What are the strongest weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SgtBeta, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. MurderBunneh

    So yeah what? What is it meant for? Is it meant for situations that really don't exist in this game or aren't feasible to do without overwhelming skill? I'm supposed to burst fire while you just lay into the mouse button? That seems fair to you? You ever try sniping people with a carbine? Try it and let me know how it goes for you.
  2. failbot

    I'd like to see some statistics about the flinch mechanic. Personally like I said, my aim seems to jump around way more when being shot by a NC slow rof weapon that when being shot by a VS fast rof wep.
  3. mj23rm

    Yeah but we have large magazines so it has to balance out dude, imagine having the same rof and a 40 round mag!, LC3 Jaguar meets a perfect balance between accuracy, recoil, damage, mag size and rof in my opinion
  4. failbot

    1. Mid/long range
    2. 2-3 bullet burst
    3. ????
    4. Profit
  5. failbot

    Our high rof weapons have more recoil, so it balances it out. Jaguar has 800 rof, but the same recoil as the 845 VS/NC ones.

    This would mean that our 845 carbine would have more recoil than theirs, but more bullets.
  6. MurderBunneh

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha . Let me count the times that I have died to 2-3 round burst and let me count the times I have died to rawr mash the left mouse button and strafe around.
  7. failbot

    Mid to long range bursting is vastly superior.
  8. MurderBunneh

    Ya I'm done after that comment. Good day;)
  9. failbot

    Ok bro, hope you learn how to play soon!
  10. Adamar09

    Bickering about factions aside, to the op- at close range shotguns (particularly automatic) will down you in a couple of hits before you can blink.
  11. MurderBunneh

    I noticed your NC toon has half the k/d of your TR toon but I'm sure there's an explanation.
  12. failbot

    Those stats are old, anyways...

    TR character 2,05 kd
    NC character 1,83 kd

    Yes, half... Math!
  13. Bad News

    Headshot, always aim for the head.
  14. Brusilov

    The human mind.
    • Up x 1
  15. SgtBeta

    Nice quote.And I totally agree.