VS pops since patch.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wellknown, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Idono

    So funny. You can clearly see the people jumping ship to the strongest factions as soon as they get their precious things nerfed slightly. Vs hardly even got a nerf and i can already see people switching factions ^^
  2. Ash87

    Vanu on Jaeger never get above 27% on the time I am on. They have taken a hit there as well.

    That said, it's kind of natural selection: the ones that are left are rather fun to fight, and now all the cannon fodder have moved to the NC. I know this, because I am in no way biased against those dirty Blue terrorists.

    ...>.> <.<

    Yeah, anyway, I would say that the VS need something. Someone mentioned a few pages ago, maybe some better celebrity, and I would agree with that. The UES really kind of screwed them, because they had to switch, after their guy decided he had better things to do. I mean, certainly there is Some internet guy who would play Vanu...
  3. Xae

    The people in my Vanu outfit who stopped playing after the nerf stopped playing. They didn't change sides.

    The communication blunders and bugs for the patch were pretty damn epic and turned a lot of people off.
  4. Ture

    To me it seems like the noobs left :), Vanu on Miller are few but effective.
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  5. oOCKYOo

    Feel the same here on woodman. Whats left can still do enough damage and take land.

    What I am enjoying from this is all the extra targets and lower pop XP :)
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  6. Jack_Frost

    You can definitely take land! Nice fights with VS on Woodman.

    With much love, from NC <3
  7. Rown

    Yesterday was epic for VS in Mattherson. With a 12% population in Indar we stopped the TR (at that moment at 54% population) from capping the continent... by taking by surprise the freaking Crown from Zurvan. At this point we were completely surrounded by red territory and the bars moved sloooooowly.
  8. Anti-Skub

    Yeah, it really is amazing how many people will rage quit when their faction get's balanced. I mean seriously...what do SOE think they are doing? You guys rolled the most OP faction for a REASON! Do they really expect you to keep playing when they take away your unfair advantage?
  9. Aliasse

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  10. Ture

    Another NC raging because his faction is not so fabulous.
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  11. Ubikuuu

    This is the answer, look no further.
  12. Xasapis

    Actually given the number changes, the 4th faction seems to have been equally spread between TR and NC, favoring one or the other depending on server. That would make VS the challenging faction to be at this point in time, both due to numbers and game mechanics.

    You are now the OP faction, better deal with it. Unless you want to debate that 15% or more of VS left the faction because they couldn't handle how easy and powerful it was and wanted less of it.
  13. ACE McFACE

    Vanu on Briggs doesn't seem to have changed
  14. pnkdth

    To every question there is a short, easy to understand, and wrong answer.

    Also, why are people raging on the VS players? We're the ones who's sticking by VS despite the nerfs, you know...
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  15. Wellknown

    Hmm i log on tonight the server said each faction had 33% thats miller
    then tried mallory same again 33% each faction.
    Think there as been a Doctor in the house
  16. subz3r01337

    Same on mattherson it started with 40% nc, then tr and nc averaged while vs has below 27%. Dem 4th faction players...
  17. Xasapis

    Are you sure you were not looking at continent population?

    Today Miller had a surprising 31% for most of the prime time, after several days of 27-28%.
  18. Saintlycow

    On waterson, Vanu have left indar. After holding the continent for 2 months for the glory of Vanu, we have abandoned the continent in favor of Amerish and Esamir.

    Seriously. SE gate is worse than a pile of horse droppings. Currently we've made it to Hvar, but that's probably just the NC and TR zerging other continents.

    I've seen our Indar pop at 13% for an hour
  19. TheShrapnelKing

    It's sad. The only Vanu I've fought since we capped Indar was tonight, when we decided to push Amerish. Unfortunately I'm getting bad lag, so I can't see how that will turn out.
  20. ({x})Kyoji

    On Waterson VS population has dropped in part to the balance changes. The VS are just in a sad state atm. Hopefully the developers do something soon or the game will get boring very quick.

    Its pretty sad when you have the weakest weapons (NC hit harder and are now deadly accurate and TR have stupidly high RoF with the damage increases) weakest vehciles - the mag nerf was over the top as usual and it shows. Prowlers are now the new kings on the block. To top it off we are one of the lowest populated factions even since PS1.

    So when you add together inferior weaponry, low population, and the fact that most of the zergs are TR and NC leaving the VS with a lot of small outfits or uncoordinated pub groups. The VS have lost a lot of the coordination that made them great and it doesn't look like it will be coming back anytime soon.