What happened NC on Waterson? lol...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReconTeemo, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. ReconTeemo

    lol 40% world pop and can't even win an alert. Like what happened on Esamir. They have continent pop advantage with 43+ while TR with 26ish%(most of us left to defend Indar) and had most of their forces focused on us. They could not cap Mani Bio Lab. They outpop the TR and VS, but can't even use their numbers right.[IMG]
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  2. ItsJustDash

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  3. AtheistPeace

  4. DisPlayer

    we had more people on the continent but in each individual battle the tr outnumbered us because half of us were fighting the tr and half fighting the vanu. When the population within the battle was even we owned the tr.
  5. Accuser

    I like how they couldn't neutralize Indar OR win the alert.
    How many weeks has TR held Indar now? Since lattice?
  6. ItsJustDash

    Just you wait till the changes Sattorin >=) Continents are going to be flipping all over the place.
  7. Shanther

    That's because the NC have a tendency to attack a place with 3x the amount of people then the opposing faction. And then proceed to call in for reinforcements because they lost one Sundy. Seriously...when there are Platoons vs Platoons fights they tend to look like 70% NC vs 30% VS. At that point...you may have a few more people then you actually need. Just a few.
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  8. Casterbridge

    Waterson has been really weird lately, during Prime Time NC and TR used to be neck and neck for highest pop. and VS a distant third, lately TR are almost down to VS numbers, and NC have surged, but the NC overall seem to be doing worse than before.
  9. chrisbeebops

    No? This says otherwise:

    Last night during the primetime alert, VS had a whopping 25% world pop. At one point we were defending Tumas Tech on Amerish, and despite having about 3 platoons of VS defending the base (the entirety of our Amerish population), NC still outpopped us 3:1.
  10. starlinvf

    *Correlation fail*

    The lattice pretty much ensures any single empire can not push out another without overwhelming 2 fronts. That gate is also notoriously easy to defend due its vicinity to the warpgate (as evidenced by the VS the entire time they had in it early launch). Its a perfect storm of factors that make any attempt to uncap a continent likely to fail. As such, the TR will likely hold Indar after the rotation unless one of the other empires manage to get a steamrolling zerg force in motion.

    Parallel advancement by 2 empires in a joint assault are also doomed to failure, simply due to the way the lattice is laid out. An attempt was made by the NC and VS watterson to uncap Indar, but eventually failed because the TR was free to focus all their forces against the VS at the last territory, while the larger NC force was stymied by the lattice links. The only way the NC could take over that fight was to back track to Peris, which in the end meant the TR could just push Indar bay.

    The lattice did exactly what it was meant to do..... screw up troop movement. Had there been another link across, the NC would had pushed into the final territory, and Indar would had neutral. .... its a perfect storm.
  11. Casterbridge

    Er that graph is not contradicting me that much. Yeah TR did rebound a bit right at the height of prime time and got close to NC, but still at points there they were closer to VS population than they were to NC. I never said TR were less or equal to VS (I've never seen that happen), and also I'm sure NC where outnumbering you, when I logged in at one point last night it was like 28% VS, 33% TR and 41% NC (this is according to the log in screen).
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  12. MasonSTL

    last time when TR had the north gate we had you guys pushed back to Camp Waterson with the VS on Crater Firing and that other one attached to that warpgate(can't remember the name). The funny thing about this was the TR only had about 3 SQUADS attacking the VS while pretty much the entirety of the Indar TR pop was attacking 4 NC platoons.
    I wish I had screen shots of it! Mozzys where rendering about 50 meters in front of me :eek:

    To me it looks as though, even with an unwritten truce, it can be impossible to uncap a continent unless the faction that holds the cap is more spread out.

    A lot of these problems will be fixed with the upcoming Resource price changes, though the TR had only 2 territories they had a constant flow of prowlers, mozzies, and harrasers/ lightnings for a good 2 hours. I couldn't figure out where their resources where coming from.
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  13. Yerk

    TR and Vanu rarely fight each other during alerts. They always dive straight to NC territories. This has been normal occurance at Waterson since the advent of the alert system. But the NC is winning a lot of alerts recently despite of this.

    Welcome to Waterson lol. :cool:
  14. Yerk

    1) NC and Vanu aren't cooperating at all. Most often sabotaging each other's efforts to remove TR cap.

    2) TR has always had the largest population in Waterson.

    3) Wait til the broken Strikers and Fractures are fixed.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    NC on waterson have always been walking free certs... nothing new here..
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  16. chrisbeebops

    Good one.

    Where to start... decisions, decisions...

    NC's favorite base on Indar is Rashnu Biolab. They will push there with 1-2 platoons while VS are pushing TR. We'll usually ignore them. If we don't give them their biofarm fight, they'll continue pushing south taking Valley Storage, Zurvan Amp Station, Feldspar Canyon, Stronghold, etc. Eventually they will push into Tawrich Tech at which point we're forced to fall back and fight them. It will then be 20 minutes of ghost caps in the SE until we push back to Rashnu Biolab. The NC will defend this base and this base only, and will do so with atleast 4 platoons, and seemingly 3/4 of their troops are MAXs. When we finally do push them back, they are all eager to leave since by this time the TR are attacking Saurva and NC are all jumping ship to the next biofarm. Even if we do continue to push north on the NC, we won't see them again until we flip Mao, even if we only needed 1 squad to do it.

    Ah yes, lets not forget that when we push TR warpgate, the VS have to take the hardest base (Ceres Biotech), the closest base to the TR warpgate. Want to attack from the south side? Too bad, the spawn room overlooks that direction so TR can lockdown a boatload of fracture MAXs to kill any sunderers. Want to attack from the north side instead? Too bad, NC will blow up all of your tanks and sunderers. So instead, VS must hold Ceres Farms and Ceres Biotech both, and good luck with that when the TR galaxies don't even render on your screen until they are already dropping troops onto the base.
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  17. The Shermanator

    For all the BS people spout about Waterson NC, I still see us win our fair share of alerts. Almost every battle I'm in, we stomp the enemy. NC has poor coordination but on the tactical scale we are just as good as anybody else. TR, on the other hand?

    Get out of your vehicles for two seconds and we'll talk about player skill.
  18. Zakuak

    Yerk....what rock do you live under? :D I kid, I kid..

    NC has had Waterson POP for awhile now, not a huge amount more then TR at times but on average they are a few % over TR.

    NC and VS have worked together in loose alliances on multiple occasions, granted not every single player from the factions honors the alliance but they have happened. Not a big deal and not something I wave a QQ flag about at all but to just come out and say they do NOT happen is comical when you can read them in the /yell chat during a heated battle.

    Strikers are not broke unless you are talking about the striker terrain/structure clip, Fractures are broke to?
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  19. Casterbridge

    I've seen VS cooperating with TR and I've seen them work with NC, never seen the TR and NC work together, but probably for obvious reason on Waterson.

    More often I've seen VS and NC work to break TR continental caps, to the point where NC leaders flat out tell their platoons to not attack the VS and let them take a base and to only shoot at TR, however this is probably going to start happening less often since it seems NC is gaining the upper hand in pop. numbers.

    Regardless the co-op never lasts that long, and there are always those that won't work with an enemy faction no matter what and there's nothing like an "ally" tank that's allowed to pull right up to a group of soldiers from different platoons and suddenly unload on them all to end an alliance.
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  20. ItsJustDash

    The fourth faction man... it is really bad on our server. I am also guilty of have a TR and VS alt on Waterson but at least I stick to my damn faction 90% of the time.