Whats the NC's "Annoying" thing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Swooped, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Aeravic

    Defintely Ravens. Spamming these from beyond render distance is just plain nonsense. Along with the irritating sound.
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  2. Voiidd

    At distances MAXs don't render you don't have to fear the ravens, other AV weapons perhaps yea but not the ravens. Anyway, gotta say I'm really starting to like them, especially when on some hill or launchpads. Soon after more join in and the symphony begins :D
  3. FateJH

    This complaint is the same for both the NC and the VS but what really annoys me is their abundance of Infantry AV weaponry that allow you to put shots right on target where your crosshair is. (Flak is excluded from the following.)

    The TR only have the AV MANA turret as an option for straight-fire Infantry AV, and only for some distance within render. All main direct(ed) weaponry requires sufficient target locking that still only has limited range and, for some reason, everyone hates that even though you actually get alerted that things may go south for you if you get too close. The audio is barely suitable to determining where that Raven MAX is, before the target gets treated to a deadly bombardment from a position he may barely be able to see. The same for Phoenix rockets suddenly flying around the corner or over the hill. Whether it's the TR's rocket launchers or their MAX weaponry, they can't provide the same kind of precise anti-vehicular denial/destruction at comparative ranges without completely immobilizing themselves.
  4. andy_m

    What has that got to do with the NC faction?
  5. TheAnnoyingGunner

    I am.
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  6. nehylen

    Mostly NC AI MAXes and JackHammer. To a lesser degree, the inf+Cyclone combo, which feels more "unfair" than the inf+Armistice, and the occasional death by a 200dmg weapon before i even knew it was there, which happens less against TR.
  7. Kalendric

    Vanguard shield. I love to run AP lightning on all three Empire, but the shield means that the Vanguard alone is the only MBT I'll hesitate to try engaging.
  8. AlCohonez

    Most annoying in my opinion is that NC is designed around being the defensive faction in terms of equipment and mobility.

    Just look at the incentives that a NC soldier has:

    - Phoenix is best suited at sitting behind a hill (since you're defenceless for the flight duration, what else can you do?), practically taking the heavy assault class out of assaulting the frontlines leaving the engies and medics to do the push while HA sit in the back, preferably next to a sundy and shoot rockets 3 times slower than other launchers, preventing from frontline advancement... just love when somebody new buys it and just sits far back while his/her rockets fail due to lack or range, being shot down or simply outmaneuvered by any tanker who realised that ADADA works with WSWSWS too,
    - NC AI max, or the 'doorway warrior', get's a shield as his NC trait ability.. what speaks more of 'DEFENCE' than a shield?Apparently it was meant to be used to 'push' however if the mobility on par to crouch-walking shielded NC maxes are just a huge defenceless bricks with a 'SHOOT ME' sign, oh, and did I mention that bullets and explosives can still go through the bugged shield AND you're a C4 magnet AND that an enemy can can just go and shoot through the shield? Besides the shield, NC max gets shotguns...
    - speaking of shotguns, including the oh so fearful jackhammer, their great at close range, no surprises here, the problem however is that shotguns incentivise (especially with the slow max) being defensive - you want the enemy to get into your range (i.e. defend a corridor) instead of you unfortunately getting into your opponents range as you attempt to shorten the distance to get into your effective range (for example getting mutilated in mid range as you approach a cap point). When it comes to organised play with shotguns galaxy drops are the only good way of covering the distance and ending up at the right CQC range for the shotgun, forget running up towards a base from a sundy (assuming you want to live, that is)
    - NC6 Saw as the starting weapon for HA, it's definitely a long range weapon which low BR players don't realise at first (don't expect from a rookie to apply sniper-like trigger discipline for a weapon that looks, feels and screems LMG and has 100 bullets in the mag). That's why they get trashed at medium range due to the horrible burst accuracy and not having the absolutely mandatory foregrip and compensator yet, to maximise accuracy you can't ADAD, always ADS, need to be stationary and crouching, again NC's famous turtle-like mobility shines here as well...
  9. _itg

    To be fair, he could be fully counting on the fact the recoil will move him toward the head. I've read a few posts from people claiming to do just that.
  10. NC_agent00kevin

    That's easily true for some players sometimes. Not a disputed point.
  11. Canaris

    The NC faction as a whole.... real annoying o_O

    I run away shield
  12. Lemposs

    Mmmhhmmmm delicious tears from my scatMAX spamming :p

    I will certainly agree NC MAXes are annoying to go against in close quarters, but that is somewhat where it stops being a threat for infantry.

    I guess Airhammer would be considered annoying, though the skill floor to be effective with that weapon sorta makes up for. 350 hours of non-NC play I cannot remember a single time where I have been killed by an Airhammer.

    The medic gauss Rifle is definitely up there, it is insanely powerful compared to a lot of other starting weapons.
  13. Flashtirade

    NC infantry weapons when handled appropriately. The Gauss Rifle Burst, even when it didn't have the accuracy bonuses over the stock one, was an absolute monster at close range for reasons I can't fathom. Maybe the recoil and cone of fire resets caused by its fire mode made the weapon much more accurate even when spamming. But when you run into an NC who knows how to let off the trigger, you're going to have a bad time.
  14. Alan Kalane

    Yyyy nope?
    NC weapons are great for headshots when you get used to the vertical recoil. They have awesome damage and are actually quite accurate because most of the recoil is vertical. TR weapons for example often have more horizontal recoil. The thing is you can adjust your aim for vertical recoil (if you're good enough) but you can't do so for horizontal recoil. Also the first shot taken from a gauss weapon is pinpoint accurate, so you can for example snipe people from 200m with a gauss saw. In other words, high skill floor, high skill ceiling
  15. Matt879

    Scatmaxes, ravens and the jackhammer. The jackhammer's just by far the best shotgun in the game, scatmaxes beat even AV TR/VS maxes if they have extended mags at anything below 10m (maxes are usually used in CQ, so it makes them the best maxes in the game right away if you ask me), and the absolutely AGONIZING sound of ravens coming in and hitting you over and over again until you die a painful death. Complain about lancers and vortexes all you want, ravens are amazing if you can keep up the fire because of the extremely short reload.
  16. Champagon

    NC: Ravens/MBT Shield/Insta-Gib Max unit

    These three things are by far the most rage inducing items ever.
  17. Diilicious

    the most annoying thing the NC has is that it has to fight VS.
  18. Seryi

    The only thing I consider annoying about the NC is the "Freedom Screech".

    SCREESCREESCREESCREESCREE. After it completely pulverizes your eardrums, it burns its way into your skull, just like the PPA sound effect.

    Ravens. It drowns out everything else and like Seryi said, it literally burns its way into your skull. In general the amount of MAXs and MLG Infiltrators the NC bring to a fight is kind of annoying. Can't set a food inside w/o getting gibbed. Can't set a food outside w/o getting gibbed. Thats why I tend to fly ESFs or play as LA when I fight the NC. Being highly mobile/staying out of reach is the most reliable way to avoid moments such as described above.
  20. RHINO_Mk.II

    This post.....

    Forumside in a nutshell
    "I didn't bother to read the title and I only see people talking about one faction's annoying things"