No its a rite of passage, to become a member of NNG, Jaamaw has to "accidentally" TK you. The odds on favorite though is either being run over or riding inside his Sunderer when he decides to roll it off a cliff sideways. And yet we still climb inside, again and again not knowing what to expect.
Lot of action lately, lot of fun, with the Great White Whales flying air cover, and Jaamaw's Battle Galaxy, its a lot of fun, join us !!!
ya i finally felt part of the outfit when jaam accidentally tk'd me and the great words from jaam oh **** sorry derp lol. glorious
The Auraxian inquirer rolled with us a bit last night following our operations on Amerish and Indar. Had an awesome time showing them what NNG could do on the battlefield with Jaamaw leading us
First day back in NNG after a break, defended an Amp station for an hour against 8 - 12 TR by myself (literally). The spirit of Grandpa Jaamaw kept me going. That and two MAX suits, a cleverly placed Sundy, and some tank mines. Finally back up arrived, not sure if I needed it though Do you want to be filled with the spirit of Grandpa Jaamaw and succeed like I do? Join NoNonsenseGamers...