What Planetside 2 players do you hate the most

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Smeh

    1. LA C4. And most use lags or something - when they drop and instaactivate it (but by myself it need time to animation and after push the buttion).
    2. Podzerg aircraft whith stupid 100 meters radar (it as wallhack) - you can hide but they always see you and mark
    3. 2 seat harrasser when second is eneneer and fixing it in air jump and big speeds (I try this - and for me it not worked, but I see someway some can do it on full speed). And it instadeath, instarepar, instaspeed, instashield (I need 4 shoot to 1 seat tank and 3 shoot on standing harrasser or 5-6 to moving and repaired from AV turret).
    4. AV turret detonate mechanic. If someone destroy it - it destroy instakill engeneer. It idiotic mechanic - you always opened for every shoots and every snipers.
    5. SPAWN ROOM!!!! hate this mechanic, hate it 1 placed and camped and mostly hate 50-100 people stand inside it while onother 3-6 try fight! Most butthert for me.
    6. SMG. Most OP weapon for infantry. No skill, almost instadeath. Especial on Infiltrators. If play fair and not exploit low textrures - you die even if you see it first and start shooting.
    7. Instakill mechanic. Just hate it.
    8. Netcode. One of the worst. For me (80 ping) I die half time from shoots that I already dodged (cornerkill). This most thing that angry me to not play - becouse all your skill throw to trash. I`m not skilled. I`m normal player. But I swear - if it be fixed - many players rise their skills in 2-3 times.
    9. SOE. One of the worst big company in gaming area. They already be mass hacked, their games have worst support, hundredrs of bugs, dozen offical exploits and so on. I really hate this company and play PS2 only becouse this 1 game now that allow so huge warfare (and this ironicaly very strange).
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  2. LivesInNameOnly

    tank/ESF spammers, people that play maxes, and UBGL noobs
  3. The King

    The players who think they are better than everyone acting like a stuck up fish.'
    Those players are usually in the largest outfit on your server and just TK when they feel like it to get some XP for something.(like rezing other people, overloading generators, etc) Then when you kill them back, they cry(QQ / TT) into TS and then everyone gets angry at the person who got abused by the cry baby who didn't get his/her way at the time.

    I really want to hear this TS when the people do this, I bet they sound like they are 14 years old.

    Anyways, those are the people I don't like in this game.
  4. Traxiconn

    I dislike VS pilots on Mattherson. "Okay. We're ACE pilots. Everybody with lock ons engage that one guy at the same time!"
    "I've taken 2% damage! RAM"
    QRY just ruins my day. I want to be as good as them but they keep shooting me down. :(
    I find it cute that Pat and Giggly's sigs are of each other. I hate Goku though.
    And those medics who never res.
  5. Kaon1311

    Dont 'hate', thats a strong word, dislike or gets on my nerves -

    1. Pump and Auto shotty users.
    2. People who TK and dont apologise.
    3. People who do not know Tea-bag etiquette.
    4. People who have proximity chat on constant in big fights.
    5. People who camp in spawn rooms, get out and help!
    6. People (friendly) that ram into my lockdown prowler while im shooting, knocking my barrell off target.
    7. People that park in front of my Lockdown Prowler.
    8. Ammo sundies that drive off while im spamming 'need ammo' and no one else around for miles (would stopping for 10 seconds put you out that much?).
    9. People who stand behind your tank repairing it while im getting shelled to death from the front. (sorry but I am going to run you over)
    10. People who dont use the green cross code while crossing the road (yes, i squished you because my tank is slow to stop and you didnt look!)
    11. People who jump into my Prowler to 2nd gun, then when they have had enough, point the Halberd DOWN covering my camera view.
    12. People who go afk while being 2nd gunner in my tank.
    13. All fourth faction players, pick a side, scum :p
    14. People who change factions to kill you/ your tank or sundy etc.
    15. Higby for saying we will never have Mechs (damn you :p)
    16. People who complain about infantry/ mbts/ esfs/ libs etc in a combined arms game!!
    17. People who invite you to squad/ platton / outfit etc without even saying hello. At least (this is all online games too)

    Just a small list :p
  6. Gendomaoken

    Useless idiots that sit whole day inside spawn room and shoot other useless idiots who run into their line of sight. Total waste of human resources.
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  7. GSZenith

    how dare you! :(
  8. DramaticExit

    - People who park their tank directly behind my tank. Thanks a bunch.
    - Shotgun users. I couldn't care less about C4, but even the sweeper feels worryingly like easymode to me.
    - That friendly that runs into a room he just watched you throw a grenade into, then rages about you being careless with grenades, before C4ing you for "revenge", despite the fact it was his fault in the first place.
    - That friendly that dives under the tracks of your tank, then rages about getting run over before C4ing you, depsite the fact it was his fault in the first place.
    - Engineers with AV turrets.
    - Striker spam.
  9. tastyBerryPunch

    Hackers and exploiters.
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  10. yama

    If it is any consolation, I still have less then 40 minutes with tomcats :)

    Learning to fly is a *****.. we all had to go trough that.
  11. that_darn_lurker

    Burster MAX users that won't switch loadouts in obvious vs infantry or vs ground vehicle situations.
  12. Pikachu

    Made me laugh. :D


    Another point:
    Enemy MAXes that starts jumping up and down like morons hoping to evade my tank shells when I run close to them, it makes me laugh and lose the battle. Happened once when my lightning ran past a rock where 2 terran MAXes were hiding. 10m away from me they start jumping and shooting AV weapons at my tank destroying it because I could not concentrate on aiming.
  13. Vertabrae

    I'm sorry, I'll leave you to you puppy love affair. I think it's kinda cute. I see you're 16, is this you're first crush? Things tend to be a lil awkward at that age. Maybe instead of insulting Elite, you should buy him dinner. Oh maybe some flowers.

    If you're really nice, maybe Elite will let you ride on his Prowler. Ahhhh to be 16 and in love again.............
  14. Kaon1311

    Happens to me so often. I luckily got away alive when a lightning decided to block my exit. Did the same to him to show him the error of his ways. He died, I felt so guilty but it was so much fun, had to take a shower after i felt so dirty :p

    Usually i go out of my way to help others / try my best not to run people over / apologise in the middle of a firefight etc.....
  15. Traxiconn

    Of course I didn't mean every pilot. As long as theres no tomcat spam <3 you're more then a good pilot to me.
  16. Jur270

  17. Goden

    Lolpod pilots who contribute nothing to the game (or their team) by hovering over spawns and undefended bases and farming kills off helpless infantry.

    If they do this long enough, I usually switch factions and TK them. I won't even lie. I've switched teams and blown entire squads of ESF"s out of the sky because they were doing nothing but hoverspamming our spawn.

    If the game isn't going to give me the tools to defend my own base then **** it - I'm going to take care of it myself.
  18. Yasa

    Rocketpodders and sniper infiltrators.
  19. 660/12

    1) In general, anyone who thinks they are l33t because they lone wolf it, while doing nothing of tactical or strategic value:

    - The guys in ESFs (reavers, mostly) who live to ambush other pilots leaving the warp gate.
    - Dudes (infils, usually) who ghost cap and hack terminals miles away from fun fights.
    - Infils who hack AA turrets behind the lines
    - ESF farmers who single out infantry behind the lines

    2) Spawn campers and campees (people who take pot shots out of spawn but won;t try to accomplish anything useful. . . like a coordinate push)

    3) The morons who nerfed MBT HE rounds ;P

    4) Almost forgot - pub gunners in my sundie who shoot enemy ESFs, letting them know our position. That earns a boot + TK, every single time.
  20. BlackDove

    Wallet warriors who get really high BR and a bunch of OP **** by being premium instead of being good at FPS games, and then think they're good.

    Gotten to BR48 with 0 premium and 0 boosting, and I have spent money in this game, just not on the pay to win stuff(cosmetics only for myself) which I remember hearing didn't even exist in some video with Higby in it.