VS HA with ORION/SVA-88 look like they are borderline Hacking when ADS...Way too fast for HA LMG!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. Rak

    It depends. For an SMG user, yes that's the case. But for a long range carbine user, the heavy can pop the shield turn around and kill you before you kill him.

    My point though, is that the game would be less frustrating if the TTK were higher. Right now if you take the forumla [ TTK-(avg latency + avg human reaction time) = time you have to turn the fight around in your favor] then there's really not much time left to react when you get fired upon. Heavies tend to do well because the shield gives them that needed reaction time.
  2. Posse

    It would be a pure numbers game if you increased the TTK, that's the problem.
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  3. miraculousmouse

    No? Assuming you are playing intelligently, taki ng over behind objects or flanking, the shield will simply make him a target that moves slow, is easy to spot, and needs a few more shots to kill. And if you are using a long range carbine at close range, the best advice i can give you is not immediatly start shooting, line up your weapon with his upper chest and let the recoil score you headshots.
  4. SSRemly

    Then give Orion SP ammo and adv. laser.
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  5. G.O.A.T

    or how about they take away your .75x ADS speed and they give you 100 rounds with long reload times?

    Either that or reduce your RoF to around 625 if you really want .75x ADS.
  6. Posse

    That would be like making a CARV clone, which would be kinda dumb

    Like the Lynx or the Jaguar?
  7. G.O.A.T

    "They all move as slow as TR".....Then you should have no problem without .75x speed.

    Come on, everybody knows its a huge advantage.

    .75x in LA still has no shield....A HA has a shield on top of moving faster than 90% of people without a .75x weapon....Thats a huge deal.
  8. Posse

    Yes, a shield that greatly slows you down.
  9. G.O.A.T

    Well You have a Shield....A LA is easy to die.

    You can't have Fastest ADS +Highest ROF on LMG + shield....Sorry thats too much.

    Allright then they should give you guys 75 ammo but faster reloading.
  10. G.O.A.T

    Person A has a shield with .75x weapon

    Person B has shield with .50x Weapon.

    Who will move faster?

    Person A.

    Still an advantage.
  11. Posse

    The same advantage a Lynx LA has over a (insert any carbine) LA, so what?
  12. G.O.A.T

    Except LA doesn't have a shield.

    So not only does VS have...... Fastest .75x ADS + Fastest RoF LMG but they also have a damn SHIELD over it.

    LA has no shield, it's much, much easier to kill an LA with .75x speed.

    Most importantly the bullet speed for the Carbines are around 450 lulz.......The bullet speed of LMG ORION 615.

    Bullet speed is a huge difference....Carbines are slightly better in range than SMG's..It does have slight higher bullet velocity around 100 more(SMG's are around 360 in bullet velocity)..but fact is than SMG with .75x is pretty much as good in those type of situations where Carbine is good.

    Nothing gets close to the .75x ADS 750 RoF with 615 bullet speed......NO SMG, NO CARBINE.......AND YOU HAVE A SHIELD ON TOP OF THAT LULZ.
  13. Posse

    Only that the Orion is a close-mid range LMG, it's not as effective in the ranges where bullet speed matters.

    Besides, as a drawback to all you mentioned, the Orion has the smallest magazine size of all LMGs.

    Let's compare it with the other 2 similar weapons, the MSW-R and the CARV.

    -MSW-R trades SPA and Adv Laser sight for .75x ADS, making it a better weapon from 0 to whatever ranges SPA implies 1 less bullet to kill (15 meters?)

    -CARV trades huge magazine size for .75x ADS, making it better for sustaining killstreaks or killing a group of people from behind, though it's worse in a 1v1.

    I don't see the problem there tbh.
  14. NoctD

    Just downgrade the Orion to 698 and the SVA-88 to 652 ROF... even then they should be more than capable.

    There's just no excuse they have such high ROF, even TR have those 143@652 LMGs.
  15. G.O.A.T

    Bullet speed always matters, sure less at shorter distance.....Orion has a much better distance than Carbines/SMG's, that can't be denied, so yes it matters.

    The Carv example is horrible.

    The Carv Trade off of it having 100 rounds it's having long reload times....VS has 50 rounds but short reload times....Thats the trade off.

    Has nothing to do with ADS speed.

    So the Orion has the RoF of The CARV(ROF is TR Trademark) and .75x ADS Speed
  16. Bellawynn

    VX29 Polaris
    DAMAGE 143 / 10m / 125 / 65m
    RELOAD SPEED 4.93ms / 3.93
    AMMUNITION 100 / 400
    HIP ACCURACY 2.25 / 3.25 / 3 / 3.75 / 0.1
    AIM ACCURACY 0.1 / 0.2 / 0.1 / 0.4 / 0.05
  17. Posse

    No it's not, I already proved how the Orion player spends much more time reloading than the CARV player in a previous post (in this thread iirc).

    So, what about the MSW-R then?
  18. NoctD

    That's just 1 LMG. TR has the T32 Bull and T16 Rhino, both at 652. ROF is a TR trait, Vanu should have superior mobility, but having both mobility and ROF is just wrong. 750 should be reserved for TR LMGs only, in return Vanu would have two 698 options (the Orion and Pulsar LSW) and two 652 options (Polaris and SVA-88).

    Seems like a better way to deal with these weapons than outright removing the 0.75x ADS on them. Which is a BIG deal, cause with the LMG hip fire nerfs, ADS movement speed is a huge advantage.
  19. Huxer

    Hey lets take things out of context and then focus in on the sub points and make our comparisons just on that, sound good? The main gun on my Magrider has really low velocity compared to both the other 2 factions MBT. It's unfair that the other factions should have high velocity tank rounds. It's obvious how much of an advantage it is, please nerf.

    It's easy to do, right? Let's do another. It's completely unfair that NC has a LMG that does 200 damage PER ROUND! This mean they do more damage per round, I feel like I have no chance when my best LMG only does 143 damage, it's seriously too big of an advantage, please nerf.

    Okay one more for Goat. It's completely unfair that all of the TR vehicles are faster than all of the other factions vehicles, I can never get away from their tanks in my tank and their planes can always catch me, I can never catch them, any fool can tell that this is too big of an advantage, please nerf.

    This is fun right? everyone's having a good time? I'll see you guys after work.
  20. Bellawynn

    Oh I agree faction traits should be emphasized but SOE has been lost at implementing them since development. They keep trying to balance the factions by giving them weapons that compete in the same range (845 rpm carbines etc etc) but faction individuality suffers as a result. Planetside 1 for all it's flaws has alot of lessons to teach this game.
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