WDS Score Ouch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liquidrider, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Mustang

    Mattherson VS have also gotten into the habit of letting invaders capture a point in a biolab before attempting to resecure it so they can constantly get the +32 WDS or whatever it is. The rate VS farms WDS there is insane
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  2. AzureKnight

    On Connery, VS are up by about 4K right now. When I play tomorrow, it's going to be closer to 10 because so many people on VS play in the early hours of the morning. Not to mention, I can't count how many level 100s they seem to have...

    I say this because when the event first started, I quit one night with NC ahead by about 3K. I woke up and VS had 5K over them. I'm afraid what the scores will look like in another 8 hours.

    And I hate it because it's all "Well even if you lose the event, you can still win the weekly!" But the problem is whichever side wins the first week will probably win them all unless the score is only a few hundred different. So, it will just be first place and the losers...
  3. DevDevBooday

    Whats this? NC saying 'deal with it'?
    Even though you were the EXACT people that whined to all hell about TR winning so much last time?

    Just wait till they change the scoring and then TR comes first, then you will feel our pain.
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  4. CactusLynx

  5. biterwylie

    I dont really see anyone going insane. Just the same group of players starting multiple threads instead using the same one.

    Last time I checked who was winning.

    1 Server TR
    3 Servers VS
    4 Servers NC

    That is a little different too TR winning all servers with pops at 50% in WDS I.
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  6. Ganelon

    It wasn't all servers.
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  7. Psykmoe

    If current trends continue, VS is going to win this globally - NC started in the lead but this lead is NOT being maintained. VS is catching up in global score steadily and there's enough days left for VS to win if the trend continues.

    VS is steadily gaining - despite only winning on 3 servers, on Mattherson their lead is by 36k points and rising.
  8. biterwylie

    Sorry you are correct!

    CONNERY---------13,404 15,513 15,992
    MILLER-------------12,287 20,663 12,441
    CERES-------------15,556 16,257 14,245
    COBALT------------13,217 18,055 13,753
    MATTHERSON--13,052 16,218 16,042
    WATERSON-----13,374 18,927 13,150
    BRIGGS-----------12,674 22,412 10,932
    WOODMAN------11,849 17,986 15,773

    Nothing to see here, move along...”
    Connery VS were winning. Still hugely different to what we have with WDS II.
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  9. Gustavo M

    SOE needs to perform harsh solutions for a harsh issue!


    No, really. You can't "balance" population. You can't "fix" this. But you can "lessen" it w/ more complexity and variety added to the gameplay.
  10. GhostAvatar

    Well all I am going to say at this point (as it is still early) is that we are still kicking it on Miller. And thats without our previous pop domination and being up against ATRA (NC+VS alliance). There are a few other servers that face the same kind of pop balance as Miller, but not doing as great. Balance and pop are not the only things that factor into WDS score.