What’s your favourite wep?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HippoCryties, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. Armcross

    I am not sure anymore. I no longer getting constant ribbon pop-up. Maybe they fix it or maybe because of Sweeper implant. You may try it. The extra mine pouch is not even important.
  2. CJ2DaRescue2

    Pulsar C because I suck and it's the most controllable and accurate full auto gun that I'm aware of. I like that the first shot recall is good, zero horizontal bias and the lowest horizontal tolerance.
  3. Lord_Avatar

    Carbines: T5 AMC / TRAC 5
    Assault Rifles: TORQ-9 / T1 / NS11A
    LMGs: NS15M / MSW-R
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  4. Hegeteus

    Gonna be painfully dull and obvious: Mag-Scatter!

    fite me
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  5. Prudentia

    i feel like you need to prove that you love that weapon. like deal 46198 kills with it or something like that :rolleyes:
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  6. Doc Jim

    I guess my favorite weapon has to be the G40-F Ranger.
    It can be slapped on most ground vehicles and it allows me to defend myself against those enemies that annoy me the most.
  7. TerminalT6

    Fujin (throwing knives)
  8. Armcross

    total war music just pop-up in my head.
  9. typnct

    all the burst fire mode weapons are my favorite(close medium far range) and especially the yumi(though its pretty rare to use it)

    all these weapons have AAA ads accuracy and long fire doesnt change their stats!
    less recoil(and i play for the TR so the recoil is like a bull that an arrow just hit its balls) so that is important

    can counter any setup(even outsnipe a snipahwr)
    and it doesnt really have anything bad to it(beside the idea that you must shoot the burst before you can ads etc...)

    try them out(takes a long while to get used to them)
  10. DarkStarAnubis

    Tried the Yumi but I couldn't cope with the burst ... wait ... burst mechanism. It is the same problem I have with the NS-45 Pilot.

    Being a lousy shot, I either use "Spray and Pray" weapons (high ROF, low DMG) or heavy hitters (low ROF, high DMG).
  11. Hegeteus

    I'm slowly going for 50k, but lately I've been out of mag-scatter mojo to continue
  12. Prudentia

    mate pls, i specifically checked your killcount and then added 1 for you to prove that you love it :p
    normal burst weapons are a lot easier cause aslong as you have the keypressed when it can shoot, it'll shoot so it just turns into a full auto weapon with more accuracy
  13. Armcross

    not all burst weapon is as good as repeater.
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  14. Prudentia

    well the repeater is just a Fully automatic pistol with better stats than a normal fully automatic pistol :p
  15. Ziggurat8

    S12 Renegade on a wraith flash is my new fotm. Shotgun 1hk after decloaking. It's so ******* cheesy I cant understand why it's NEVER BEEN NERFED. You could even say it received an awesome buff with combined arms since RL's can't 1HK you or the flash anymore.

    Broken OP. Just the way it should be.
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  16. Botji

    Lasher because its a good example of how I think the game should have been more like, its a ES weapon that is very VS. Its good at what it does but it has distinct disadvantages.

    More things in the game should be allowed to be like this, it should be fine for a Magrider to be amazing at climbing hills and strafing shots if it comes with distinct disadvantages like having paper armor, slow turn and perhaps even limited 2nd turret to a frontal direction only. Reavers should be allowed to have crazy powerfull boosters and a gun that rips other ESFs in two with some equally heavy drawbacks to agility or something.

    The game becomes boring if everything is averaged, anything performing better than others in what it is specializing in is nerfed just seems like a bad way to do it, make everything amazing in their own role instead of making everything meh.

    Being skilled shouldnt be about being better at what the other guy is doing, it should be about being good with what you have and compensating for the weaknesses it has so the opponent cant take advantage of it.
  17. Pyrode

    Solstice SF, with UBGL, x2 scope, HV ammo, as an engineer. It's not a bad weapon to start with (slightly lower ROF makes it a bit more controllable, personally). The real power of this weapon is the UBGL. You can spam OHKs through doorways as well as loads of splash damage easy, great for suppressing people people. Also a direct hit at <10m is like a 500dmg slug.

    I have the weapon in two engineering load outs. The other has smoke and is paired with the flare gun secondary. Great for causing mild levels of screen chaos for Infantry (causes laggy screen issues and white outs), Tanks (suddenly getting smoked AND lit up like a xmas tree) and air (everything going from normal to lit up like xmas).

    It's just a good force multiplier that's more noisy and persistant than flash bangs.

    The Eclipse is pretty great too. The UB shotgun is occasionally useful, but unlimited ammo as a LA is the best.
  18. Prudentia

    700 damage actually. and with a 2x headshot multiplier so either you can knife them for a pretty much guarantueed kill or they just drop dead instantly
  19. Dualice

    Gotta say I've had the most fun aurax'ing high RoF, low damage weapons like the Farmistice/Shuriken, Lynx, and TORQ-9.Just find the whole "bullet hose" thing really fun to use.

    Also SABR-13 'cause it's kind of like the odd one out, but man that thing is laser-accurate. Plus it makes a cool sound. Love it.