What are the benefits of Battle Ranks other than decals?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Googles, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Googles

    So are battle ranks only a presentation of how much you have played on that character or do higher battle ranks also reward you with anything else other than titles/decals?

    If that's all they give you then it seems to me that buying EXP boosts are useless (to me at least. I don't give a **** about decals/titles they don't help me in any way).

    Do you get certs when you level up? Do you get more certs the higher your rank?
  2. Jaquio

    It allows comparison of digital penises, so that two people can learn, empirically, which one of them is more masculine and qualified to mate.

    Or, at least, that's how it's used in practice.
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  3. SnAjP

    doesnt each give some certs?
  4. Rusky

    XP -> Certs so XP boosts are certainly not useless ;)
  5. ent|ty

    Higher ranks kill lower ranks, due to the improvements they can get from having more Certs earned than you.
    It will also show dedication to the game, and most likely they have spent money on worthless digital weapons that give them an edge over you.
    That being said, a BR1 can kill a BR30. I know. It happens to me from time to time.
  6. Stormlight666

    Certs come with XP and have nothing to do with Battle Ranks. BR comes from Planetside 1 where each lvl would grant you another Certification Point to use on skills and at key levels an cybernetic implant. Only each BR would you get that cert point to use. Sadly BR serves no purpose in PS2.
  7. VengefulGhost

    Some of the leadership certs are locked until you reach a certain rank.
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  8. GamerOS

    You get a nifty title... sometimes...
  9. Verisimilituder

    BR also unlocks weapon loadouts.
  10. Cl1mh4224rd

    You get 1 CP (certification point) for every 250 XP you acquire, so Experience Boosts are very useful.
  11. SarahM

    Indeed, they unlock at BR10.
  12. LordMondando

    Dude... you don't care about stickers.

    What kinda gamer are you?!
  13. Googles

    So XP grants you certs? Would getting an XP boost also mean you can farm certs faster?
  14. Erathalys

    Yeah that's the main motivation for boosts. There's also a bonus for being a subscribed member.