What complaints do the TR and Vanu have?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Beartornado, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Xiphos

    As TR player:

    The Prowler is bad and looks bad (turrets offset from center).
    The TR MAX anti-infantry weapons are bad (whereas the NC MAX is extremely dangerous to infantry). The chainguns also look and sound bad (with low rate of fire and a sound effect that goes plink plink plink plink).
    The default TR pistol is ineffective past 5 meters on anything that doesn't just stand there due to crazy spray. That thing is less effective than a shotgun at range.
    The minichaingun is overhyped and not a good weapon in reality.
  2. felfox

    What you are likely seeing is the sauron laser cannon. It has no bullet drop, is REALLY fast projectile speed, shoots like a regular tank cannon (shoot, reload, shoot, reload) and it EATs vehicles. it does like regular tank shots worth of damage but has next to no spread so fairly hard to hit infantry and slow reload. I keep saying that a lot of the prowler's troubles would be fixed if they had a secondary like the sauron.

    Basic loadout for my friend and I (he drives the tank I snipe with sauron) is like, rival chasis so that we hover higher off the ground thus easier to move around, Magburn to get the heck away or up over a hill. Side armour upgrade since we're still very likely to eat it from somewhere we can't see. Dont need front armour since we can dodge. He uses anti infantry cannon and I kill the vehicles that come near with the laser sniper equiped with NV so that I can find either HAs standing still in the dark or vehicles coming near. The only downside to the sauron is its super slow and no spread so its bad at killing infantry swarming us, i can only pray friend turns around and blasts them in time. Also it has really bad vertical movement. If he drives on any sort of incline I can't hit people above or even next to us.

    Alllll that said though, its really the effectiveness of that cannon. The prower has the same armour as the Mag but is boxier and smaller and faster. Not but much I know but it's there. The cannons could use some tweaking but the dual shots make you great at cleaning up infantry way better then our mag ever could. You're quick and able to outrun or flank us but you don't have a top gun that can easily chew us up like the sauron can. This is the only thing I can think of as unfair. I actually think you -should- get a gun that can deal with armour as easily as the sauron, that way your dual cannons can eat infantry all day like they were meant to do.
  3. Phrygen

    just no. complaining doesn't go in cycles, it goes on till its fixed. Everyone complained about NC, then NC got nerfed to all hell. It wasn't a cycle, it ended with a nerf.

    And the prowler is freaking great against infantry. its bad in tank combat without lots of certs.
  4. Sifer2

    Agreed that's my main complaints from TR perspective as well. Though in the case of the Pistol it is good up close at least. They just need to redesign the Emperor to be a viable long range alternative.
  5. Uberpanda

    Good question OP, and as VS i would have to say the Scythe is great, but id rather have a mosquito. The lasher is fun but lacking in aoe damage, and the biggest weakness I have noticed is the weapon dropoff damage.
  6. Stretch

    +60 Hours played as TR

    We just die so so easily its not right!
    Our shield for the heavy does nothing...Honestly, You'd be better of using wet paper towels, They'd block more than our current shield does.

    I know we have faster firing speed but that doesnt do anything for us when it only takes a shot or so to kill us
    I'm not even talking headshots
  7. Phrygen

    a TR complaining about HA?

  8. Cavadus

    As a Terran, the Prowler. I hate everything about it. I hate it's stupid gun, it's stupid turret, it's stupid hull, and it's stupid face.
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  9. Phrygen

    use anti infantry rounds...
  10. Phyr

    NC and TR can use their tanks to get over tech plant shields.

    EDIT: I'd trade the VS pistol for the TR starter pistol any day.
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  11. Cavadus


    Lightning HE is better anyways.
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  12. Xae

    You're going to tell me whining is based on reality less than two days after this forum collectively lost it's **** over how a flak buff that didn't happen ruined the game?

    Also, replace Prowler with SAW or "NC LMGs" and you just wrecked your own Whining Points.
  13. Varamis

    Did anyone else notice this man has a Prowler avatar pic? I simply find that amazingly hilarious and ironic ;)
  14. Cavadus

  15. T0nyDanza

    I'm no expert on balance and havn't read through this thread in it's entirety. But if I had one complaint, as TR, the Vanu main battle tank is insanely, brokenly too powerful in comparison to our MBT, Prowler. With purchased AP main AND secondary gun, with a gunner, I am dead - before the Vanu tank gets 50% health. That's without missing.

    Something is broken there in my opinion. Either the Vanu tank or TR's.

    Edit; Would also mention Anti Air turrets. They're bad. Bad to the point of being completely and utterly useless. Reallllly bad. Apparently this is for all factions though.
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  16. Phrygen

    You and i will never see eye to eye on NC.

    And i have no issues with a prowler buff, but that does not mean its worthless. I think its the best MBT tank for anti infantry purposes.

    But sure, infer my suggestion as some means of proving your worthless, biased points.

    Oh, and suck it trebeck.
  17. Bobajol

    -Buff Prowler AP damage
    -Tweak the Magrider
  18. JimBob22

    Since all the serious issues have mostly been covered already...let me just say this.

    Apparently, the TR medic looks exactly like NC and VS medics based on how often my own team kills me. :p
  19. Nacasatu

    Have to get a headshot every time with any VS sniper rifle due to the damage degradation, otherwise it just tickles the enemy. Dunno where people are also saying there's no bullet drop with VS, there certainly is. Long shots with sniper rifles I'm having to aim around 6 foot above the head, so can mean a couple shots just to gauge that drop. Play as NC with the NC14 default sniper and it's just amazing compared to anything the VS has, including anything unlocked, best sniper rifle in the game imo.
    Same with all VS weapons though, generally pointless at long range, even medium range seems pointless at times and the recoil and bullet bloom is all over the place.

    Dunno wtf some NC are on about saying they're underpowered, maybe they're just used to the old PS with the one shot jackhammer but I see no problems with NC at all. The VS weapons in general need a damage buff at range, the drop off in damage is just stupid at the moment.
  20. Pashgan

    I'm not sure if it's VS related problem but the only infantry weapon (sans sniper rifles of course) which actually can hit enemy is Lasher with ~20% accuracy and it's still missing 80% of time. Frankly, I don't understand gameplay where you can discharge 30 bullets magazine into enemy from 5-10m distance resulting in 0-2 hits.