Welcome Genudine!

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by Escorge, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Escorge

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  2. kaptinkrunch88

    This is happening next week as I understand it. Sounds like next week will be action packed. I’m really looking forward to it.
  3. NytDragon

    Welcome indeed! New allies and fresh kill targets. Just pay up the server merge fee: Beer
  4. vaxx

    As a Genudine TR player, I am really looking forward to this move. We needed it bad.
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  5. 7Elite7

    Looking forwards to killing you all with my scythe. Any VS pilots out there?
  6. Makwa

    This is awesome for me. My brother plays Helios as I am on Genudine. Now I get my chance to cram his purtty purple panties down his throat.
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  7. Fallout10mm

    Alright, hopefully no more of this ghost capping nonsense on amerish and esmier now :p looking forword to a kill competition with Compass :p
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  8. kaptinkrunch88

    Perhaps we’ll have the population to have Outfits regularly stationed on the other continents. Maybe I’ll spend the certs for that snow cammy afterall….hmmm.
  9. Jeslis

    Could someone from Genudine speak for the population (of indar) during even primetime (say 7-11pm PST).. mainly the VS/NC/TR split on indar?

    -- This is just so I have an idea of the faction balance incoming.
  10. vaxx

    I posted this a while ago in another thread. Average pop balance primetime:

    TR 24% VS 32% NC 41%

    Sometimes, VS will match NC, but TR is usually 22-27% on a good night.
  11. NytDragon

    There have been many Genudine players that have already been migrating to Helios over the past 2-3 months. Once their original characters land on Helios, I imagine a number of them may be switching back to them. So, take that into consideration.

    If you really want to see what's coming, create a character on Genudine and check it out every night.
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  12. vaxx

    Huh? I am posting average numbers in primetime on Genudine, as someone asked. You know...since I play on Genudine every night.
  13. Cymoril

    I would but my other 2 chars apparently are merged together. =(
  14. Arenthas

    Greetings Helios.

    The Vanu are about to greet some new allies.

    [TED] says hello. We embrace you with gifts of unicorns and purple underwear. All crafted from the Vanu Archives of Genudine.

    Sincerely yours,

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  15. killusi0n

    What are your pops like on Helios? NC hold a clear 15%+ majority most nights on Genudine. I just made a character to check pops and it looks like Helios is more of the same, am I (hopefully) mistaken?
  16. Jeslis

    atm NC is dominating with the Northern Warpgate -- VS saw a massive drop in population on Helios when they rotated warpgates -- we were the majority, now just 22-27% on primetime.. barely able to hold our own territory.

    However, for whatever reason, we have alot of late night VS.. so if you log on around 8pm PST--11pm PST, we tend to actually have 35-45% on indar... still no indar continent cap, ever.
  17. Fuzzyballs

    During Prime time it's usually pretty even (within 5% or so)
    Like Jeslis said though, when you hit off hours the populations skew in huge margins (between NC and VS at least, TR seems to be rpetty consistent)
  18. JPJones

    Regardless of population balance, there are always good fights to be had, even during the day and late at night. If one faction gets warpgated by another, the third pretty consistently ends up giving it to the bully pretty hard. I think the fact that nobody has every capped all of Indar on Helios says something must working right balance wise.

    I for one am pretty damn excited about this particular merger. My first character was a barney on Genudine that I put a little cash into before moving to Helios-NC to play with friends. It'll be nice to get to play him again without having to completely ditch my friends, and I'm sure my friends will relish the opportunity to shoot me in the face repeatedly.
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  19. MasterJJ136

    Hail TR of Helios! We TR of Genudine are quite looking forward to gaining some more battle brothers (And sisters!) Hopefully we can even out the population imbalance somewhat. I'm looking forward to making some new friends! And blowing up tons of NC, but that's a given right?

    Also, my outfit (Forlorn Hope: FH is our tag) is looking to make some new allies with the Helios TR outfits, who should I talk to about organizing something?
  20. Fuzzyballs

    Talk to Archcraig (that's the OP) or SgtCharlesZim
    Both of them are from EXE (and IIRC Zim is the outfit lead) They'll get you set straight

    On behalf of the Helios NC: Keep your *** low, and your head lower.