What is the solution to mines being dropped on stationary vehicles?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Madmojo, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. FinnSimmons

    Why are people whining about mines? They are right where they are supposed to be (under parked Sunderers). Planetside 2 is all evidence to the contrary a tactic shooter. If you forget to play the tactics side of the game (AKA not guarding your Sunderer) it is your fault and not the enemies fault for using that to his advantage.
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  2. Jaloro

    Your use of the word "solution" in the title implies a problem. There is no problem here for a large number of players, usually the majority judging by the responses to these threads.

    I propose a new title "What is the solution for people starting new threads on topics that have been beaten soundly to death?".
  3. Eleo

    And what if you want to play ammo dispenser or proximity repair system? Explain to me.

    I did it once, was filling up some vehicles spread around me during a push, then suddently BOOM, a freaking random engi coming from nowhere sneaked up its way btw a wave of people and blew up my poor ammo dispenser sundy.

    How silly is that
  4. Vorxil

    Area-denying as in preventing them from getting there in the first place, not after they've gotten there. In the latter case, you use C4. Of course, currently they're used as extra sticky grenades as well.
  5. }{ellKnight

    Pretty damn silly I guess... you should try defending better.
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  6. Eleo

    Yes, my bad, I will turn my "engineer that carries AT mines and will throw them at me after sneaking up btw everyone" detector on next time. My apologize, and dont bother replying, im tired of this kind of answers.
  7. Maarvy

    Give mines a Trigger that they must be driven OVER to explode . you know like a ******* AT mine should .

    Problem solved .
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  8. Hoki

    Dude 2 C4 almost kills any vehicle. What is your problem with AT mines? Its not like an engineer can jetpack onto your sunderer like an LA can with C4 and a couple of underslung nades.
  9. Tasogie

    There is no issue, as always the solution just takes self responsibility. Something not in huge abundance in todays gamers.
    All the tools are there to make mines utterly irrelevant to anyone... naturally they refuse to use them "cos it just aint fair to make me play for myself".
  10. DCTH

    If you take the ammo-dispenser, why aren't you with your tank-friends, thus lowering the chance that a engie can sneak up on you. Or did you drive into a mine? Why? Shouldn't you be behind your tanks which would explode any mines laying ahead?

    Oh ... now i get it:
    You want a vehicle that you can park somewhere and forget. So you can get XP for spawning and ammo-resupplies while you get XP killing enemies at the front.

    Yeah ... no!

    Next thing would be ppl asking why they can't fit mineguard and blockade-armor at the same time. Or repair and ammo.

    The only thing i could get behind would be ammo-dispenser + mineguard, but no AMS.
  11. DeadLamb

    yeah it's called looking around.. ENG don't have jet packs, they can't cloak, they can't "tank" there way in like a heavy with a shield. They show up on the mini map if anyone spots them etc etc etc... when I park my sundy I guard it like crazy.. Set up claymore's near it some times, sit in the front gun at the least..Today I killed 2 ENG going for it with in 10 seconds of each other.. If I'm with my outfit (56RD) everyone works to keep any sundy we can spawn on alive..

    ok fine, you don't want to run mine guard, then park it out a little ways. Behind more cover, make people run in some..etc etc etc. As in the tactics I see others use against my team now..

    don't get me wrong. I get 100% blind sided by people who kill my sundy with c4 all the time. The difference is I think "Arrrrggg!! That sucked but great job sneaking up on me!" and not "Hey THAT needs to change so they can't do that!!"
  12. Tasogie

    they jsut want as you say, everything without any risk, an complete freedom to ignore it.
  13. DCTH

    Yeah, i know what you mean. I feel with you. Cloak on engineers is totally op. Nerf cloaky engineers.
  14. Eleo

    What about you learn to ******* read?:

    And what about once again you learn to ****** read? This is EXACTLY what I asking, you should be able to have ammo dispenser and mineguard since ammo disspenser is an utility, like the AMS, but no you cant.

    NEVER did I freaking spoke about going AMS + ammo dispenser, in fact when im using ammo dispenser im going with the smoke cert. You pulled this out of your *** probaly to make you look cool too bad that was the opposite.

    Next time try not making too much a fool of yourself.
  15. Hoki

    Eleo is cry baby. No need to a address.
  16. rayvon

    I do this a lot, I take out loads of sundies by dropping Mines on them, I think that the people deploying need to defend what they have deployed if they expect it to stay there.
    However, its pretty stupid that you can kill a static vehicle with mines, it should at least be the case that you have to shoot them to explode, this gives the defenders a little more time to shoot you, currently, its so easy to leg it over to it under the cover of smoke and throw a couple of mines at it before you die.
  17. Prodigal

    The solution to it is:

    1. defend your sunderer

    2. watch the minimap
  18. Trystykat

    Defending Sunderers from ESF and engineers is fairly rewarding. You don't get so many air kills, but as a heavy it's basically farming enemy engineers and cloakers all day. Eventually they do give up when they learn that it's defended.
  19. BarxBaron

    You learn to live with engies dropping mines under your sunder.

    I don't have mineguard and almost always roll with ammo giving AMS sundy or blockade armor sundy with no mineguard.

    I like to put a claymore on the most obvious suicide avenue of approach and guard the other. This is why I like the bulldog as one of my guns.........I've killed like 4 suicide rushers in the matter of 5 seconds with that bad boy. It was glorious.

    You just gotta understand....somtimes your **** dies. It's ok. It happens. You will not have 100% K and 0% D by the end of your playsession if you are ACTUALLY HELPING your damn team.

    I used to rage and eng miners but now I just farm them.
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  20. ironfather

    I did not read your post or annyoather post above me but judgeing by the title ...."mineguard"