VS...Do Not Come To Connery...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roxputin, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Roxputin

    Connery 18:43 2/22/2013

  2. Metallic123

    i do like how the VS have 2 cont locks and 1/3 of indar.
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  3. HadesR

    Times a bit off for a West coast server .. It's only 16:46pm
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  4. Roxputin

    It is because we are EZ mode and all of our weapons are OP.
  5. GraphicJ



    Please tell me that this is a comedic - sarcastic thread.
  6. Roxputin

    I am from the future...

    And I drive a dolorean with the license plate of CST.
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  7. WillJenkx

    When server transfers come up, guess where I'm sending my VS. :)
  8. Disparu

    Nerf the VS some more, I think we still have a couple of people still online.
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  9. Roxputin

    beat you to it
  10. DonnyD.

    It does not get better on connery..........
  11. TintaBux

    Need to showscreenshot of prime time.
  12. HadesR

    And your time zone means nothing when commenting on a West Coast Server .. Only time that matter's is PST and that's the only time that needs to be taken into consideration ..
  13. Roxputin

    I do not care what time it is..18% is stupid yo. It was 17% but I guess the FOTM decided to join us
  14. Peebuddy

    Glade the Vs had a sense of fairness and joined the Tr, making them more balanced with the Nc instead of joining the faction who had consistently reached 50% most the day. The Tr welcomes you back into the fold
  15. DonnyD.

    All the fun of faction loyalty aside, This is a huge problem and is not being addressed by the DEV's. Are you not tired of always fighting the NC?
  16. Prownilo1

    I have had similar numbers on my server as VS, i can tell you now that if one of the factions make a determined push into VS territory, we just fall back until the other faction makes a push into their territory and they are pulled away, and then we ghost cap our territory back, sometimes they both push into vs territory at once and are only stopped when they meet each other and fight, then after one has pushed the other back, we ghost cap all our territory.

    The other continents are usually capped because VS players are more likely to get sick of losing due to overwhelming numbers and instead seek fights on one of the other continents. I mean if you're going to ghost cap, might as well do it somewhere other than Indar.

    Most of my game time our only saving grace is that TR and NC are fighting over crown constantly, we throw some troops their way to try and cert farm, but I don't think we ever actually think we're going to take it.
  17. MuNrOe

    People swapping empires to play the new lol infantry farm tank. I see a pattern here. This game was so much better when tanks were broken and didnt work.

    Something does need to be done to limit the Tanks used on the battlefield. Buffing aircraft power is not the answer.

    A small suggestion make the tank stronger but make them cost 700 vech resources. Also start the timer once the person dies. Not from when they pull the vech.
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  18. HadesR

    Ask SOE for a re-design .. Since your weapons are no weaker than anyone else's it can only be the purple spandex that doesn't appeal to the causal market ...


    Or as Munroe points out .. Wait till they nerf the Prowler and all the FoTM players come back
  19. DonnyD.

    I thought all factions get the lightning.......
  20. Peebuddy

    I've stated many times this can easily be fixed. Just give the northern warpgate to the Vs, when they had it the pops were the most balanced. I don't see how they cant do this on a server/ server basis either, rotate each servers WP based on faction numbers. It would be an easy fix until they add the meta game in a few months