Was there a TR Nerf I missed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Naejin, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Bruiserdog

    Its not just lag I have heard a bunch of people complaining about it. Hopefully SOE looks into this, hit detection is off, go to shoot someone dead still, body moves but nothing, they turn kill you, or think fast and run. This is with some TR guns.

    Noticed it as well with Pandora shotgun for VS.
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  2. Bankrotas

    Sorry, but hit reg hits lower rpm weapons more.
  3. Pootisman

    TR actually got buffed a bit recently, but lag + bad hit detection makes you shoot blanks sometimes. This is by far the biggest problem of PS2 IMO.

    Funny that Bindlestiff is posting here ... i remember the time when i emptied a whole carbine clip (40 bullets) from close range into his mind controlling maggot (the VS medic backpack), but he took almost no damage, turned around and killed me. Things like that make me rage and they happen way too often in PS2.
  4. GoEErs

    Bad beer. Just kidding. I'll shut up now.
  5. Shubniggurath

    I guess thats why it takes 30 rounds with the MSWR to kill someone right in front of me sometimes
  6. 60rockstar

    I was just playing my TR heavy. I got the drop on a VR engineer up on a tower. I was unloading on him from about 10 feet with my T7 (you know, the gun that Strikes Fear Into Hearts and RIps Apart Entire Squads). So even though he had Fear In His Heart and was being Ripped Apart he survived and was able to kill me - with one shot.

    I am so glad I cancelled my subscription to this P.O.S.
  7. LibertyRevolution

    My TR guns felt useless tonight... half a mag and people wont die..
    My rhino, my carv, my MCG, my jag, my trac5 were all like I'm shooting blanks.
    Only TR gun that seemed to be able to down people was my T5-AMC..

    Switched to my VS, and I am killing people like normal with my orion/solstice..
  8. KnightCole

    All you guys playing on the x64 client? I used some tip to put _x32 in my game executable....and idk if its forces the game back into x32 but alot of my needing 50 rounds to kill guys is largely gone. Game is running better...actually able to play for an hour or more at a time without a CTD every 3 minutes.....

    I just think the x64 client is just a broken, useless, buggy, laggy no good PoS that needs to go away and come back when its polished and atleast marginally functional...right now its just useless bull%(#*+)
  9. KnightCole

    Until its the same people over and over again taking 50 rounds and killing us in 2...lol. once its lag, maybe we just shot poorly.....2nd time..hmm...3rd time..dafuq? 4th time......yeah, bull%($#&
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  10. Bankrotas

    Well it's issue of bad internet more. Now imagine, that you need same 30 bullets with 167 damage tier or 200 damage tier. You think, there is no difference, but there is.
  11. Nerp

    And our tank doesn't even have four barrels. Those vanu are so op, look
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