VS...Do Not Come To Connery...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roxputin, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. DonnyD.

    21% VS 32% TR 47% NC 3:43 PM EST
  2. Roxputin

    That does not seem very VS to me. You should have shoved a tater or two down their troat and sent them on their way.

    Wait......Did they have batteries?????
    • Up x 1
  3. CactusLynx

    Esamir and Amerish are designated vs ghost cap territory because that's the only thing their playerbase is good at.
  4. Escath

    Posting Connery's pop %s every hour isn't going to do anything.

    Honestly, VS are lucky to have the SE WG. Due to the geography, large zergs are not nearly as effective as the open fields of the TR and NC WGs. There's a line of facilities (Crown, Crossroads, Scarred Mesa Skydock) that are very hard to take if defended properly, which can completely stop any push from the west. From the north, you have canyons protecting key facilities like the Stronghold which forces any push from the north into following easily predictable routes.

    Put the VS at either of the other WGs, and the pop% difference will show.
  5. Roxputin

    Brb..going to log on, get a screenshot, then logoff
  6. DonnyD.

    If it brings the issue to light it was worth it. The VS on connery are a tenacious bunch and we tend to hold our own no matter the gate. Just seeing what the VS can do @ 20% less pop then the next faction I think the VS would own all of connery all the time if we had numbers closer to that of the TR and NC on connery. As long as we leave the crown to whom ever.........
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  7. 13lackCats

    VS on connery fight like devils.
  8. Roxputin

    Connery 13:24 PST 2/23/13

  9. DonnyD.

    Well Ima say it if no one else will....

    DAT A$$!
  10. Escath

    No one is denying that VS have a significantly lower pop% than the other two factions. SOE probably knows it as well. They just can't do anything about it, because there just isn't a server they could merge with Connery to change that without introducing other problems. Crying about it isn't going to suddenly make VS's % go up. Instead, why don't you spend more time in game trying to find ways of keeping new VS players? I originally only tried TR on Connery because it was much more populated than Briggs and I already had VS and NC characters. I made it my main because I found a great outfit to play with.

    From what I've seen and heard, the major VS outfits are always on Amerish and Esamir. While that is entirely up to them and all credit goes to them for doing it, capping empty continents isn't exactly the best way to make new players want to stay with you for long. It's why Indar is always populated; people want action. The VS outfits just aren't providing that.
  11. Roy Teppert

    Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  12. Escath

    That has no relevance here because it is entirely up to the players how they want to approach this.
  13. Eugenitor

    That's his girlfriend, not his family.

    22% VS is starting to feel like the average. The American kids get on and mostly play NC, and when they leave, the late-night adults and Asians mostly play TR. Playing VS feels like a desperate mission. That's why we keep on taking/re-taking Esamir and Amerish- it's the one place we can reliably win, we like to stick our spandex-covered thumbs into the eyes of the other factions, and having two purple continents sends a message to newbies: "Oh hey we have continents, don't forget about us!"
  14. DonnyD.

    The only crying around here is the people saying there is nothing wrong or there is nothing SOE can do about it. It is their game and there is something they can do about it. What they can do is up for discussion but if you are not going to contribute to the direction of the thread please stop commenting on it, attitudes like the one you have are not helping get anything done.
  15. HadesR

    Since I never denied VS had a population problem, just that posting off peak screen shot's isn't a valid way to prove that ..

    Oh looky looky

    Taken Today at 11:30 GMT
  16. Escath

    No one is saying there is nothing wrong. I'm actually offering a suggestion for how the VS can improve their situation. What have you done in this thread? Spam it with pop%s while giving no ideas for how things should change, hoping that things change on their own overnight. I wonder who has contributed more here.
  17. Cowboyhomer

    I think the younger crowd is VS and thats why they jumped ship to the new shiny toy once their old one got changed.

    As soon as I saw the VS when setting up my toons I thought...those look like Halo so I know my 14 year old son and his buddies will be making those for sure.
  18. HadesR

    Maybe ... I can only go by how I first viewed them ... I chose NC in Beta due to them being the lowest pop, but it would have either been them or TR purely based on their looks .. Shallow maybe :p
  19. Xasapis

    Rubbish. I'm 40 and I picked VS for the futuristic theme and the other factions looking bland (NC) and immature (TR).
  20. Roy Teppert

    Am I the only one that doesn't care about lore or aesthetics and just chose VS because they had the lowest pop?