Warpgate rotation - a brief history

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NovaAustralis, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. Jeslis

    ((Coming from a Tank drivers POV))

    As TR: I love the Bottom right WG. Those cliffs? My fully Certed prowler.. Omg.. FEED me tech and amp station alerts.. I hit 60k+ SPH easily with the amount of sunderers ppl place in the stupidest of places.... Not to mention the good snipe point right after we lose crossroads and they come swarming down to Broken arch.. I think I killed 15+ magriders there once...

    As VS: I love the Bottom left WG... The nice rolling hills.. right amount of trees..Just about perfect.

    As NC: I love the Top WG. Nice flat land for the Vanguard.. and the vanguard, unlike the Mag, actually has enough armor to try to push up those suicidal narrow pathways (Quartz-->Hvar, West Checkpoint-->Allatum, East Checkpoint-->Palisade.. and whatever that far east one.. omfg that can go jump off a cliff and die.

    And I wish they'd lock them that way.. but I understand everyone doesn't feel the same..
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  2. NovaAustralis


    BR 100 count:
    TR = 36
    VS = 26
    NC = 22

    BR 99 count:
    TR = 4
    VS = 7
    NC = 5

    Combined BR 99 and BR 100 totals:
    TR = 40
    VS = 33
    NC = 27

    Okay, so I've proved I can count and do basic addition.
    So what do these numbers mean?

    Well, to get to BR 99 and BR 100 you have to get a lot of XP, I mean a LOT of XP.
    This was achieved by most of these players by 'farming' enemy players with rocket-pods and Zephyr Libs in the pre-nerf air days.
    Then with HE in the pre-nerfed HE days.
    Nowadays with whatever is most functional, low risk / high reward.

    So why, just on the Briggs server, does TR have 10 more BR 100 players than VS and 14 more BR 100 players than NC ?

    Because NC and VS just need 'L2P' right? :rolleyes:

    It couldn't have anything to with TR having plenty of resources from holding the north Indar warp-gate for so long before warp-gate rotations.
    Certainly not the godawful Striker spamming for months before they were finally nerfed.
    Probably not the Dual-Fractures and Dual-Mercy MAXs.
    I doubt it's the Vulcan Harassers.
    Not too sure about the HE Prowlers in Anchored Mode.
    Definitely not because TR have won nearly every Alert on Briggs for months now (usually Dominating Victories, with a few exceptions).

    So I wonder what it could be? o_O

    What are the counts for BR 100 players on your server?
    (if you aren't on Briggs)
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  3. methuzelah

    I don't think it makes sense to count the pre-warpgate rotation days. Those first 70+ days the TR held the northern WG. You can't say things aren't fair NOW by looking at how unfair things were in the past. If you take out those 70 days, it's pretty even
  4. MajiinBuu

    Wrong thread
  5. NovaAustralis

    Update as at 14 December.
    (51 days since 24 October, date of OP)

    Time spent in northern Indar warp-gate since release:
    TR = 151
    VS = 149
    NC = 93

    So basically, VS has spent nearly as much time as TR in the northern Indar warp-gate.
    This is even including TR holding that warp-gate for 2 months solid BEFORE warp-gate rotations were even introduced! :eek:


    Put NC in the north.
    Put TR in the south-west.
    Put VS in the south-east.
    (clockwise rotation)

    This will mix it up as far as fighting different factions in different locations goes.
    It will also give NC some time in the resource rich north of Indar. (about 57 days should do it...;) )

    It's not just the northern Indar warp-gate that's the issue.
    It's being stuck in whatever other warp-gate locations that suck or rule for far too long.
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  6. Goretzu

    That would badly limit things with just 5 continents though (assuming Battle Islands even plays like a continent, as such).

    But I am surprised that after a year Live there isn't some mechanic for rotating warpgates automatically, be it after X weeks or when a faction conquoers a continent (or both in fact).
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  7. Admiralty

    Wow, nice work on the graphs.

    Can't they just make WG rotations automated? Until we have Hossin, maybe at the end of every month, the system would automatically shut down for about half an hour for the WG rotation? It's better than what seems to be the current system of 'rotating WGs on a whim' type of deal where half-way through the WDS, they get rotated just to see its effects.

    Or how about for the next WDS, it becomes a 6 week event or something so the WGs would rotate every week?
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  8. f0d

    we need to mix up the gates out of the standard rotation

    im sick of fighting the TR on left and NC on the right all the time

    how about something like this





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  9. Tuco

    Ugh, TR getting the North one again? I never played the SW one :(

    That's not a very fun one. It seems like all empty base caps up there.
  10. RHINO_Mk.II

    Automated rotations every 2 weeks until continental lattice comes.

    How hard would that be SOE?
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  11. NovaAustralis

    PU2 came in on 17th December, which included a warp-gate rotation.
    (Of course NC got screwed over yet again and TR are back in the Northern Indar warp-gate AGAIN.)

    So, as at 21st December:
    Time spent in northern Indar warp-gate since release:
    TR = 155 (and counting)
    VS = 155
    NC = 93


    So hopefully next update, the NC will get the primo warp-gate location for, oh say, two months straight...
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  12. Xasapis

    You do realise that counting the wrapgate rotation days since release is nonsense. It could take a year to implement rotation, you'd count the specific spot of a specific continent of a specific empire into that time?
  13. NovaAustralis

    It's not nonsense.
    Because the northern Indar warp-gate, like the southern Esamir warp-gate and southern Amerish warp-gate tend to confer a Resource advantage to the faction that holds them.

    Indar more so, due to the large number of hexes and more activity...

    Ergo, the faction that holds those warp-gates tends to have an advantage, mainly being able to access more Infantry items and/or Vehicles and/or Aircraft due to the greater resource flow.
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  14. Xasapis

    Not really, Indar has been normalised. If you notice, holding the upper half gives about the same resources as holding the half lower part these days.
  15. Rayden78

    If its true what you have posted, i would like to switch with NC :)
  16. Devrailis

    And there's the problem!
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  17. Xasapis

    The problem was that we had no Hossin or Battle Islands at launch (and neither we have them now). If we did, each faction would take a continent as their home and the "best" warpgate as their base of operation.
  18. Nocturnal7x

    Nah, we will be in the north until for one GU or about 2-3 weeks...thats how SOE seems to operate when we have the north gate...
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  19. f0d

    i hope NC gets the north warpgate for a few months as a VS im not really interested in it

    the ONLY problem i have with NC having north warpgate for a few months is that VS will get stuck in the SE warpgate for those few months which is the worst warpgate imo and i freakin hate it

    how about (i know i say this a lot) we just swap out 2 warpgates this time? make it like this


    it would be AWESOME if VS could get that SW warpgate for a few more months :p
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  20. NovaAustralis

    I'm sick of fighting TR to my right and VS to my left.
    The same places with the same opponent every time...
    A mix up, like you describe, is required.
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