What ruins the game for you?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ikillyou1990, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. ikillyou1990

    NC max is just fine as it is. It is only good in buildings and bio labs, you have to be point blank to kill too. anything past 5-10 meters will most likely survive. Our maxes have been nerfed into oblivion, hell most of the NC gear has. Our maxes aren't all that different from pump actions if you think about it. Pump actions are one shot kills, at least you get a chance to run the other way when you see an NC scattermax. Also, the vulcan tears through ARMOR. That is my problem with it, I lost a lightning earlier within 10 seconds from a single harasser carrying a vulcan. I did not even stand a chance against it. Hell it was over before they even started firing.
  2. Klypto






    • Up x 5
  3. TomaHawk

    I didn't say NC Maxxes needed nerfed although it raises the question.

    And the problem in your scenario isn't the Vulcan it's the weak *** armor on our supposed "tanks".
  4. EliteEskimo

    I think these things ruin the game for any tanker, that being said the format of your post encouraged me to post the following picture.

  5. Astriania

    - Not being able to find the door to a base (I spent about 5 minutes trying to get into The Octagon in the dark the first time I went there, and lots of Esamir bases are a pain)
    - ZOE, Fracture, MAXes in general if I'm playing infantry, and Vulcan Harassers
    - Useless uncoordinated zergs
    - The apparently infinite air resources enjoyed by VS and TR
    - Camping bases, towers and cap points with tanks
    - Me being useless at FPSs
  6. ikillyou1990

    I apologize, your approach made it seem as if you were saying it needed to be nerfed.

    I'm not irritated at the fact that I died, I'm more annoyed by the fact that I had no idea what was eating through my armor so fast and couldn't find anything in the sky. The Vulcan may as well be a tank buster or shredder.
    I consider myself a rather good harasser pilot, I normally roll in huge groups of enemy tanks taking fire from all of them while being able to take a few out and get away before I get killed. I can do that with no problem, the ONLY problem I EVER have as a harasser pilot are the Vulcan harassers. I rarely die from them, but the DPS output of that thing is absurd. I don't think any other weapon can pump out that much DPS towards any vehicle, Maybe the Tank Buster but I have not done any testing. I'm not calling nerfs on it or anything, however I do think it needs to be looked at. Maybe more spread? Miniguns aren't exactly supposed to be accurate, being ripped apart at 20-30 meters though is a tad much. I've never used a Vulcan so please inform me if it isn't what it seems.
  7. m44v

    Trees. Hit a branch and your ESF does a mortal flip.
  8. TomaHawk

    One thing here in the scenario that plays over and over though is the poor survival ability or armor in this game. I don't pay for a sub and have no boosts, so my resource gathering for Mechanized and Infantry blows hard. Doesn't seem a problem for Air, though. So when I spend 450 resource points that take a long time to get and my Prowler dies from the spam of Turrets, towers, launchers, other armor, lolpods, etc and it dies so incredibly quick because of the absurdly stupid proliferation of anti-armor weapons in the game or by the idiotic Instant Action deploy of some LA with C4 onto my position, it really makes me feel like you do in your Lightning. Those are 300 points not 450, but its still expensive from the point that armor TTK is often as bad as Infantry TTK, and yes, I think it's that bad. The Armor aspect of "Armored" vehicles in the game needs buffed or its HP pool increased in response to all of this. I play all roles of vehicles and infantry in the game (sans Medic or Inf) and I like switching around a lot. If I play recklessly I expect to lose my Prowler more quickly but when I am careful and unknowingly facing a barrage of AV turrets I can't see or defend against it really irritates me. I've upgraded the scope on my main gun to max and I still have too hard a time spotting where these often invisible, unable to spot rounds are coming from.

    I can buy a sub like I had in the past and increase my resource generation, but I've lost trust in SoE. They have a tendency nerf stuff in the game as a knee jerk reaction to whines (like Shotguns and Prowler HE) and its a complete gamble if they offer a refund on the certs spent. So I don't trust them anymore. And so I don't spend real cash. I suppose I am in a wait and see mode, waiting for PS2 to finally, if ever, stabilize in terms of not just the code but SoE's behavior towards the game.
  9. Niamar

    Morals and honor ruin my fun, mine or their lack of... that is the question.
  10. runtt

    Hacks and hackers still playing after monthes
  11. KnightCole

    What ruins the game for me?

    Air, MAX and Mines......Oh, TKing....that pisses me off in no time flat.

    But mines, they are just ninja insta deaths. I personally think they should critically wound someone and allow the infil a quick finish off kill, not a super god mode explosive that you leave, go get an HA and get free kills. THey should poof when you swap classes like ....what? EVERYTHING else in the game.....

    Only mines that should be kablamo, boom, dead is AT mines.

    MAX, these crazy powerful suits of god armor, esp ZoE cuz it chases ya down, no getting away.

    Air, cuz it insta gibs anyone that dares move out of a building. Wanna attack in a tank to the next post? Nope, attack on foot? Hell no. Fly somewhere quick? Only if ya wanna die. Get in a flash? Nope, thats not happening either. Air shows up and the attack or defense is relegated to darting from cover to cover hoping the air isnt aiming at that door way at that very moment. There is no escaping it, there is no effectively killing it........Ive pretty much come to jsut redeploying everywhere, lest I be smoked by a plane the second I poke out the building.

    It happened pretty mcuh every time ive pulled a tank for the last like 5 tanks, had a good troll run with my Vanguard against some TH3M clan guys the other night.....but past that......tank=d2a(dead 2 air)
  12. Liquidrider

    lack of anything new. At BR73 I am getting burnt out. I am not sure how people at BR100 do it to be honest.
  13. Rogueghost

    Medals, find the worst weapons you can and get auraxium with them.
  14. Bibibla

    • Crash
    • Performance issue (if there was a way to stay in a 48 vs 48 and no more forever, I would do it. Epic size is too much.)
    • Vehicle physic and debris (so many memory of flipped, stuck, and burning vehicle...)
    • Stupid organisation/communication system (It only split a zerg in squads and call it a platoon.)
    • Just a big farm. (no meta, no competition, no stupid harrasser race anymore, nothing but a cert farm)
  15. FieldMarshall

    Logging into PS2 for the first time, expecting my Mossy to handle the same way as in PS1...
  16. Argus002

    ZOE Spam is definitely number 1.

    Harassers and Tank Spam is a close second, followed by SMG Infiltrators.
  17. OldMaster80

    1. ZOE spam out of control.
    2. Harasser spam.
    3. My outfit completely lacking any kind of strategy to focus on K/D (mainly rolling Harassers, btw).
  18. Poorform

    When I have to wait between bursts of fire for my recoil to calm down while the other guy just mlg-rank 1 pro-skill full autos me.
  19. Aerindis

    People crying for nerfs of anything that disrupts their 60 HA foot zerging, or mountainside mass-spamming of AV missiles.
  20. Morti

    Impossible to capture bases.

    Mostly towers. It's like they were designed to only be captured at 4AM when everyone's offline.