7. AxiomInsanity87

    It's 450m/s with pathetic damage.

    Other than not knowing where it is shooting from, there is no issue, really.

    Media in the UK is bad as well. There was a protest against divid camoron with over 150k protestors and that has been kept very quiet. Media tells the world he's great as well but really he is making brash decisions without transition....Probably because he's a career bs artist and it buffs his portfolio.
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  8. Moridin6

    give us scopes on our lancers to compete with the render distance invisi spam
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  9. Metrack12

    I will not saying the GK is op as heck.But honestly the rockets that shoot that things should have a trace. And the explosion damage against infantiry is kinda ridiculous (not like shooting nukes but it's noticeable)
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  10. zaspacer

    It should have the Look-At-Me flare show of the Striker. VS and NC should have comparable range weapons, including Scopes and other bells/whistles on those weapons. They can function differently or vary (slightly) in power level, but each Faction needs to at least have the same arsenal.

    SOE/DBG *REALLY* needs to hire more people in Design who actually play the game and know it at a competent level. Or start a crash course to get the Design team playing and knowing their game. It's just a joke right now (aside from Wrel, unless he is just along for the ride).

    I heard a while ago that the Big Business in UK is even more Wild West/unregulated right now than the US. Though I don't know much on the UK scene really. US has been kicking the can down the road for a long time now, and more recently it has been leaning on a system that placates middle/upper-middle class with shallow lifestyle standard of living cost breaks (based on cannibalizing US business and routing costs through slave labor) and has deserted the lower/lower middle class and then used jurymandered and access-to-voting-tampering and control-of-media to mute their voice/influence. Meanwhile the rich are actually in danger of losing control over their Party because one of them experimentally mobilized a mass movement group and none of them ever setup leadership for that group, so now that group has assembled its own self-agreeing-wild-idealism identity/leadership that is now mass mobilizing to push out the rich agendas/leaders in favor of their self-agreeing-wild-idealism issues. It's a circus, but not a good one.


    Give VS scopes on Lander. TR scopes on Striker. And NC a extreme range Infantry AV with a scope as well.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    Lancers already have............

    I see what you did there.......
  12. Scr1nRusher

    It does the same damage as a lasher splash wise.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    The GK does have drop FYI.........

    But man he salt & the rage in that chat was hilarious.
  14. Moridin6

    lol it wasnt a trick i wasnt some freakn zoom
  15. _itg

    That's still 50% more velocity than the Enforcer or Saron. The issue is that the Prowler GK is painfully easy to use and scales in much the same way Lancers do, so one GK isn't a big problem, but a few idiots on a ridge can vaporize everything within 600m. The major difference is that Lancer squads require more people and coordination, so they don't happen all that often (if they did, I guarantee that Lancer nerf threads would be everywhere), but GK spam happens very organically on Indar, since everyone is going to pull a tank, anyway.
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  16. Savadrin

    It's only easy to kill infantry at 300m in VR.

    The GK is my LEAST favorite weapon in the TR arsenal. I only pull it in specific places where it shines, otherwise, it collects dust.

    I'm not against giving it better visibility. That would be fine, but we need to fix tank rounds as well, because I get a lot of no render tank shells in my life.
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    1 dude or multiple dudes with lancers requires far less than 1 or 2 dudes per any vehicle. They do not have to drive or worry about anything and lose no nanites.....plus hitscan.

    There's really no issue and teamwork op.
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  18. Azawarau

    There is an issue when it can accurately destroy your sunderer from 600 meters away and you cant counter it at that distance

    For the cost of 150 resources you can snipe vehicles from a distance thats too far to fight back from

    How about a range cap of 400 meters
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  19. Taemien

    Infantry TTK on GK is less than a Spitfire. 1.5s vs 1.35s

    And the GK does have tracers. Two reasons it doesn't appear:

    1. Area is over saturated with players, causing some things to no show properly.

    2. Players edited .ini files to not render fog/smoke. Same texture process that handles this, also handles tracers. Ironic, no? I think cloak shimmer should be added to this.
  20. Procyon72

    what makes you think the gatekeeper killed that sunderer?