VS have it worse than the NC - TR doesn't get any real attention anymore.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EGuardian1, Jun 18, 2014.


    Asymmetrical balance isn't working correctly then since the vanguard will be able to destroy the magrider in ever way possible next patch too. NC weaponry is outclassing Vanus in every category now. So what balances it out? Oh wait nothing. Currently next patch Vanus only way of defending itself against tanks will be c4 and rocket launchers. Vanu players will be better off pulling 2 lightnings instead of a magrider. And no a PPA while decent at farming infantry won't defend me against enemy tanks.
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  2. Casterbridge

    Here's the thing, like I said earlier if pull the Jackhammer I could just as easily pull the piston, the mauler, the sweeper or heck even the pumps and do just as well or nearly enough so that it wouldn't matter much in the scheme of things. Yeah I pull the JH when I need as shotgun on my HA but if it weren't there it wouldn't matter to much. A VS HA with a Thanatos is going to be close to as effective as a NC with JH or close enough.

    The lasher has situations where it will do things that you can't really duplicate with other weapons available to other HAs, I realize it needs some tweaking as it is so very highly situational but I think most VS are going to very happy if those proposed buffs to the AoE damage while flying through the air go live, perhaps not for the lone wolves so much but for the team players it sounds great.

    I can spam the same door with a rocket launcher and actually get more kills. And a heavy with a Thanatos is no where close to a jackhammer.
  4. Goden

    I already don't use my Mag anymore. Lightning all the way for me.

    And with the turret stabilization I will have no reason to go back any time soon.
  5. Flag

    While not out of -render- range, people underestimate the phoenix.
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    I already beat him to it I said AV turret :)
  7. HadesR

    But YOU do have access to shotguns that kill ... AND the Lasher .. Having something unique happens rarely in this game I wouldn't complain about it ..
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  8. Liquidrider

    I have played all three factions to a level which an opinion can be made. All have pros and cons. No one has it worse than the other. Seriously
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    You would rather have a gun thats unique and useless over one thats slighly different and best in its class :confused:. Ok. The jackhammer is the best shotgun in the game. It is unique. One is just more than the other. It doesn't matter how different a gun is. If it can't do anything its useless.
  10. LIKE A BOSS!

  11. Liquidrider

    But it must :) All wars come to an end eventually.

    I think TR and NC should have a cease fire while the vanu host us a BBQ
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  12. HadesR

    Now if only the Lasher was useless you might be right :rolleyes:
  13. TheBlindFreak

    Totes agree. It has amazing potential, but hardly anyone groups up to use it.
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  14. LIKE A BOSS!

    Are you really going to argue that the lasher is useful in more situations than the jackhammer if so then you are so wrong it isn't even funny. I can run into a biolab and destroy people with a jackhammer. I can dominate a whole tower with a jackhammer can you do the same thing with a lasher? No. You know the jackhammer is useful in more situations. Just stop you have no idea what you are talking my about.
  15. bubbacon

    You are correct and this has infuriated the TR base for a long time. The problem that other factions have with NC and this weapon is that there is not the hard nerf to the weapons velocity that Higby constantly hits TR with.

    For example:
    TR was supposed to get a competitor to the 7F in the "New and Improved Lynx", which is still a turd with sugar sprinkled on it. The GD-7F is a 143/10 100/60, The Lynx 125/10 100/50 (Advantage 7F). GD-7F fire rate 845, The Lynx 909 (Advantage Lynx). Now here is where you Lynx users are getting wrecked by 7Fers not withstanding damage differentials...Velocity. The 7F maintains 50m/s velocity over the Lynx with a 500m/s compared to the Lynx 450m/s. Which is huge.

    Gets even worse for you Jag lovers out there. I mention the Jag because it's in the same category as the 7F in a 143. Jag fire rate 750. The 7F at 845 (Advantage 7F). Now here is where the 7F is an abomination to this game...the Jag is hammered in velocity at 440!!!! That's a 60m/s difference from a weapon spitting out ammo at almost 100 rounds better.

    Where is the goddamn velocity penalty at on the 7F??
  16. Forkyar24

    tr get nothing but nerfs, vs are op nc are ok.
  17. Casterbridge

    No one has said that, what we've said and you disagree with is any situation we would pull a jackhammer we could pull just about any other shotgun and do nearly as well.

    There are situations we could pull a lasher and could not pull anything else to do the the same or even similar job, even your rocket launcher example is weak it doesn't have the sustainability of the lasher, even if the burst damage does net you a few killers faster.

    This is not me arguing that the lasher doesn't need buffs, it clearly does, but after those buffs, it will still do the same unique job, just even better and I'd rather have the unique weapon that does what nothing else does, even if it's only situationally useful, than the weapon that yes I could use more often, but technically is only doing slightly better at the same job as several other weapons (and in fact does worse at certain aspects as well, (such as the JH technically being worse at close range than the other shotguns).

    Your argument is you want to be able to use the Lasher more often, which is fine, but the danger is that if it functions pretty much like some other weapon in the game, so that it can be used more often, then it's not going to perform to any significant degree better than those other weapons in the same class, it maybe a different flavor but does the same job.
  18. Casterbridge

    Know what's funny I keep hearing how great the GD-7f is, and I hate that gun. With all the people who say how good it is I'm sure it's a great gun, but I can't stand it, I prefer the other NC and even the other TR carbines to it, and I can't figure out why.

    I mean if I didn't enjoy some of the TR faster firing weapons I could get it, but I like several of the faster firing TR weapons, but not the GD-7f.
  19. TheBlindFreak

    Holy grass is greener, Batman!

    Really, though, the jack hammer is only marginally different than the other shotguns. Honestly, I'd rather pull my bruiser or claw.

    And spamming the rocket through doors? Sure, because some idiots will stand in the doorway and get 1-hit by the rocket. That's what the rockets are for.

    The Lasher isn't necessarily supposed to be a weapon for getting lots of kills. It's for suppressive fire against targets who are behind cover. Sure the rockets have splash, but after factoring in the reload time, there's no contest. The Lasher is better for suppression. If you don't care about the splash damage suppression, use a different LMG because that sort of playstyle clearly isn't for you.

    I'm honestly tired of the same small group VS players whining about how cruddy their gear is. The NC had to deal with cruddy gear for over a year after the game launched until things got balanced. Right now, infantry weapons are seeing the best balance since launch. I would attribute your whiny stance to being used to fighting the NC who had inferior weapons. Now that stuff is par, it feels OP, but only relatively.
  20. HadesR

    You said the Lasher was useless ... Which it isn't , that has nothing to do with how it compares to the JH..

    So what you really mean is " It's not useless and has it's uses but it's just not as useful in as many situations as the JH or MCG "

    You have access to shotguns that can destroy people in those situations .. I could understand your point if NC were the only faction with shotguns and all you had was the Lasher ...

    But you have the Lasher AND shotguns that can destroy people in the situations you mentioned .. So you have a " bonus " weapon type who's mileage may vary depending on the user .. But you are not losing out on anything or being **** in anyway by having it ..