Weapon Info Straight From the Game Files

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StormFrog, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Cheerilee

    Take a look at the Sheet. Then u need Bullet Max Damage * Rate of Fire / 60
    If you use Softpoint Ammo you need to add *1,15 (15 % more dmg)
    Example Flare:
    BMD: 167, ROF: 571 rpm (rounds per minute. Thats why you have this /60, to get the dps)
    167 * 571 / 60 = 1589,28
    1589,28 * 1,15 = 1827,67 dps
  2. Pax Empyrean

    I don't see the Warden, the AMR-66, or the Eidolon listed here. They're all Battle Rifles, usable by Engineers and Heavy Assaults.
  3. StormFrog

    I would disagree on the SAW. It has the highest vertical recoil of any primary gun and its various CoF stats aren't that great.

    My understanding of soft point ammo was that it reduced damage falloff for medium distances. I could be wrong though. I don't know where the info for attachments is stored.

    But even if it did give 15% more damage that isn't enough to bump any of the 143, 167, or 200 damage bullets into a higher tier. It would just help edge cases like damage falloff, MAXs, or HA shields.
    There haven't been any balance patches, just hotfixes. I've been unpacking and looking at my own up to date game files and nothing noticeable has changed.

    Anyways, I'm fairly certain that guy is just updating the one spreadsheet instead of creating a new one with a different title and date for every minor change.
  4. St0mpy

    Kinda agree, except that while TR have the slight edge on weapons, their ESF and MBT leave a lot of room for desire compared to the other two factions, and those are the only individual vehicles TR get.

    Its a fair trade no?
  5. Kran De Loy

    I'm honestly surprised that people would accuse us as having the best weapons. Are you folks entirely not counting gun control on those weapons? That tends to make a difference. For instance I fight NC all day and I'm usually on the upper hand or at least equal footing. Fight VS tho and I die so quickly that I often don't even get through their shields.
  6. justin

    for all you unknowledgable people:

    ESFs were equalized but consider them to have mods pre built (mossie speed, reaver comp armor, scythe hover mod) besides that they are the SAME.

    prowler is ****, im sorry but a strafing tank>>>>all unless it gets a major nerf to armor/firepower (as it did in ps1), vanguard also outclasses prowler wholeheartedly

    vanu weapons = tr weapons with faster reload, less ammo per clip, no bullet drop, slightly more accurate slightly less recoil - to me its a decently fair tradeoff, 10 extra bullets in a clip compensates for the rest of that pretty fairly

    nc DEFAULT WEAPONS (since upgrade weapons are better and can essentially =vs/tr) are slightly worse admittedly. faster RoF will always trump in games unless the possibility of a 1hsko exists.

    pistols are pretty well balanced to me, stop looking at ttk and look at usability, honestly i prefer the magshot/beamer out of all of them simply because it's decent at longer ranges compared to the repeater

    the whole op banter is funny and its why you dont hear from the devs - its unbased (or weakly based) arguments that are all erroneous.
    • Up x 1
  7. Xiphos

    My playing experience is that VS weapons are clearly easier to get kills with, even if stats wise they aren't better so I'm wondering why this is so.

    It might be due to VS not having an intrusive muzzle flash that partially blocks view on the target like it does for TR and NC (depending on the weapon attachments and firing mode used).

    Visually their projectiles are larger as well. If this extends to collision detection then this would explain it also.
  8. St0mpy

    So as I said, ESFs arent the same, check, TR mossie has weaker armour and worse handling/stability as standard (and isnt any faster than the scythe which i flew most all of time in beta)

    And you agree the MBT is weak vs the others too

    So TR = weapons great, vehicles not so good

    VS = vehicles good, weapons good with a few great

    not really played NC enough to say, the weapon stats look less than useful and im not a fan of their vehicles but without playing NC more than a week or so it would be unfair for me to judge.
  9. justin

    lol no esfs are exactly the same, go shoot a rocket to each and it does the SAME damage. mossie also goes about 20kph faster, scythe hovers better than the other two. reaver takes less dmg from small arms/flak
    things have changed since beta, please test this stuff before you pull stuff out of your ***

    yea prowler is pure **** lol.

    vs weapons are EXACTLY the same for the most part with less recoil/better accuracy no bullet drop faster reload but with a smaller clip
    to me its a tradeoff and its arguable which tradeoff is better, as for all of those upsides to the vanu weapon that extra 10 bullets helps secure a 2nd kill in one clip, regardless of reload time differences.
  10. Novmiech

    Thanks OP.

    /Fap ;)

    Assuming this data is correct (and I have no reason to think its not) some of the weapon data vs their descriptions are interesting - the TMG 50 for example - which is supposed to be TR's controlability low recoil MG has more recoil than any other TR LMG. Likewise the T16 which is supposed to be the long range accurate LMG - has a worse or equal CoF to all the other weapons in it's class.

    I wish I knew the effective values for stuff like suppressors and grips ect - would make the "S" type weapons easier to read - they often have worse (well "different") stats than the default models - but accept more attachments.
  11. Napkin

    link doesnt work for me
  12. Cheerilee

    Thats where i got the info from.
    But like the developers said, there isn't a best weapon. Just a weapon, that maches your playstyle.
    Sure, there is some balance needed. But as you can see, you can use the Flare and get more DPS (with Certs) than the orion, you also got a larger clip, but at the cost of accuracy and range.
  13. Judicator Wombat

    Unless they changed the hitboxes too since the end of beta the Mosquito still has a massive whale tail target while the Reaver's tail can't be hit at all.
  14. Phob8s

    Pulsar C: Recoil vertical 0.25 ↑ no way, that thing climbs up like crazy!
  15. Napkin

    can someone post a link that works
  16. MartianDiscoFish

    lol at the lasher xD
  17. Ryloxx

    Sorry if I missed it in the thread, but how much "HP" do we have? Quick glance would say 1000, but I'm confused by looking at the other weapons. Max damage of sniper says 750, but a headshot is an instant kill. The splash damage on the launcher is 1000, but you need a direct hit to kill someone. (Unless of course max splash damage can kill you, which is possible too)

    Hopefully someone has an answer. ;)
  18. Bullwinkle 01

    Yeah, this is exactly the method I used also. This will give you a theoretical DPS. I don't think there is a gun in the game that can fire full speed for less than a second (*maybe* the rebel pistol), so this number will be correct for at least the first second of firing. After that magazine sizes and reload speed comes into play. The slow NC reload speeds ensure that the "sustained" DPS of their guns will be lower.

    The other thing involved is this assumes all rounds hit the target. In the real world this is not going to be true, and another reason I think the NC is at an inherent disadvantage. Not only do they have low theoretical DPS compared to similar TR and VS weapons, their significantly higher recoil almost guarantees that a smaller percentage of rounds will hit, lowering actual DPS even more.
  19. Bullwinkle 01

    I don't know the answer, but it may be that a headshot gives a multiplier like 1.25x or something, so a headshot would push you over the instant kill mark. It also might be class dependent, since HA are more heavily armored than an Infiltrator.
  20. Eyeklops

    In regards to the sniper question, Higby mentioned early in beta that an SMG or carbine may not have the same headshot multiplier as the sniper rifle. We can conclude then that each weapon may have a different headshot multiplier. So if the base damage is 750 with a 1.5 headshot multiplier then you would get an insta-kill. Same thing with the launcher, they may be applying a blanket reduction multiplier on the splash damage for all infantry.