What Planetside 2 players do you hate the most

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. VSDerp

    im a infiltrator and i use smgs:D just wanted to let ya know
  2. smokemaker

  3. Bill Hicks

    Wussy and scared heavies.
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  4. LibertyRevolution

  5. Spookydodger

    The ones in front of me at the vehicle terminal.
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  6. EliteEskimo

    I'm one of better tankers on Mattherson and have nothing to prove to you, and honestly I could be the best tanker in PS2 and you would still make petty insults and attacks on my playstyle. You're immature because you personally attacked me in a C4 thread as your first response to me ever on the forums. Lack of integrity or Immaturity or both are things that would apply to you.

    The fact you're attacking me for playing a valuable role in a combined arms game where vehicles are just as viable as infantry says all. Lastly I was making an anonymous post in this thread directed at no one in particular and what's the first thing you do? Oh ya you made a biting comment against me out of no where. Stop stalking me on the forums and get a life...:rolleyes:
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  7. Vertabrae

    I think he's sweet on you.

    Or not. Either way he's a scrub, pop him on your ignore list and be happy like me :)
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  8. Larolyn

    Long list I guess.

    HA with SMG. Grow a pair and use an LMG you big fairy.

    LA shotgunners with C4. Infact anyone who uses a shotgun. Yes even NC maxes. One shot kill weapons are awful to meet and don't give a chance to fight back. "Don't get close!" they say. Yeah, they should just remove corners from this game and shotguns will no longer be a problem right?

    Liberators who farm infantry late at night. So you wanna pad your stats but come on? Will an infantry fight kill you every now and then? Oh, yes of course. You fly 24/7 and use the night to get your numbers looking pretty.

    Rocket podders who block out the skies with their numbers. Numerous and deadly. And another thing, when did the ESF go from air superiority vehicle to ground farming lolpodders?

    Harasser drivers. That much speed? That much armour? That much damage? All 3? In 1 vehicle? Something is wrong here.

    Lock on users of all descriptions. Get better aim and learn to lead targets. Playing with a yellow shape and a listening to beeps does not make a skillful player.

    Engineers with AV turrets outside of render distance. *sigh* Fix the game engine so they can render and not let a broken engine mechanic be the cause of vehicle demise.

    Tank drivers who insist on blocking my rear making retreat impossible with my tank. Seriously? I would have more words but it's just a /facedesk scenario and mouth open in awe at the amoeba like intelligence (I feel like I am insulting amoebas now) on display by certain players.

    HE / Lolpodders farming spawn rooms. Seriously we need more ways to enter combat than immediate high explosive death.

    All NC who proclaim 'MURICA as if it was something to be proud of...

    I guess that's enough ranting for now...

    Oh and all who wear Spandex on Cobalt minus 1 player.
  9. TimeyWimey

  10. S0LAR15

    Striker users.

    Vehicle only players, who inevitably suck balls as a non MAX, they amuse me greatly. When I kill one I sometimes stop playing to have a good laugh for a few minutes. The best laughs are killing the ones that think they're "good", good at vehicle farming, and good at the game, lol yea right.......
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  11. Vortok

    Sometimes, as a ninja turtle, the harder path chooses you.
  12. ArcKnight

    people blowing up the Terminal
    parking your vehicle in front of the vehicle pad when I spawn a vehicle and get crushed
    Engineer asking for ammo
    Medics reviving then running away
    my tank getting hit by stuff that I successfully dodged
    Max's standing in front of my mana turrets
    not being able to shoot through Tower shields
    4th factioners who switch to alts just to screw up the opposing side
    selling OP weapons just to sell them then nerf it so they can sell a shiny new OP weapon
    friendlies standing near gens I overloaded and griefing me
    not being able to switch vehicle loadouts
    nerfing shotguns
    striker not getting nerfed
  13. Damingo

    Most of the human filth that post on these forums
  14. Evil Monkey

    People who scream for others to get out of the spawn room "or be teamkilled"

    ...whilst remaining in the spawnroom themselves....

    People who crash into friendly vehicles due to their lack of skill, then shoot at the friendlies....
  15. Kunavi

    LA+C4. If a certain Faction, tactics or some weapons make for Easy Mode, these guys are playing in Tourist Mode. Same goes for AI Mines being dumped like trash in the middle of a crowd. In general I absolutely HATE Suicide Bombers in any way, shape or form in any FPS.
    LOLPodders who do just that- Can't fly for @^$&, but they can hover PERFECTLY still. You'll see them complaining about Lock-On AA and Tank "Snipers".
    Rambos jumping in front of my barrel right as I click for that HeadShot, or in front of my mate's spinning ChainGun at any point. They usually yell at you on Proximity if you TK them.
    Absurd TKers. Most recent : I've had my Sundie rigged with C4 after being called a "F$&*^t" on Proximity Chat by a TR Battle Rank 28ish LA... Just because I locked it to Squad Only... The guy kept hopping on my AA turret and blocking my Squad's dedicated AA gunner's seat, even after I ejected them twice, having explained the situation on /Say but FML, they did it either way. Good thing? He only had 1 C4. Then my mate jumped out and emptied his ChainGun on him. Watching that, felt good. By the by, the Sundie was safely parked and there were other Sundies too. This guy just wanted to ride in mine and in particular to fire my AA at some flying pink elephant I couldn't see, apparently.

  16. earth

    infiltrator or spy. any class that turns invisible on any game i play. seriously what ever developer came up with this and made it somewhat standard in fps shooter i wish i could kick them in the nuts repeatedly. you spend so much time getting in a good position only to have to constantly look for spys. it's tiring. not to mention they can shoot you from across the map.

    and the op weapon/vehicle of the moment....
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  17. ent|ty

    Spawn Campers, especially those who come to forums to complain because they cant spawn camp me without me shooting tem through shields.
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  18. BigIronRanger

    stalking what? it just happens that you post on the same threads that i find interesting and the fact that you used the word stalking implies that you're of importance to follow haha lol yeah. the reason i have a nit to pick with you is because you say things about stuff you have no idea about and i would like to make it clear that you dont.

    Im simply saying that you are completely oblivious to a whole other side of Planetside 2 making your posts somewhat discredited all you do is play tanks so please dont make it seem like i am the bad guy here. Lets see here i play sniper, infiltrator, engie, medic, MAX, Heavy assault and Light assault what do you play oh yeah just engie and the occassional MAX if you ever leave your hidey hole.

    and if you are one of the best tankers on mattherson then god all others must be blind or have no hands.
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  19. BigIronRanger

    Yeah buddy whatever you say go play the game let me and eliteeskimo sort this out.
  20. Unclematos7

    I'm a proud shotgun/C4 fairy. Just wanted to let you know.