What is it that makes certain players, a minority of players, move and shoot amazingly fast?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. Inzababa

    k 1 and 2 :)

    1. that's not it, cause if I stop firing, then start again a split second later at exactly the same spot, it hits. This one is a known issue that I know about for a long time and kinda offtopic but hey, I'm happy to talk :)

    2. What I meant by "I don't know where he is" was "now he"s here, now he's there, now he's back there again".
    Not moving, but like micro teleporting, so impossible to follow.

    Well, tougher anyway.

    A "normal" player would have a almost linear (with varying speed of coruse) trajectory, I mean, specifically in the tirny movemens (ADADA / crouch). If you look at me in game and I press A then D, you will see move to my left then rigth. What I'm on about is almost no movement but "now I'm standign" "now I'm crouching" "now I'm here" "now I'm a little bit there".
  2. Rydenan

    Stopping firing for a split second allows your Cone of Fire to reset (go to its smallest possible size), meaning your next shot(s) are much more likely to hit where your crosshair is aimed.
    This is why people burst fire.

    The only consolation here is that you can ADAD as well, and you'll move in roughly the same jerky-ish manner on the opponent's screen as he does on yours. With the exception of actual lagswitchers (pretty few and far between), everyone is generally facing the same obstacles when it comes to clientside hit detection.
    In other words, his movement may be a bit spastic to you, but yours is also a bit spastic to him. Utilize that by ADADing too!
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  3. PhoenixFanatic

    Is it just me or is that point in the middle of his crossair not disappearing?

    I first thought that it is his sight, but the point stays there constantly whether he is in sight mode or not.

    Is this a hack or am I missing something, possibly a feature that I have ignored until now?
  4. HippoCryties

    Yes he is using an allowed program from the devs called Recursion Stat Tracker which is free(you can get it yourself) It has a crosshair overlay option so yeah, you were missing something.
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  5. HippoCryties

    When I first started this game I had the same problem, I thought i hit all those shots and they killed me with all their shield left. Here are some reasons why it could be happening:
    Your COF is out of control, you weren’t bursting so not all your shots hit(even though it might seem like it in the heat of the movement)
    They headshot you, this would allow them to drop you much faster than you can even take of their shields with body shots.
    The gun you were using could also be a factor in this situation, if it’s like the gauss saw and your strafing then there is no way in hell you are gonna kill a good player without bursting .

    Trust me , I know the feeling, you have to put in the conscious effort to think that your gonna burst that next guy who is above 15m. (Does depend on the weapon)
  6. HippoCryties

    Didn’t read this post prior to writing mine, exactly what I was trying to get across!!
  7. PhoenixFanatic

  8. DarkStarAnubis

    Thanks Pal, but it looks like you have either not read or not understood what I wrote...

    (1) Both parties were going for body-shots
    (2) Distance was 20m - at that range pretty much everything hits (try that in VR)
    (3) Zero hits registered on target (which has never happened to me and I have a few thousands of kills on all my characters)
  9. Vulpecula07


    Some players are just hard to take down, I've always wondered if it is the latency.

    I once got killed by a player twice on a tower platform, then I re-spawned and went hunt him. I caught his back and two other players were shooting at him face-to-face. I was using my NC character and pulled out my rebel, it took me EIGHT shots to take him down!. I was only 5 metres from him and I was pretty sure I did not miss (at least not a lot) because I didn't even aim for the head. besides there were other two guys shooting at him!

    There was another time, I was using gladius. A TR heavy went in front of me and I was cloaked and facing his back at about 5 metres distance. I decloaked and dumped 15 shots on him, he was till standing and turned back 180 and pulled out commissioner and one head shot me. It was quite odd because I had full 1000 HP with nano armor cloaking.

    Also there was another time I used TR Rams .50M, I hit a moving VS light assault 100 metres away THREE times in a row, and he was still jumping and running. Now this can't be wrong, because it's super easy to count the hit marks when you are sniping.

    These are just some odd moments I remember.
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  10. Demigan

    I'm not sure what you mean. All I'm seeing is a guy who constantly slows down for ADS and doesn't do that ADAD dance (which is good because deliberate abuse of a bug/bad netcode in the game should just get you banned). Further the video seems more about picking a highly accurate weapon and fighting dumdums than skill. A lot of the people don't even retaliate and those that do rarely hit him more than three times in a row, and not just because he kills them quickly. And he often kills dudes next to their teammates and those teammates barely even react until taken under fire...
  11. AlcyoneSerene

    I'd like to know the answer to these questions too.

    Sounds like something that should be reported so the devs are aware of it and pass it on to BattleEye to watch for.

    I have the same experience. The bullet clearly hits, the shield shimmer effect is visible, the player model might even twitch, but no body shot hit marker is registered, and no damage is taken, considering they are at full shield & hp & all the total shots absorbed should have depleted non-resist overshields & implant perks.

    With regards to movement & firing speed & teleportation, outside of 144hz/fps advantage, which for the sake of RoF should be capped at 60 if a game designer cared about fair fights, can't help but suspect some type of netlimiter cheating that probably glitches their connection in ultra rapid intervals, making them teleport side to side even without bullet hits, which themselves update their coordinates on your screen thus aggravating the low tick limitations of mass scale combat.

    What about rapid crouching? In game, there is a considerable & glitchy delay when crouching. I have yet to find a way to test how my simple tapping of crouch comes across to another player. Again, I suspect tapping crouch results in a full rapid crouch 'animation' which instantly changes the player from standing to crouching to standing in what seems like 3 total frames.
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  12. HippoCryties

    Hey ,
    (1) No way to tell if ones not going for headshots,you just can’t
    (2)/(3) like I said in previous post as did @Rydendan that in the heat of the moment, you just forget to burst .
  13. PhoenixFanatic

    Uh, thanks, will do

    I am surprised that **** like that is allowed.
  14. HippoCryties

    Yes, exactly what I’m saying. Ppl will get shot turn around and just say none of their shots hit, then think that their attacker is hacking. Latency is also a problem I forgot to mention, on Cobalt I have experienced people with such high latency that hitmarkers didn’t show but I was doing damage. Maybe the problem. Talking about accurate weapons have you not read previous posts? I’m saying bursting with inaccurate weapons isn’t vital and if you don’t in the heat of the movement you will think your shots don’t hit.
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  15. HippoCryties

    Why? It’s just a program that shows your KDR and gives a crosshair overlay with absolutely no advantage. Care to explain why?
  16. Demigan

    The crosshair overlay is a pretty damn good advantage.

    And no I hadn't read most of the previous posts. I was also talking about the guy shooting using specific high-accuracy weapons.
  17. HippoCryties

    “damn good advantage”
    No it’s not. It’s just a non moving circle in the middle of your screen. Doesn’t change accuracy of your weapon nor make it easier to hip fire. So how is it an advantage?
  18. Sazukata

    Having a center point for hip-firing as well as vehicle 3rd-person sounds helpful to me. I'll see about trying it out and get back to you.
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  19. HippoCryties

    Yes it’s an advantage for third persons, so? Not like it’s hacking. It honestly after 3 years of use gives no competitive advantage and just has funny sounds whenever you kill someone
  20. PhoenixFanatic

    See what I mean? You get proven wrong and then you have to relativise your position more and more as we go on with the discussion. Maybe try to think about if you are really right or in the wrong here instead of just relativising so you don't have to admit that you are wrong. Maybe you even realize that you are contradicting yourself there.

    The fixed point in your crosshair is an advantage for many reasons.

    Usually, your flexible crosshair is getting bigger the longer you are firing with your weapon, simulating a loss of control by recoil and less chance to hit the center. As the flexible crossair gets bigger, it will be harder to determine the center and land headshots in CQC situations. With a fixed point in the middle it is much easier to adjust the position of the middle of the crosshair to your targets head.

    You can also abuse this to go for close quarter headshots with bolt actions. I used to do this for some time with the Bolt Driver. The bullet spread on the weapon is - or at least was - not totally random. The first bullet of the bolt action rifle "bolt driver" (NC) for example will land a little bit on the bottom right from the center of the crosshair (consistently - when you are not in the scope sight). You can just aim for that spot when you are even 2-3 meters away from your target and get an instakill, no quickscoping needed. With a fixed center crosshair, this makes it much easier to pull off while moving.

    It definitely IS an advantage.

    Update: Just tried that one out. They seem to have randomized it more now. You can test it out for different weapons by going to the warpgate, should at a wall and compare the bullet holes to the center of your crosshair. It may still be true for the first shot in your magazine though (with a different hit spot to the bottom left, but I am skeptical now if it still works).

    Also tried out the fixed center. It definitely is an advantage and makes it way easier to stay on target and zero in in my opinion.

    Is it hacking? Technically: Yes. In a perspective of game design and philosophy? No (in my opinion), because the developers seem to allow it, according to what you say, so they seem to see it as a legitimate addition to the game.

    I will definitely use that exploit now :')
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