Want to really help new players SOE? 2xC4 for LA, SMG for infil

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, May 1, 2014.

  1. Mustarde

    I have never played an MMO that didn't require you to start at the beginning and grind/earn better gear/abilities. Why should this one be different?

    New player? Be a medic! Or a heavy! Want to be a specialist? Earn and invest certs!
  2. ColonelChingles

    I'm not sure about the C4 one... mostly because I don't think new players will benefit much from it.

    See, a totally new player is one thing. Paperlamp making a low-level alt is an entirely different thing. Paperlamp's alt already comes with full knowledge of how to best pick up C4 and drop it on a tank. For someone who is actually new to PS2, this is a bit beyond their skill level, and generally rocket launchers are more their thing. Heck, to this day I still don't have C4 on my LA, because I put it on my Medic instead (because as a new player that's all I would play as until I got the hang of the game).

    So would free C4 help out people like Paperlamp's alt who already knows how to effectively C4 vehicles? Sure. But would it help retain a player who is genuinely new to PS2? That's much less certain.

    Then the next question is whether we need to help out high-BR players who make an alt. I think the answer to that is probably a "no". The point here is to retain new players to PS2, not to make alts easier to play. High-BR players aren't going to leave PS2 simply because their alts are having difficulty; these players have the experience and dedication to slog it through (as they did before).

    So how do we help keep new players and prevent the GeorgePatricks of the world from leaving forever before they even give the game a chance? First, we should try and guess why people leave PS2. My guess would be a combination of getting killed too often and not having any direction on what to do.

    Second, if these are the problems that new players face, how do we solve them? I think the best way is to drop the new player automatically into a platoon. But not just any platoon, a special newbie platoon which is essentially led by "hired" individuals under SOE. The responsibility of these individuals would be to show newbies the ropes, provide tactical guidance, and introduce them to the unique emphasis on teamwork that PS2 has to offer. In return the platoon leads would be paid in SC or discounts or something. Maybe nothing as strong as an employee relationship to avoid labor laws and liability on the part of SOE, but just a few tidbits to make sure there's often a good quality PL on.

    As it currently stands most outfits aren't that friendly towards newbies. On Matherson NC it's really just VCO that I can think of... and although TR AOD hosts lots of public platoons they really don't help brand new players all that much. So just joining a random public platoon is no guarantee of a good experience, hence the "paid" platoons.

    By BR10 these newbies would "graduate" out of the newbie platoons, and perhaps be referred to one of the more established platoons as a candidate.
  3. William Petersen

    The libs you're killing have the Layer 8 issue.
  4. Zar

    then every lib on my server has a layer 8 issue cause ive yet to see one make a 3rd pass and not explode i might miss the 2nd or 1st time cause they were cleaver and came in to an area i was not looking that way and they after burned out when i started shooting.
    but I guess im good i thought i was average at best @_@.