What are your top 3 issues with the game right now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ianneman, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. Rivenshield

    That I look at both the (horrifyingly truncated) Wishlist and Development forae and see no mention of the Battle Islands (that we already saw modeled months ago), no mention of an intercontinental lattice (that we've been hearing about for more than a year, and without which Planetside frankly isn't Planetside), not much game-changing mention of anything in fact. Just new eye candy for attention-deficit CoD kiddies.
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  2. Abraham with Cheese

    Very simple: I can deal with almost anything this game has already, except for 3 things.

    1. Performance/Optimization (seriously, load times for me have gotten worse during my time playing this game, and the lag spikes get me killed more often than friendly grenades)

    2. Bugs (some are just awful, like loading into an area and being gunned downed by non-rendered enemies)

    3. Hackers/Script Kiddies (relatively few and far between, but when you find one, they don't seem to go away, regardless of how many people report them)
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  3. orangejedi829

    1. Horrible server lag / hit detection: where it often takes a whole mag of headshots and 3-4 seconds to kill an enemy, even if you get them from behind, but then only takes 3-4 FRAMES (~1/10 second) for you to be killed (as far as you see it). Also, taking damage and potentially dying whole seconds after ducking behind cover.
    2. Redeployside. There is nothing more frustrating to be in a fun, fair fight, to get a hard-earned victory (almost), only to have the enemy team gain 300 players and smash you back to your base.
    You also get the 'tug-o-war' effect, where one team zergs the crap out of a base, then leaves, then in response the other team responds by zerging the crap out of the opposite base, then leaves, and then the first team responds in the same way, etc. etc. The players who stay and try to fight fairly just become pawn in the game of tug-o-war, their efforts rendered meaningless. The only logical thing to do is redeploy with everyone else.
    3. META GAME. Honestly, I could overlook so many other issues if there were just SOME reason to play other than to 'kill the other guys'. Issues like small weapon balance become huge issues because there is literally no depth to the game beyond gunplay. If there were some bigger purpose, I feel people wouldn't quite care as much that Orion wins all 1-on-1 infantry engagements, because they could instead focus on team play and furthering the success of the faction rather than on their KDR. Hell, add meta game and remove KDR. If people stopped try-harding over their own stats (farmerside 2) and played for the sake of the team / for the sake of having fun, the overall experience would improve immensely.
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  4. NC supporter

    Ingame wannabe tryhard commanders, lack of actual game changing content, and a very toxic community on forums and slightly ingame.
  5. xMaxdamage

    1 - lack of faction traits, every class should have an ES weapon just like HAs and infiltrators, everything should be ES. this is a faction game, you choose the faction that you like most, right now it's pretty much just a matter of colors.

    2 - striker being useless, I don't like using NS or copycat weapons (see point 1) and I see no point of shared equipment in a faction based game.
    my ES rocket launcher is just the absolutely sh**. it has no niche to adapt to, it's just a worse G2A standard RL. this is hurting my gameplay cause I dont f***ing like using CoD style NS weaponry.
    I do not care about air, right now only the sunderers get the bad people in your base, and not having the same sunderer-repelling power between my alts just pisses me off.
    having the best anti air ESRL does nothing when you have standard G2A rocket launcher that is much easier to use and works for all the three faction, can be dumb-fired to 1hko infantry and 2hko maxes (that's a big deal if you need a desperate help when dealing with an NC MAX @ short range, try doing it with a striker) and to do armor damage without much exposure time. striker doesn't shine even in G2A department if compared to the grounder, I think it should be a lot stronger in antiair if we have to stick to this pmuch useless trait.

    3 - giganormus lack of balance in AV department. NC and VS can repel vehicles (aka attacking troops in sunderers) in a very effective way if compared to TR. phoenixes, lancers, vortexes, ravens and comets do not need to compensate for gravity (thats a big deal for repelling vehicles from your base) while you have to do it with fractures, and even if you do so you do poor damage.
    right now I'm amazed how TR manages to deal with veichles and succesfully do AV damage, I guess we just pull more AV turrets and vulcan harrassers in order to compensate.
  6. Konstantinn

    1. Need new content. Cosmetics are nice, but where's continent lattice? New continents? Battle Islands? Base energy resupply system?

    2. Sriker vs Lancer, imbalance (Phoenix is fine). Striker is too weak/useless and is outperformed by every launcher in common pool (frequency of hitting, accuracy, range, utility, time exposed, visibility), while Lancer allows VS to shoot at armor further than any other faction and outperforming common pool launchers (You can basically deploy sunderer and think you're safe against every faction.... except VS Lancers who has an angle on it from 500+ meters 1 or 2 bases away with near 100% accuracy with a shot that doesn't even render visually so you won't even know what's hitting you or from where. No other faction can do anything like that, and no counters exist.).

    3. Magrider turbo allows them to get into places where they shouldn't be. Other faction's MBT abilities are good, and on plain ground equal that of Magrider, still turbo gives Magrider too much utility in special circumstances allowing their faction to do something that no other faction can do or counter. It's really combination of Lancer and Magrider Turbo, if other factions had anything similar to Lancer (namely projectile velocity and range) they could counter Magriders hiding over the edge and shelling spawns from otherwise inaccessible mountain tops. In some cases Phoenix/Ravens can do that (Phoenix can angle around terrain possibly getting enemy armor out of those spots, while ravens are fast/accurate/damaging/long range enough to cause them problems, though both have drawbacks and are somewhat weak counters), but TR has literally no counter (not even a weak one).
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  7. strid3r478

    1.Lame trash cheaters
    2.faction unballance
    3.poor netcode
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  8. metrotw

    1) Higby
    2) T-Clown
    3) Smedley...As long as he is still employed by DB, I'll never give them another dime.
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  9. zaspacer

    1) New Player Experience
    2) Bugs
    3) Lack of ongoing status/update Communication from Devs

    New Player Experience
    You should design the game so that each player can fall into their groove along the learning curve, wherever it may be. And then they have the designed in support to find engaging play experiences at their groove, and the support to climb up (or down, or sideways) from there to successive wrungs of grooves if that is their journey/preference/etc.

    Too many that have been in the game for too long. It's gotten to the point players often don't bother to report them anymore. It's like the "broken windows throery": fixing the small and visible stuff (within a reasonable period of time) helps make an atmosphere of order and that things are under control, not fixing it just makes an atmosphere of disorder and the feeling that people don't care or the game is dying or has had its budget/team gutted.

    Lack of ongoing status/update Communication from Devs
    Let us know you're alive and what you're working on. I know many Devs don't like posting casually on these forums, so just do bi-weekly non-casual posts. Maybe just cover what's on the table/roadmap, etc. (not volumes, just a few words or a couple bullet points). Or comment on some game trend of a recent play session you had; or just a hello and FYI to community on who you are and what you work on (or your Team Members and their roles). I was a Dev, I know it can hurt momentum doing work to take time out to do PR or public play sessions. So get Management to allocate time in the budget to cover it. Make a post template that can just be filled in.

    There are plenty other areas ("issues") that PS2 would benefit from work on (same as any other game), but these 3 seem like core pillars that the game would get a HUGE boost from taking care of. Creating not just a change in an improved game, but a big boost in improved game culture as well.
  10. n0pax

    Games in maintenance mode which PS2 effectively is don't normally have many, if any bug fixes so unfortunately this is a pipe dream.
  11. Leftconsin

    I've stopped reporting. The conversation in teamspeak when I see a new bug usually goes like this:
    Lefty: Hey, this happened to me! I have not seen that before.
    Someone: Yeah, thats an old bug that has been around for months.
    Someone else: I think it got introduced in October. I get it about once a month.
    Lefty: Sigh... the bugs... they are everywhere.
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  12. JohnGalt36

    C4 Fairies shouldn't be a thing.
    Vulcan Harassers should be nerfed
    NC should get easy-mode weapons like the other factions
  13. Iridar51

    1. Bugs. I don't mind rare occasional stuff, but the no-shield-regen, can't-see-myself-on-minimap and stuck-camo-until-change-class bugs really bug me. It's been long enough that they should be fixed already.

    2. High ping. Sometimes I just get "connection quality: bad", with obvious repercussions. I didn't have this problem before, and I don't get why I do now, or what I'm supposed to do to fix it.

    Couple that with bugs and sometimes I just get the feeling PS2 doesn't want me to play it.

    3. Lack of necessary change. I'm glad they reduced vehicle and rocket primary lethality against infantry. It's time to nerf AI MAXes to the ******* ground, and rework HA shield.
  14. Donaldson Jones

    All the ********, whinning and farming has jaded medium esque talent like myself. Congratz on Infantry and Heavy-side gameplay. As the farming talent increases the player-base (at least those getting farmed for wanting to make a difference) will find new games to play.

    I play Dragonage Inquisition you all figure this thing out. Shame is over the life of this game I've spent > 500 bucks..waste of money now, but that was back when I had faith in a game that rewarded effort over farming. I suppose that was naive of me.
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  15. Iridar51

    1. Bugs. I don't mind rare occasional stuff, but the no-shield-regen, can't-see-myself-on-minimap and stuck-camo-until-change-class bugs really bug me. It's been long enough that they should be fixed already.

    2. High ping. Sometimes I just get "connection quality: bad", with obvious repercussions. I didn't have this problem before, and I don't get why I do now, or what I'm supposed to do to fix it.

    Couple that with bugs and sometimes I just get the feeling PS2 doesn't want me to play it.

    3. Lack of necessary change. I'm glad they reduced vehicle and rocket primary lethality against infantry. It's time to nerf AI MAXes to the ******* ground, and rework HA shield.
  16. Geddes


    2)Dwindling faction diversity

  17. Garrum

    1. Heavy Assaults

    2. MAXes

    3. Cheaters/Hackers
  18. KirthGersen

    Ejection bug.
    Black sky sometimes if I double-E to refill ammo at sunderer.
    LPPA>>>Air Hammer>>crap>total crap>Banshee. LPPA makes me play as VS despite my disdain for them.
  19. Leftconsin

    I have never gotten that!
  20. Gemenai

    Players with ****** connection jumping all over the place and killing you up to 3 seconds after losing l.o.s., when you are behind a wall. Seriously, get a job and buy yourselves a connection fit for gaming ( i got the lowest one my provider offers and it works fine - 16k if anyone needs to know) or leave. After the fifth time in one session it gets not only annoying , but also slightly infuriating.

    Wallhacker and warping players - i've seen quite alot on Cobalt, the last days i actually convinced myself to play (as side information - one of the wallhackers account seem to have been deleted, if i interpreted the response to my ticket right, but just a day later another character/new account with a nearly identical name was doing the same thing over again) .

    And lastly i would like to get those announced weapons, like:
    -the rocket rilfe,
    -Basilisk-LMG for MAX (NC would appreciate it i think and i too because i like the style),
    -NS-Shotguns for MAX ( another shotgun for NC breakfast and finally something TR and VS were asking for a long time - maybe in addition with the Basilik-LMG we can finally stop the whining about shotguns in biolabs and "endless range MAX LMGs"),
    -the drone for infiltrators and what other things the future might hold.
    First teasing and then not delivering? This is bad - and as another side information i spend roughly 50 bucks this month for gaming; those could have been yours as i was convinced, that i would buy one, two or three of those weapons if they were actually available. I know that competition invigorates the buisness, but nobody seems to think there is any ( as a hint, it doesn't have to be a shooter to be competition as long as the gameplay is more interesting)

    But therefore nobody is even reading this stuff here ( besides the other keyboardheroes with me in this thread), i can only say my sincere regards, until next month maybe.