What's an easy way to get cert points?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VR11499, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Brutus

  2. StormHertz

    If you want an easy way to earn certs without dropping cash on the game, there is no such thing.

    Your best bet is paying for everything, honestly. Cert gain is too slow to get the weapons you want. Use your certs to improve weapon and vehicle traits, and use purchased station cash to buy new weapons.
  3. Fear The Amish

    join a squad play engie/medic you get a XP boost for squad heals/repairs/rezzs/ammo, great way to pile on the xp fast.
  4. wrenched

    Step 1: Buy an xp booster during station cash sale for $1.66/7 days

    Step 2: Defend a biolab as an explosives light assault

    Step 3: Spend certs

  5. GSZenith

    for a pod spammer you farm really slow :/ can do that cert speed with inf, i mean sniper.
  6. Dhart

    Join a sqaud- you get a little extra xp for contributing to sqaud objectives and squad members... supply, repair, revive, etc... you don't have to be part of an Outfit or even running with one to get the bonus.

    Get used the cert crawl though if you don't figure out how to kill efficiently... (which is why hacks are prolific in the first place)...
  7. Zapon

    a lot of people are swearing that lightnings with high explosive rounds are good- but this is as situational as liberators - if not worse

    I recently got the HE gun for my lightning when it was on sale- so far, no luck- i've been running into too many enemy NC and TR MBT's who proceed to blow me up(yes, it's true, the lightning HE gun does very sucky damage against enemy tanks)