Were Claymores changed or something?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Takoita, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Takoita

    Yesterday I had my Claymores consistently displaying very low visibility lasers when I set them.

    I can't remember any threads or official list of changes mentioning this and both proxies and betties displayed their blinking lights in the same manner when I checked them.

    What do you say, people? Did TR 'splosive lovers' dream came true?
  2. The1337Hunter

    Noticed no change, you change your graphics settings?
  3. Swoo

    Yes, they lowered the intensity of the claymores beams and they now will flicker off and on randomly.
  4. Spoprockel

    I've noticed it too.

    Staring at a new Claymore with almost invisible lasers in awe got me killed as it gave the owner of the mine enough time to sneak up on me :p
  5. Seviander

    They didn't fix them, they just made the green lasers less visible and not mounted lightsabers on a piece of explosives.

    Gief Omni-Directional Claymores! :D
  6. PastalavistaBB

    Claymores sucked Camel Balls, now they just suck Donkey Balls. Don't get too excited, still almost nobody dies to Claymores.
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  7. Crayv

    I wish they were actual lightsabers instead of an explosive. I could set them in a doorway and have a chance to kill more than 1 clueless idiot.

    Reducing the brightness of the beam still doesn't help the glaring problem that it still has 1/4 the blast area of a normal mine. Oh well at least it can still be used as a counter argument to TR stuff being OP, we have a weaker mine so we have to make up for somewhere else.

    I fail to see the problem.
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  9. PastalavistaBB

    The problem is that TR has no AI mine. I can't really count Claymores as "operable". It sticks out of the ground, is red colored and has green lights attached on it. Only the "Warning! Mine!" warning sign isn't there. And the directional damage is a joke. So it's not a mine, it's just a tool the Devs have put into the game to troll the TR players.
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  10. PastalavistaBB

    Good for you "aBattleDONKEY"... :)
  11. Goretzu

    The lasers are almost invisable now, you'd have to be very vigilant to see them.

    BB lights are MUCH more obvious now.
  12. Chipay

    Yeah, they're almost invisible atm, couldn't see when they're placed around corners.
    Somewhere i feel like this is karma for our mines :p but atm invisible claymores are at the top of explosives in my list, Bouncing B's at the bottom (it's NC after all).
  13. Zotamedu

    They are just as easy to spot as always. The lights on top don't render until you are very close and if you didn't spot the mine before that, it's either under the floor, has failed to render completely or you're not paying attention. The lights did nothing at all for the bouncing betties and proxies. I think the main problem for them is that the now don't sink through the ground and fail to render as often which means you have to think when placing them. People have gotten so used to them being completely invisible to they place them in plain sight. Then you will get your mines blown up. TR has always been forced to place mines smartly because that's the only way you can use them. At least we finally got a small damage buff for the Claymores so now they're at least not a straight downgrade. Just a sideways downgrade.
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  14. PastalavistaBB

    I didn't even cert the Claymores on any of the classes of any of my TR characters. That should tell non TR players something.
  15. Tommyp2006

    Claymores were ninja buffed to have the lasers made extremely thin and faint. Been seeing a lot more people walk into them lately, much morr viable now.
  16. Xasapis

    On the last Friday Night Ops it was confirmed that they changed the claymores:
    • Less visible laser indicators
    • Bigger radius of effect
    They were already doing more damage than the VS/NC ones. Overall right now they are the best mines in the game to be used for trapping places. The only thing the VS/NC mines are better is when used offensively as pizza drops.
  17. Korban

    Even so, I can still spot that big lump on the ground more visibly than a tank mine. The NC version is the hardest one to spot currently due to its colouration which 95%-80% matches the metallic coloured floors in/on buildings.
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  18. Thovargh

    Well they always belonged next to doors instead of right in the middle.
    What I still don't get is why the light has to be green of all colours
  19. Korban

    Yeah that puzzles me as well, CoDs one is red.
  20. Goretzu

    The are much more obvious than Claymore lasers (which are now very hard to see indeed, and indeed much smaller too).

    Anyone with any sense always hid their mines, and they still do. :confused: