[Suggestion] Weaker Liberator Front Armor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaizure, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Kaizure

    I know Liberator pilots are going to jump all over me for this.

    I feel Liberators need to have their front armor decreased. I play on Emerald, so I can't speak for how other servers might feel regarding Liberators... but from my point of view, Liberators (especially good ones) are untouchable in the sky.

    I've seen squads of ESFs get decimated by good Liberator pilots and belly gunners, all because said ESF pilots were unable to dish out the required amount of damage needed to destroy said Liberator.

    I see Liberators start to take damage from bursters and/or skyguards, then they fly off and hide behind a mountain, repair, then sneak up on the burster / skyguard and gun them down without any fear of retaliation. If you're in a Skyguard and you start shooting at a Liberator, and you fail to take down said liberator because they flew behind a rock, then you better get it into your head that you're already screwed, because there's no way you're going to do enough damage to take out that lib when it comes searching for you with full reps.

    And then of course, there's the infamous issue Galaxy pilots face, and that is: if they spot a liberator in the sky when they're flying around, it doesn't matter if you have walkers and two people manning said walkers... if a Liberator gets on your tail, you're dead. That's all there is to it. Two full rounds of a tank buster and your galaxy is gone, while your walkers have only caused the Liberator to begin smoking.

    Liberators are way too powerful as it stands. They can divebomb just about anything, then whatever their tank buster doesn't deal with, their belly gunners can finish off. Main battle tanks, skyguards, burster maxes, galaxies, ESFs, etc. none of them can compare or stand up to a Liberator in their present state. There is no good reason why anyone anywhere should see a single Liberator floating around and find themselves saying, "Yep, there's a Liberator overhead. Find a different fight."

    For this reason... rather than giving, say, Galaxies a new weapon that's intended to be anti-Liberator, or making it where the tank buster does less damage... I think it would be a better choice to nerf the front armor of a Liberator.

    Liberators are supposed to be bombers, not combat fighters. One or two Liberator pilots shouldn't be able to camp an enemy warp gate because nothing is capable of shooting them down. One liberator shouldn't be capable of gunning down any galaxy they see even when both guns are active. Liberators shouldn't be able to swoop down into an enemy tank column, decimate a few of their tanks, and then even as the tanks fire at them, the liberator is STILL able to escape!

    So please, reduce Liberator front armor.
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  2. Imp C Bravo

    I don't think this is going to solve your perceived problems.
  3. LimaCharlie

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  4. ColonelChingles


    Didn't you know that the best counter to a Liberator is another Liberator? Because that's clearly fair and balanced. :D
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  5. MiguelZaibatsu

    esf's can take out libs. just because you can't doesn't mean they need to be nerfed. pc peasant
  6. Armcross

    What I see is cert piñata that can fight back.
  7. Slandebande

    Ah right, so the counter to Libs is ESFs? What's the counter to ESFs? That's right, more ESFs. Clearly balanced :cool:
  8. Azawarau

    This guy is classy AF

    Too bad hes about as smart as brick
  9. MiguelZaibatsu

    at least I'm not on here whining because I'm a bad player. pc peasant . you can also learn how to be good in a liberator.

    btw there's nothing you can do about gank squads that's just the nature of the game
  10. Haquim

    Feel free to drop by on Cobalt during prime time.
    Stick your esf in a fight above 12v12 that your side is not already clearly dominating and you got a good chance to see how to counter ESFs.
  11. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    Idl if that is sarcasm but yes that is balanced by definition lib = lib is great balance the skill of the players decides the winner.
  12. Azawarau

    I run a fully certed liberator

    Its easy mode

    I also have a fully certed Galaxy that only dies by liberator or suicide crash

    Check the outfit name
  13. MiguelZaibatsu

    yeah I never said it wasn't easy mode but you can die just as fast if you go against an elite pilot. so it goes both ways
  14. Slandebande

    First of all, I was tempted to just ignore your post as it is such a poor way to argue.

    I do actually play on Cobalt, as my NC and VS alts are on that server (my TR is on Miller). I don't know what you are trying to say with your statement. Just the other day, in a battle with 48-96 on each tide, I was harassed by an ESF for well over 1½ minutes straight in my Magrider, it flying/hovering right over me (making small loops as I swerve and try to use cliffs/bumps to get elevation). This happened less than 150m away from the main zerg/population of the fight. Neither faction was dominating the battle and the battle was predominantly taking place outdoors, so it wasn't because all our players were inside or something. Plenty of vehicles in the area from both factions. I didn't see that ESF get countered immediately.

    Or are you saying I should fly STRAIGHT through the main battle lines and stay there without cover? Doing so in any vehicle gets you killed by infantry via plain force in numbers, not by being countered. I can destroy MBTs using dumbfire rockets, but do I consider them a direct counter to an MBT? No.
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  15. Kaizure

    Wow, I was hoping to come back to this thread and see constructive feedback... instead I log in and see a bunch of salt.

    And I've seen salt. I mean, have you seen Esamir? Covered in the stuff. This thread? Worse than Esamir.

    That being said... guys, I'm just suggesting weaker front armor so galaxies and tanks can stand up to Liberators when they have said lib charge right at them. I'm not asking for a full Liberator nerf. Chill the **** out.

    Get it? That's another Esamir joke.
  16. Azawarau

    I dont know if you realize how sdrawkcab what you just said is

    Are you against reducing the effectiveness of liberators?
  17. Sulsa

    Sorry OP but you are incorrect on your post.

    I have wrecked Libs ALONE with no help and no other ally in the entire hex area, in one AA turret many times. I have also had Libs wreck me IF they know what they are doing, have the proper upgrades to get close enough and are good enough pilots.

    I have wrecked libs ALONE 1v1 with my partially upgraded Skyguard and I have been wrecked by them.

    I also pilot Libs. I really enjoy it.
    Liberators are opportunists. You cannot just wander into a big battle without knowing where the fronts are. You also need to know what kind of bases are around the area and if they have AA. People like me love to sit in AA turrets and farm flyboys.
    They are not the indestructible balance destroyers that you think they are.
  18. MiguelZaibatsu

    why would I be against reducing the effectiveness of anything? That's for pc peasants
  19. AxiomInsanity87

    At best, the afterburner is the only issue

    That's in small fights though.....so it's irrelevant.
  20. Azawarau

    Oh one of those

    You came form Warframe didnt you?
