Was there a TR Nerf I missed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Naejin, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Naejin

    What gives? All of a sudden I have to empty almost an entire magazine into someone to kill them. I swear there were guys I was getting the drop on running off after I put at least 30 rounds into them from no more than a few feet away--hit markers and all. And I was getting two-shotted by LMGs and worse. It was like all you had to do was look in my general direction and I'd drop dead. It wasn't just me, either; several of my team mates experienced the same thing. I checked my ping (70ms) and framerate (40-50) so that wasn't it.

    I may not be the best player in the game but this definitely wasn't normal.
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  2. Yaesu

    It's been that way for around 3 weeks, or after whatever patch. But YES, for the past couple days it's been the worst I've ever seen it. I thought they nerfed my weapon again, but switching thru the ones I had didn't matter. I was hardly killing anybody. Even through an entire clip of 40 shots on my engineer. There's something going on and it's total BS!

    My brother has VS toon on Connery. What the heck, I made an engineer there. Right off the bat, with the default gun, I was getting kills right and left. That gun far out beat the guns on my TR on Waterson that I spent SC and certs to buy. SOE, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON??!!
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  3. Bindlestiff

    Nice try.
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  4. Krayus_Korianis

    It's actually true. The default VS Engineer rifle (The Solstice) does outperform TR weapons. :eek:
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  5. Yaesu

    The proof is in the pudding, peaches. I saw what I saw. The Solstice far outperformed the Trac-5. You don't want to even get me started on the heavy. The rifle wasn't the greatest, but the default rocket launcher....not even a lock on...SWEET!
  6. Captain Kid

    Interesting.. I'm doing reasonably well with my VS character on Ceres. But with my TR character on Mattherson these last few weeks I'm doing terrible. Losing against Engineers when I get the drop on them as Heavy. Dying in what seems like three shots against non shotguns, stuff like that.
    I thought it was because there are better players on Mattherson and because my ping is higher then on Ceres (140 ping)

    Now I can blame the faction instead.
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  7. IamDH

    ? Seems fine to me

    You might just be lagging
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  8. TheFamilyGhost

    Seems fine to me.
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  9. Yaesu

    That's been happening for weeks now. Being taken out by 3 to 5 shots after you've unloaded better than 25 shots into them.
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  10. Nexium

    The OP downloaded the optional "Grass is Greener" patch. Please revert to a previous version.
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  11. sladuog

    Some people have been complaining that flinch has been increased so that SOE can get people to spend SC on battle hardened implants.

    If that's true, you should be doing better against NC players.
  12. Casterbridge

    It's definately not a TR only thing. Some nights I kill in the normal amount of time, other nights I can unload half a magazine and their still standing.

    To be fair the last couple of night have been alright, but yeah I've had a few very strange play sessions this month.
  13. Hoki

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  14. z1967

    I have been noticing this too where guns like the armistice end up spitting out all 30 rounds into the target and still don't kill them. Kind of annoying but I am gonna guess there is a slight problem with anti-cheat that is affecting high ROF weapons. That is just my theory though.
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  15. SavageBacon

    Could be latency... I was noticing this a bit yesterday on all my high RoF weapons from each faction. I will say the patch did make little tweaks to various TR guns so they do fire a bit different; you'd probably notice it on the respective weapon depending on how much you used it prior to the patch.
  16. Ghosty11

    Wait wut? The default rocket launchers of each faction are carbon copies of each other in every stat and performance. If you are seeing a difference in the default launchers then you have an issue with your connection to the server.
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  17. allattar

    I noticed for the first time yesterday that some shots had not hit indicator. Either in a dual blueshift, or using the thanatos, or pulsar c. Particularly noticeable with the gun rammed up the back of their spine moments and no hit marker goes off
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  18. Villanuk

    The servers have had some lag issues of late which would explain weird kills. I was killed by a BR8 within a second. So I checked his stats to see if he was hacking and he certainly wasn't. So we can all get killed and think WTF, but its a lag kill nothing more.
  19. Lord_Avatar

    I don't think it's a TR-only ccurence, but hit detection has been quite iffy lately. On the other hand I was getting assist for kills I'm pretty damn sure I had nothing to do with.
  20. Dead soldier

    there is no difference between the RL besides the look. I do admit to liking the S1 better than the ML-7 and then doing better with the S1.
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