VS pops since patch.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wellknown, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. VoidMagic

    TR/NC would never survive at any pop level the nerfs levied on the VS. Especially not the NC.
  2. r1stormrider

    hate to break it to you but the NC have actually survived. we're underpowered, we have no dev representation on the balancing team (as higby has stated), we're just hosed in general. we're doing just fine and learning to adapt/overcome.

    you VS on the other hand just had your magrider bugs fixed. then you got our old WG. your guns havent changed, if i could, id go gank a few of your empire mates just to loot your weapons to use over my own NC arsenal. i could hipfire the orion LMG with a foregrip equipped at medium range. enough said. your ESFs are awesome too, the magrider is still good to use. the VS are in good shape, just be confident and try your best! us NC guys have been doing it already for months. we may take our licks, but we dish them out too.
  3. Amrok1

    Hi, could you please provide a link to a developer saying they fixed the magrider as of today? Because as of last night both the strafe bug and hillclimbing bug were there.
  4. Aghar30

    only dev that plays VS regularly was an art director, and she has since been moved to community manager, so we have as little representation as you do. Also your lack of knowledge of how the attachements actually work astound me, foregrip does nothing unless you are in ADS mode, laser is what affects hip fire. So please give us your source to this "fix" you are talking about, I have yet to hear anything.
  5. r1stormrider

    google is your friend.

    yeah i know the foregrip is for ADS. thats all i have on my orion. yet im hip-firing anyway with no laser sight. goes to show just how easy your weapons are. your lack of not paying attention astounds me.
  6. Aghar30

    translation- I don't have a source so to hide that I just say google it.
  7. r1stormrider

    that was for the higby thing, the madrider bug bein fixed was said by somebody else on the forum. enjoy!
  8. Aghar30

    Considering most people on the forums don't consider the magrider problems to be a bug but rather an intentional fix, and take every chance they can to rub it in every VS face they come across, the forums are not exactly reliable unless its an SOE post

    The thing higby said, most of the balance devs are TR players, but they seem to remain rather objective when making their choices, so at least they have that going for them.
  9. Amrok1

    They lied then. There has been no announcement from any developer that the magrider bug has been fixed. You didn't verify what this "someone on the forums" said, so you repeated the lie. In short, you're a liar.

    Look everyone! This guy's a liar! A big fat liar!
  10. r1stormrider

    "Woodman is in a sad state atm :( Too many VS joined TR after the lolraider bugfix, resulting in this.. Needless to say, only Indar is worth fighing in." - posted by Jack_Frost

    page 7 on this thread i believe maybe 6. guy was postin up map screens. misinterpreted
  11. r1stormrider

    i needed that laugh, thanks bro.
  12. SNAFUS

    Because most of the VS moved over to the other flavor of the month faction.
  13. Scorponok

    since when the hell has NC been underpowered?NC isnt underpowered expect in people that lack any skillsset of teamwork and acually thinking on their own.
  14. Xae

    It is cute you think TR hasn't been FOTM since release.
  15. HadesR

    " No " faction is underpowered .. The problem is the 4th Empire players swap to the "perceived" OP faction .. and pops go down quicker than Monica Lewinsky.
  16. MgnfcntBstrd

    Low Pop = Hard Mode
    Hard Mode = Better Players

    We're fine.
  17. Xasapis

  18. Amrok1

  19. Xasapis

    Please follow a bit the discussion on the thread I linked and you'll understand. Never mind. I'll do it for you

    Lukor said:
    “Well....considering the hill climbing is currently broken....;)
    Hill climbing is not broken .. its working as intended (i'm serious)

    followed by
    Rayden78 said:
    “Hill climbing is not broken .. its working as intended (i'm serious)”
    According to Lupenza (SOE representative, former developer) the hill climbing is indeed broken.

    My guess? Just like they stealth buffed the prowler's turret and left it there for a while, they messed with the magrider's hill climbing on purpose and are now collecting and evaluating data to see if they are going to revert the nerf or leave as is.

    followed by
    Lukor said:
    I think she's talking about strafe bug there, which has been already fixed.
    followed by
    Rayden78 said:
    “I think she's talking about strafe bug there, which has been already fixed.”
    Correct, I was talking about the Magrider strafe bug which has already been fixed. :)
  20. Amrok1

    I've read that thread. Let me summarize what was said. One person said Lapurza had said that they had fixed the magrider of its bugs. Another person said no, she (Lapurza) was specifically talking about the one strafe bug which would not only slow down the magrider but also prevent it from accelerating again. Person one said nuh uh, that isn't what Lapurza said. Then Lapurza post that person 2 was exactly correct and that the hill climbing bug which the thread was originally talking about hadn't been addressed one way or the other by her.

    Since Lapurza was the only developer to post in that thread and she was specifically responding to clear up confusion about a post she had made early about a strafe bug, and my original question in this thread was asking for a link to a developer clearly stating that the magrider bugs have been fixed and that statement had been made within the past 24 hours because it wasn't fixed yesterday, how does your link provide any proof that the current hill climbing ability (bug) is intended or that the current strafe bug (reduces forward momentum by 5kph everytime you strafe but does not prevent acceleration anymore) has been fixed? It doesn't. It doesn't even address the same bug we were discussing in this thread.