What the hell SoE why are VS MAX weapons equivalent to half a GDF7?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Arghy, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Ash87

    Capitalization is OP, nerf magriders.
    • Up x 1
  2. Ghosty11

    This is the biggest joke of the lot. For months it was toted as the most accurate VS MAX AI weapon in it's description, when in fact it is the most inaccurate VS AI MAX weapon.


    GU07 will most probably update all of these weapons except the Cosmos, which at this time is the only viable VS AI MAX weapon.
  3. Badname82

    Well, looks like zoidberg needs a little love. I still face melt my fabulously purple cousins on the vanu side, but dual cosmos still has silly fast TTK on non-max infantry at ranges the NC Max likes to dominate.

    VS Maxes still get pulled a LOT now that they feel its safer to prance around clicking their lobster claws. I'd expect a slight ROF or Damage per shot buff for all non-cosmos weapons. They aren't as bad as the chicken littles above try to make out, but they lack a bit judging by score.

    Yes, these numbers are only part of the story. But in my personal experience I simply respect TR maxes more than VS when I'm in my own Max suit. As infantry all maxes make me crap myself equally if I'm not light assault or I don't have time to ready a rocket. I think a slight damage increase can certainly be warranted for our purple brethren.

    Hit me with your laser beams, franky.

    Faction Avg. score/hr Median score/hr
    NC 12,701 11,056
    TR 12,312 10,875
    VS 11,755 10,178

    Based on all characters that have played as MAX for 60+ minutes from 2013-04-07 to 2013-04-14

    Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AmUavphHXmIxdFhHUzJfN1VYalRnWS0xMnBUdTJpM1E&gid=33
  4. EvilNinjadude

  5. Rown

    Have in mind that statistic includes all maxes, including the time each max spends using bursters, which are identical between factions. This time and score dilutes the real difference between maxes on AI duties.

    Speaking of MAXes, I've seen a lot lately using scatter and falcon. I don't know if they're just new players, or that NC maxes are swithching to a combo that stills allows them to explode infantry and deal with other MAXes more easily.
  6. Qaz

    This has been known for a while. The cosmos is basically the only worthwhile gun for VS maxes, and it's still not quite as good as a mercy.

    Quite a few people had to find out the hard way that the blueshift is about as bad as a shotgun when it comes to accuracy. That being said ... rectifying this the 'wrong way' would be the worst thing that could happen. After people got burned on the blueshifts, they did their research and bought the cosmos. So ... whatever you do, don't 'adjust it' so that the cosmos loses accuracy while the blueshift gains it. The only viable solution would be to increase the blueshift accuracy beyond that of the cosmos, or scrap the gun and refund the SC.
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  7. Emotitron

    Very possible. I do wish the stats could give more details than they do. The flip side is that VS may use their maxes less for non-AA function which will 'un-dilute' that a bit. VS maxes do seem to be underperforming by a pretty good margin though regardless.
  8. WookLordz

    I demanded that they exchange my Blueshift for a Cosmos through a ticket and they did, based on the fact that the description of the weapon was incorrect. But yes, if they nerf the Cosmos and make the Blueshift what was described, I'll be f-ing pissed.
  9. Roland0077

    Does anyone remember they said they will be making slight adjusments to the bad ai max weapons? Didnt they say the same thing about the prowler when it was bad? This should be loads of fun
  10. Deathcapt

    IN this thread, we miss-interpret data, and manipulate them to suit our needs.

    You want TTK, you can't just look at DPS, you can't look at VR training, you have to look at actual in game usage and effectiveness stats.
  11. Arghy

    Then thats easy since i'm VS, first hand experience here: our maxes are crap.
  12. JackOfClubs

    "Our damage is bad!"

    Dual Quasar TtK:
    167 x 2 = 334
    1000 / 334 = 3
    337 / 60 = 5.616
    2 / 5.616 = 0.356

    Dual Quasars have one of the lowest TtKs in the game. They do have problems, I won't deny that, but damage output is not one of them.
  13. Ripshaft

    Well, I see we've got another one of these posts. First I'll say in any proper argument, you need to have a point. Your argument is that a single max arm lacks the combat effectiveness of a gd-7f, and similar.... but... what's your point? You appear to be of the opinion that there's a problem there, but don't illustrate what that is or why.

    Now, as a max user, player of this game, and (supposedly) sensible human being, I know that giving a max 2 arms with weapons as powerful as infantry is utterly batpoop nutters. As near as I can tell, you disagree. Then I find this amusing statement:

    Now, I love your weapon selection, the Gauss SAW. Somewhat unwieldy at close range, but everyone knows if you manage to hit with it, it's utterly devestating.... and you're saying the max can have 2 weapons that do this much damage, with a higher combined rof... and that sucks? I know I definitely don't have any issues hitting things with my dual quasars within 10m, and I don't even have to ADS. To me this screams "OP", and yet so many people seem to think the maxes suck....

    Ah well, I guarantee we'll see extremely minor changes to the weapons, along with some nifty side features, and a bunch of people will spec into maxes and suddenly think the weapons are amazing, despite them being pretty much the same =/
  14. Wardark

    I noticed NC max's have best anti infantry, VS have best anti vehicle *no dropoff* and TR well.. I guess with the lockdown mode they will be the best for AA.... but right now the TR max's are just cosmetic mostly.