I use the T1S cycler if I don't know what kind of situations I'll be getting into, though the underbarrel GL's have been nerfed. However, you can put an NV scope on it and get a smoke GL. Smoke is really, really annoying, and you can cause lots of havoc by lobbing smoke around. Underbarrel GL's nice if you got friends to replenish grenades since you can flush enemies out of cover or fire them into crowds to soften them up for your friends (or get kills if they are weak).
I use the Cycler TRV, but if you're like me and are in CQ all the time, (not including a shotgun or SMG) I'd get the TORQ-9. However, if you're a "true" Medic, then get something like the NS-11A or stick with the T1S.
@Frozen-K T1S Cycler is only good for it's underbarrel attachments. If the fight ever gets to close quarters, you will be outgunned most of the time. I learnt this the hard way coming from using the Cycler TRV to using the T1S. Keep to mid-range fights and this weapon will perform decently though you will still underperform compared to dedicated mid-range rifles like the standard T1 Cycler. @Certs-For-Days I would rather use the Cycler TRV in CQC as well. 10 less RPM than the TORQ but 1 damage tier higher. The low damage hurts a lot considering so many people wear Nanoweave Armor and the game having bad hit detection. Though the TORQ's reload speed could help out a lot but if I was planning to breach a room and slaughter everyone, I would use the TRV. =D
I can't say anything about the TORQ, but I did just auraxium my SABR-13 and loved every second of it. It's a beast of a gun, and can even hipfire really well if crouch firing.
Lots of good input on this thread. The one thing I'd like to add is that you should remember that the free-2-play system is a bit of an untameable beast. Balance jumps back in forth on things, sometimes without even a moment's notice. This is especially true for new weapons. And the TORQ-9 is new. So the TORQ-9 might get "adjusted" in the near future. Most people that talk about it tend to say things along the lines off "It's really good". It's encouraging to not hear them say it's OP (which would increase it's likelihood of getting nerfed), but if it is adjusted on the better/worse scale then I'd predict it's not going to be a little worse in some area, as to not be quite as good all round as it is now. The weapon description seems to particularly state that it's supposed to be versatile, but more focused on close-medium combat. As such if it does get some kind of nerf I imagine that it'll be it'd damage or ease of use at range. And because it is supposed to be usable at range, and the weapon description talks a lot about it's high bullet velocity and low recoil, I think that damage is more likely. Specifically I think it's minimum damage might get nerfed from 112 at 55m to something like 105 at 64m. The drop off would happen at about the same rate, but it'd continue on a little further to make it less good at more extreme long ranges. Anyways, I just thought it'd be good for you to keep that in mind. The SABR-13, on the other hand, has been around for a while which suggests that it's stats are going to stay more stable. This is especially true because you don't hear people complaining about it much. (at least I don't). The Reaper DMR tends to get more negative attention than it, so I think it's probably pretty safe.
A lot of useful info in the topic and as it is I am split between the SABR and TORQ. The others are interesting but I have the TAR for CQC and the standard T1 for medium range engagements. I mean right now I could get the TRV and both T1 variants with the certs I have. However I did a trial on the SABR yesterday and I loved it and today I am going to run a trial on the TORQ. Thanks for the input and after I cert into some more stuff I will definitely come back around to getting the other weapons.
After trying it and the SABR I liked it more but I got the SABR. The TORQ is just too good at everything. It is going to get nerfed and when I get used to using it I want to get used to its re-balanced version.