What ruins the game for you?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ikillyou1990, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Liquidrider

    might give that a shot :)
  2. TheGreatOne80

    I wouldn't say anything ruins my game. I've already had about 1k hours in the game but there are some things I don't like at all.

    1. Tanks and planes can spam spawn rooms on almost every bases.
    I know they built up huge walls on esamir but it isn't the solution because it only means rocket spam and maxes everywhere. I would put huge dome shields around and above every single base. It wouldn't work like in a biolab domes. I would make these shields like the main gate shields on amps stations that stops vehicles and rockets but infantry and small arms fire can go through. Indar needs less bases and longer distance between them for vehicle fights.

    2. Maxes
    There are just too many of them. They are too cheap and can be reived by medics. Maxes should be a bit more powerful but cost 750 infantry resources and medics should not be able to revive them.

    3. Infiltrator camouflage
    It's been broken since release. A lot of players are forced to use low graphics settings. First they were too easy to see. I could see them from 200m away and every time I tried "infiltrating" I was killed in 10 seconds. Now they changed it and they are almost 100% invisible on low settings. If I grab my SMG I can go on very long kill streaks just because most people don't see me until I'm not within 10m and that's too late.