What do Noobs do that Annoy You?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PrecentralGyrus, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. t31os

    Assume that because i'm perched on the outside of a bio dome(light assault, i can climb) looking down at the pad, that i must be an enemy and gun me down(i've yet to even fire a shot - do they envy my ability to fly or what?).

    Had 3 people do this to me yesterday, 1 of them was > BR30, another > BR20.. the other was < BR10 ... :( (i took note of rank and name). Note, i do not wear any camo, i'm run in stock camo/colour. I went looking for each of them after it happened, they had of course moved on, unfortunately..... i wanted vengeance.

    Or another would be when i'm in a 1v1, ally runs up behinds me, feels it's his duty to open up his magazine, hitting me multiple times, getting me killed sooner(because i've now taken two lots of fire), failing to take out the enemy and handing over 2 kills to the bad guy, well done.. :cool: TIP: Wait until i fail, then you can open up on the bad guy..

    Agree with regard to noobs in sunderer guns, totally giving away my position, i lock it down when that happens, even if there are numerous people inside, no chance you're going to keep giving away my position.

    Another, people who love to use proximity chat to just make obscene remarks or stupid noises, repeatedly. Press ALT, pull the volume slider for you all the way down, i never hear you again. Whilst that helps me, you're **** out of luck if you intend to provide intel via voice comms, as half your allied force has you on mute now.
  2. HowToAim

    You have to love when you find a nice little spot the enemy hasn't noticed and then you get some obnoxious player(s) come along and draw attention to the spot. Hint: Don't run and hide behind a cloaked infiltrator...
  3. Jadith

    Here you are OP, a few stories of my life inside PS2:

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mags are OP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Light Assault "Wth, man, watch where you are going"
    Magrider "You shouldn't stand around where tanks drive, noob. Look both ways"
    Light Assault "I WAS STANDING ON THE ROOF *******"

    ````````````````````Conservation of the Nanite Gun`````````````````````````

    Player1 "I need medical attention!!"
    Player2 (standing next to Player1) "..."
    Player1 "I need medical attention!!"
    Player2 "..."
    Player1 "I need medical attention!!"
    Player1 "I need medical attention!!"
    Player1 "I need medical...(Cut short by sniper bullet to the head)"

    Player1 would you like to be revived by Player2?

    ~~~~~~~~~~~Those l337 COD skillz, YO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Squad Leader "Alright guys, we rush through this door all at once we will easily overwhelm them. 12 of us 3 of them. Nooblet goes first."
    Squad "For the Will of Vanu"

    Nooblet breaches room "AWWWW Yeeah, Time to show of my skillz playah." *Chucks a grenade and proceeds to strafe side to side*

    Squad (now fleeing for cover) "WTH, Nooblet." "Get down" "We can't shoot through you *******" "Oh **** GRENADE!!"

    Nooblet (now respawned) "WTF noobz, y u no back me up?"

    ``````````````````````````Magrider Orgy`````````````````````````

    Setting: A column of ten Magriders beginning to move through a choke point

    Mag1 "Oh crap, Prowlers" *Slams on air brakes then proceeds to back up straight through the chokepoint*
    Mag8 "Why we stopin?" *Activates magburner, drives over top of the next five Magriders*
    Mag3 (now precariously tipped on its side) "What's going on? Stop ramming me!!!"
    Mag5 "Screw this" *Activates magburner in an attemtp to driver under everyone else"
    Mags 1,2,4 "Everybody back UP!!"
    Mags 10, 9, 5, 8 "Everybody push forward!!"
    Mag3 is still on its side, desperately trying to not die
    Mags 7 and 6 are just spinning in circles, completely confused.

    Meanwhile, about 100 meters away...

    Prowler1 " Oh my god..what are the doing to each other?"
    Prowler2 "Rule 32 wins again"
    Prowler1 "OMG that is just disgusting"
    Prowler3 "So THAT'S how baby Magriders are made."
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  4. Accuser

    If they didn't do that, how would my pilot ever get 12/12 Sunderer kills with the tankbuster?
    I seriously can't count the number of times we've been flying around, take a single HMG round (which does no damage) and turning in that direction find ourselves a half-full Sunderer.

    1. Crappy pilots who ram you trying to get a kill (the person closest to the target has right of way)
    2. Crappy pilots who are flying full speed through tight quarters / crowded airspace for no reason
    3. Crappy pilots who take a Galaxy load of players off the map to instant death (I've seen it happen)
    4. Derp Pod TKs... because apparently the TR n00b thought he was going to kill an enemy Mosquito
  5. Acceleratio

    Whenever repairing a max I also drop ammo down because in my eyes that makes sense. However ALL the maxes i encounterd so far must be some kind of hyperactive coz the very moment i stop repairing (to give ammo) they just RUN away like idiots. Cant you guys just be patient a little bit?

    Also this thread calls for Planetside 2 friends
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  6. siiix

    i only dont like attentional TK's... nothing else bothers me

    in fact i hope to see as much craziness as possible
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  7. OneRedBlock

    Idiot turret gunners who shoot the Mosquito your Sundy, stealthily deployed behind TR lines, despite the fact that you told them to stay hidden.

    The idiots who flip Liberators at the warpgate.
  8. CaptainYamerica

    People who shoot me when they see "red" because I use a laser sight.

    People who walk in front of me as i have my rocket launcher out and am clearly taking aim at a target.

    People who walk in front of me as I am clearly laying suppression fire. Guess what, I just keep holding the trigger and eat the TK *******.
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  9. Karragos

    100% damage Frag Grenade or 100% weapon damage to me as I look at why I died. There is the NC HA standing proudly on my screen.

    Also Frag Grenades in spawn rooms when the person throwing it misses the door.

    Sneaking into a base such as TI Alloys only to get blown up by a Vanguard HE shell, as the person misses everyone on the platform above me and hits me directly.
  10. Puppy

    Roads are for vehicles. Look both ways and don't stand in the middle of them. :3
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  11. Karragos

    Massive battles at the crowd equal very low rendering distance...

    People standing in the middle of the road...
  12. bigman0089

    vehicles which follow me with their lights on at night
  13. Saool

    This 1000 times.
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  14. Saool

    Also this, 1000 times.
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  15. Nacasatu

    Noobs whispering you that they've reported you for hacking because you headshot them - with a sniper rifle.
  16. yama

    They get butt-hurt. A lot.
  17. rickampf

    Its out of control and its not funny... they are ruin the game.
  18. RblDiver

    Standing right next to spawn room/teleporter doors so my tank shells/grenade launcher/bullets hit them too when enemies pop out.

    Or, when I'm inside shooting out, those who stand right in front of the door covering everything/not crouching/run directly in front of me while firing and stop.
  19. southerncarl

    I think you should have a part where two organised outfits are fighting it out trying to take control of a tower..............then all of a sudden the ground starts to rumble (like the t-rex bit on jurrasic park)...........everyone stops fighting and looks to the horizon and over the hill comes a massive swarm of vehicle zerg noobs filled with tanks, libs, fighters etc...................they roll through ruin everything and the outfits are like........................."sigh"
  20. Replay

    actually, the noob is the one who retreats instead of pushing forward so you can overwhelm them with more vehicles.

    Lets do math, 4 guns firing and one dead tank = four guns firing. 1 gun firing cause the guy in front is stopped trying to retreat and gets stuck then blown up blocking everyones path so that they can shoot too, is 1 gun firing. 4>1. don't be a noob, keep driving and expect to die or don't enter a bottleneck. THAT pisses me off personally and I will specifically ram you in the backend and hold you there to die as a sacrificial lamb and an example to everyone behind me.
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