WDS Officially a Joke

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CptFirelord, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. CptFirelord

    First, I'd like to congratulate the VS on that stunning come-back (After scoring was changed to give them advantage in every situation due to pop disadvantage and given Indar North WG).

    I understand how this works, TR win 5 of the weeks, VS win the last week, and since the season score favored the VS they were rewarded with the win. I'd like to ask why the hell there's a weekly score / winner then, if the big reward is based on season scores?

    For our "One Year Anniversary!" we're getting another terrible WDS-esque piece of crap? We all know the VS will win that as well (although if ZOE gets nerfed as I've heard rumors of floating around) perhaps it'll be even for once.

    The scoring system needs reworked.
    Yes, the TR have overpop on quite a few server.
    Yes, the VS and NC are underdogs on almost every server.
    No, the TR are not OP.
    No, VS are not OP.
    Yes, NC are UP.

    Despite overpop and 4th faction issues, why should scoring favor the underdog? In Football (American, not Soccer) does the team with the worst players and no chance of winning get placed against harder teams, but are given 3 touchdown equivalents for every 1 they make? No.

    Don't get me wrong, SOE has done amazing work with the O:MFG and with Hossin, which I eagerly await release of, but changing scoring mid-season is not accepted in any sport, tournament of any sort, and certainly doesn't reflect their coveted "MLG" title.

    Inb4 umadbro, because I'm not. I wholeheartedly give praise to the VS for doing well when the scoring was in their favor, good work on their part.
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  2. Aegie

    I made a thread with this exact title when they first made the scoring change and it was locked, or rather, consolidated, (along with virtually all the other WDS related forum posts) in about 4~5 replies- I wish you better luck.
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  3. gigastar

    IMO they could choose a better scoring method.
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  4. TheFencer0

    WDS accomplished its goal -- data mining. It was a good way to get a lot of data on players playing at their peak performance (try hard for this event, okay!), getting the best possible test data on how weapons/vehicles/players preform. Don't believe me? What's next on the list for SOE to do on PS2?


    Balance patch.

    Boom. All makes sense now, doesn't it? The WDS was never meant to be a event to keep you interested in the game or provide meta. It was there to get data for a balance patch.

    You're welcome.
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  5. LordCreepy

    Wrote it multiple times --> choose a winner on a event test run with changing rules --> stupid idea
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  6. Prudentia

    just for the record
    VS won 2 weeks, there was just an error in the system so TR got one booster more than they deserved and VS never got compensated.
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  7. CptFirelord

    Stop traveling through time and you won't have these problems :rolleyes:
  8. ViXeN

    Well, I'm pretty sure one team also doesn't get to have more players on the field than the other one. :eek: If we had an equal amount of players and it was based on skill alone, my money would be on VS. :D
  9. Prudentia

    you are just envy of the standard issue tardis for Vanu soldiers
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  10. CptFirelord

    If we all had the same weaponry, vehicle availability, and look, my money is on the TR. But then again, I'm biased towards the TR according to many.
    Indeed.... I'd kill for a TARDIS :(
  11. Qaz

    The TR was in the north gate for the first four weeks AND had more population than VS and NC. This allowed them to gain a massive lead quite unfairly. The whole issue was compounded by the fact that most of the score was generated during off-peak hours.

    The VS managed to catch up for two reasons:
    • the scoring system was changed to allow much higher maximums (30 vs 3) that were then modified to punish ghost capping and generating points without actually having to fight for them. in other words, the most points are being generated on all continents during peak, and just indar during non-peak. this is a great improvement and it's exceedingly fair.
    • the VS was in the north gate for two weeks, giving them a huge advantage on indar. combine that with the scoring change, and VS was able to generate a LOT of points during the last two weeks.
    Not really fair, but a TR victory would not have been one bit fairer either. They should just grant everyone a boost and the decal. This was a beta event, and hopefully mistakes like the ones we've seen will be avoided during future events. Mandatory and scheduled warpgate rotation is especially important.

    As for the "top dog" mechanic ... i don't really know whether it's good or should go. It's important to know that this mechanic works on a per server basis, which could be good because it can help people not fall behind hopelessy on servers that have significant pop imbalances. Maybe there should be a threshold for the activation of the mechanic though, e.g., top dog only comes into effect if one faction has at least a 25% higher scores than the other factions.
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  12. CptFirelord

    This right here is when I stopped reading. If you're going to start your post with an incorrect statement, I won't bother to read the rest.

    As to your opinions on the "Top Dog" events, I concur. Don't really need them, they do nothing for the WDS.
  13. Nocturnal7x

    They tweeted more, don't you understand yet.
  14. Morpholine

    In football, the team with too many players on the field is penalized yardage. Every time it happens.
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  15. Liquid23

    I dun kno how 2 tweet
  16. TheIllusionKing

    Really, they said that the score boosts went on a server-by-server basis, and the TR was sweeping nearly everywhere. The more of a lead you guys had, the more boost the VS and NC got.

    Still, OP is right, changing the scoring system 2-3 weeks in pretty much nullified the results.

    Anyway, why does anyone care? We got one week worth of a boost, and a sortofnice decal, and you guys got about 5 weeks of boosts. The only thing the VS really got was bragging rights.

    And I truly hope that the new thing people have been whispering about isn't another WDS. That would be horribly disappointing, and without the QQ-this-system-was-broken-and-we-just-realized-this boosts, the TR would easily sweep for whatever new gifts they would give the winners.
  17. Qaz

    Do correct me then, please. Was it the first three weeks? lol

    Edit: Your reply is kinda crappy, ya know. Suggests that you're not interested in much but your own agenda here. Point was that the north gate was op, especially when combined with overpop.
  18. BlakeA

    Hold the phone! I thought each faction would get each warpgate for the same time during WDS. Did that happen?
  19. Phyr

    That's some broken logic.
  20. Nocturnal7x

    I know, the whole tweet thing is unfair. As NC we don't have smart phones or internet either. VS really are OP being all technology oriented n stuff, they know how to tweet and have the ability.