What makes you log out?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lowback, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Lowback

    Post whatever makes you log out and quit for the night the most often.
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  2. Lowback

    For myself; It is being farmed.

    Everyone's in the spawn room trying to make free kills. The people outside aren't taking the point. I can do everything in my power like UB-smoke launching out clear lines of escape and progress from every door, I can spam sensor darts as an infil. Everyone on both sides is humping a door.

    It disgusts me because I'm still trying to win, I'm still trying to keep the base. It doesn't matter if I take out 3 people right in front of all these people, it's not a moment that will get them to come out. Hell, they'd be happier to accidentally shoot me with a dang mana turret or lasher spam.


    It really makes me wish that people had no ability to gain score from within spawn rooms.
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  3. Pella

    Taking a rocket launcher to the knee from a BR7
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  4. Lowback

    LOL, I can sympathize
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  5. Kubor

    The time.

    Having to get up for for work the next morning is downright inconvenient.
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  6. Fleischwolf

    ^ This
  7. Bape

    -entering a tower but hearing only shotgun rounds going off will log out
    -max crash ZOE will log off
    -Seeing an entire NC sitting in spawn room while 8-12 VS/TR take the base compared to 30 NC in the spawn room
    -Seeing more then 5 tanks around a base
    -unbalanced population
    -Server massive lag
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  8. iEatFatPeople

    Usually when an alert is over
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  9. SvenBomwollen

    population spikes on indar while the other continents are empty, its like WTF people are screaming for new content"soe adds content" and its like oh the new esamir is son nice, never going back to indar EVAR again trololo one week later everyone is back on indar
  10. Halo572

    All sorts of wonderful things:

    * How toxic the game is to me at the time. Some days logging in for certs is too much to ask, others getting the certs and logging straight out. SOME days I can even play.

    * Meeting my first SMG sniper, expert CQC aircraft, 1HK tanker/Harasser, rocket nubbing heavy or infantry pwning max. Surprisingly this can be up to 1 hour 30 or about, more likely within 15 minutes or less.

    Trouble is, when you hit a vein of them there is likely nothing but them from then on.

    * Meeting a BR100 engaged in the glitching/exploiting that got them to BR100. You don't get to that level of 5k1llz without scrubbing and whoring to the max, and I don't specifically mean the class although obviously they need them as well.

    15/0 in 1-1 fair and balanced infantry combat to then meet a max nub is pretty much this game in a nutshell.

    * Cumulative toxicity comprising of the above, being any duration from not logging in at all to maybe a couple of hours.

    When it gets to point where you are being 1hk by tanks 200m+ away, not even needing to fire to range even though you keep repositioning, and you have made them smoke at least 4 times in a row for them to run away/hide behind rock/self repair/coming back at you Bro with 100% health again, the utter disgust that anyone could design a game so full of legal exploits and glitches that nothing other than ctrl+alt+del can get you out of the abomination that this game is fast enough.

    Basically, when I have had enough of watching 1337 pwnage by people that think stealing candy from small defenceless children is an 3p33n enhancer.

    Even better if they have been sedated and bound hand and foot.
  11. Malacovics

    Meeting a Striker platoon with an ESF.
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  12. The King

    Some people quit too easily..
    What makes me log out is me, nothing else.
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  13. Lambchopz

    It could be any number of things. Ultimately, once I'm not having fun is when I log out. Depending on what kind of mood I'm in and what specifically I want to do at that time will determine my breaking point. This is true of any game. Having to go to bed because I guess I'm supposed to a responsible adult with work and stuff obviously gets in the way.
  14. gregfox89

    When I'm stuck in an even battle, maybe we have some slight advantage, but we're making absolutely no progress because nobody is thinking. I've been in platoons where the platoon lead gets us into fights like this, with no strategy and no communication. We just keep running in again and again to get farmed. It feels like banging my head against a brick wall to try to knock it down.

    Or when my game crashes for the 5th time in one day and I decide not to launch it again.
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  15. Midnightmare

    Not sure if you noticed the 15 post regarded how much people hate new esamir :p
    I would guess it could be related......personally i never ever go there anymore unless thres an alert.
    I kinda liked the long range enegagement of old esamir and yea well i miss the freedom from before.

    So since im forced to follow lines anyways......indar atleast offers some interestning landscape, were esamir is mostly about bases now and how big your zerg is.

    So atleast from my point of view its no wonder nobody plays there.
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  16. Midnightmare

    Heavies shooting rockets at a range of 12 CM killing maxes yet ALWAY live themself.
    WTF happend to aiming?

    comitting C4 or mine suicide and still getting the points.
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  17. TheRighteous

    Great suggestion.

    @ OP For me, its when another factions pop exceeds mine by double, and were just getting farmed by enemy tanks. We can't get our own because there's just too many enemies. Other things are noob tubers, strikers, ZOE maxes, noobs who use rocket launchers to kill infantry, bad players who just sit in spawn trying to farm kills instead of STANDING ON THE ******* POINT, TK's, being a MAX and having 3 engies behind you who aren't repairing you even though youre almost dead. And finally, hackers.
  18. UniqueLaharal

    Seeing my 450 resource magrider get caught on a pebble then spontaneously explode...yeah that'll do it most days.
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  19. AnuErebus

    Lack of a good fight. That's really all it comes down to. If it's a bio alert and everyone is stuck in massive bio farms I'll log out. If the fight is so widely spread out that action is few and far between I'll log out. If I find my empire in control of a base with 75% of the pop in the hex but they've somehow managed to get themselves camped in the spawnroom I'll facepalm, then log out. I play planetside to have fun, not dwaddle about. That's what the forums are for. =P
  20. Larolyn

    The Vanu hitting 45% + global population around midnight every single night without fail is usually my cue to log off. On the plus side I get regular sleep.
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