What happened NC on Waterson? lol...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReconTeemo, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. NoctD

    Well given the VS on Waterson are almost always underpop 90+% of the time... :p
  2. NoctD

    That day when all that was left was Indar Bay Point - those stupid NC nubs kept attacking nearby purple needlessly instead. We VS did our parts, the NC were just BAD!

    To make matters worse, they didn't even dent the tiny fraction of VS forces we had at Highlands Solar.
  3. LGhost1904

    TR would have been screwed after this patch even without the new requirements to lose a continent lock, but the resource changes.

    To cap lattice Indar during prime time is what impresses me, not a 9 am cap... Show me a faction that has done that

    For the clueless, Indar lattice at the moment (pre-GU11) forces two factions to attack the faction with the bonus during even population prime time.

    People whining about alliances are just paranoid coo coos...

  4. chrisbeebops

    VS only held 2 biolabs at the end of the alert, but then again we had lowest world pop.

    NC morons put all their strength on Indar into taking Rashnu Biolab from the VS and got farmed hardcore. At the end of the alert VS didn't have much territory other than the lattice chain up to Rashnu, because quite literally the entirety of VS Indar pop was defending Rashnu. We were still out-popped by the NC 60/40. On Esamir, they flooded into Andvari and eventually took it from the VS with their massive overpop as the TR took the other two Esamir Biolabs with very little resistance. On Amerish unless I am mistaken (I was not fighting here) the NC pushed all the way to Xelas to try and take it from the VS and completely ignored the TR controlled Biolabs closer to their warpgate.

    I can't really blame the NC for attacking the lowest pop faction, after all you would assume lowest pop = easiest to take. But they aren't going to win any alerts by trying to take Biolabs from a team that is already losing. :p
  5. TheShrapnelKing

    We were fighting you on Amerish because while everyone was fighting over Indar you had capped more than half of Amerish and would have stealthily removed our cap had me and a bunch of other people not showed up, causing a massive overpop on Amerish that dominated the continent, leading us to also win the later techplant alert where we held 6 (three on Amerish + Mao), the VS held Tawrich and Eisa, and the TR only had Hvar.

    I swear, I don't know what happened but Waterson NC seem to win a lot more alerts lately, and it feels good.:cool: TR had too much of an easy time winning everything at launch, so this is payback.