(VS) AC: a Planetside outfit

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Dis, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. D1STORT

    Here at Always Communicating, the orders given by our central command and passed down to officers of respective divisions are so clear and well disciplined that they are literally spelled out for you using the NATO phonetic alphabet. This is just one of many ways our ex-navy seal officers have innovated this combat simulator in order to command their troops. Remember to always check your firearms before entering any engagement when authorized to go weapons hot.

    NOTICE: AC is now recruiting able-bodied supply officers in order to effectively perform logistical tasks such as refilling magazines with ammunition as well as preparing us for tactical insertions in the back of a fully loaded galaxy (Tells us when we drop, communicates with captain, etc.)
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  2. Dis

  3. Corezer

    I was never a navy seal, but I was in the movie Delta Farce, can I join?
  4. RuffWizard

    I want to play with you guys. I added Visigodo, D1STORT and soupybutt and registered on the forums (no confirmation email though).
    Usually just play planetside by myself and redeploy to bases under attack by zergfits.
    Still working on it, BR55 @ the time of this post.
  5. Ender

    You're cheating, you aren't allowed to have ex-navy seal officers tune your combat simulators. This is ********, reported.
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  6. Dis

    For a price we will allow you access to said ex-navy seals to hunt for Fidy's directive points. Intel points to them being somewhere inside Tora Bora.
  7. Corezer

    OK here is my resume;

    8 years USMC as a 0621 and 0861, AIRBORNE (yes my unit was one of few)
    Designated Marksman due to my 20/10 vision and uncanny ability to use a hole puncher on paper

    Tactical Response:
    Fighting Pistol
    Fighting Rifle Mobile
    Advanced Fighting Rifle
    Intermediate Distance Fighting Rifle
    Precision Rifle
    Immediate Action Medical

    Haley Strategic:
    D3 Handgun
    D5 Carbine
    D3 Carbine low light

    Costa Ludus:
    Handgun Elements Theory 1
    Carbine Elements Theory 1
    Carbine Elements Theory 2
    Intermediate Carbine Elements Theory
    Restricted Visibility Elements Theory

    Magpul Dynamics:
    Dynamic Handgun 1
    Dynamic Carbine 1
    Dynamic Carbine 2

    250 entry handgun
    223 entry carbine
    556 advanced carbine

    Thunder Ranch:
    Urban Rifle
    Urban Precision Rifle
    Long Range Scoped AR-15

    Can I get an interview, PLEASEEEE!!!
    (and yes, I am for real)
  8. D1STORT

    It has come to my attention that certain members of the beloved and intellectual high-skill Planetside 2 community think of BWC as the ultimate tactical military outfit. Rest assured brethren, your true comrades can be found here in Army-sim Coalition as the first official Gaming Army Youth-friendly Service-community. We simulate checking and cleaning guns before any engagements. We take pride in our complex leadership and training systems. We only move through dedicated transports and set up camps at night to simulate the logistical operations of a true realism unit. We even include mandatory AC food rations which can be shipped to you for careful management. Here at AC, you will be assigned a tactical battle-buddy to assist in extra tactics for your fireteam. AC has always relied heavily on suppressive fire to intimidate enemies into not shooting back, so do not be surprised if the order is given to lasher up. Also note spiker firing lines have created decidedly tactical results in our research division and will soon be implemented in open field battles for the purpose of creating an incredible level of early 1800's warfare simulation. We are also preparing phalanx formations for if SOE decides to add melee weapons and front facing shields.

    A group of AC operatives train their battle-buddy accuracy for the immersive simulator of Planetside 2.
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  9. Shanther

    I heard a rumor once that a member of AC once stole candy from a baby. Can you either confirm or deny this rumor? Surely this must be against your ethical code of conduct given you guys are find upstanding model gentlemen who can do no harm.
  10. D1STORT

    In times of war, AC has been known to requisition valuable supplies when given tactical orders or permission from a higher-up. If the supplies in question could have provided a notable tactical advantage or the perceived hostile in question was behaving in a threatening manner (e.g. pointing a gun, smiling threateningly, raising only a singular hand without the proper hand signals, etc.) than I'm afraid it is quite possible that the goods in question were used to ration an entire fireteam of AC. Only through these proper channels can an AC member properly lay claim to any civilian or perceived hostile property as per our extensive code of conduct, of which ethics make up a sizable portion. As per your noting of the gentlemanly conduct of AC members, I will pass this compliment to the higher-up commanders who will be pleased our public relations training has been put to good use. AC has been undergoing considerable chivalry operations for some time now and the majority of us are now proficient in cultural dances such as ballroom and the tango. AC members our also now actively ordered to tip fedoras to civilians in politeness at every opportunity to demonstrate our courteousness and respect to the community at large.

    EDIT: If you do happen to come across an AC member misrepresenting our gloriously honorable name, please do not hesitate to file a report to a higher-up in the AC chain of command. We do ask that in order to keep the names of potentially undercover operatives away from the public you first message the AC leader with the code: Golf-Oscar-Foxtrot-Uniform-Charlie-Kilo-Yankee-Oscar-Uniform-Romeo-Sierra-Echo-Lima-Foxtrot. Thank you for your diligence.
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  11. Shanther

    Fedoras you say? The pinnacle of class and style.

    Lol I knew there was a reason I liked you guys. Well played sir, well played.
  12. MrMacGyverr

    AC is a bunch tower camping bads that cry when you hit them with the decimator.
  13. Wisdomcube2

    I think you forgot to add "4th faction scum, pieces of **** who secretly bail on their old outfit to become a stat padding *****". Fits you pretty well huh?
  14. Shocklate

    I dont want to join, but I would like some of that Chivalry Operational training
  15. crusaderx11

    that's what 90% of the top 100 outfits do often
  16. Dis

    lol wot m8 U cant kil ne1 w/o rockits go bak 2 ur G-SAW w/ lsr site git rekt fgt.
  17. D1STORT

    Here at AC we only stop firing at enemies once they have been declared dead by our field combat medical examiner. Once examined while under constant fire, the AC medical examiner must first sign the necessary debriefing paperwork before any operators on the ground can stop firing their guns at the body. This measure has been instituted in a large part because of the "feature" of immersive bullet-resistent enemies, also known to fall under names such as laggy, poor hit-detection, clientsides, and kill trade prevention.
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  18. AndHellFollowed

    ^ rofl
  19. MrMacGyverr

    You just blew a 4 month long undercover operation into what makes the Emerald VS op! The limited information I was able to obtain will not be enough to establish NC dominance but it should provide some assistance.

    1. In order to maximize your squad firepower, have them march in straight lines horizontal to the intended target. If the target changes or is not in the expected location, quickly adjust and reform the line before any shots are taken.
    2. Maintaining formation throughout the battle is key to victory. Holes in the line can be devastating if left unchecked.
    3. Practice reloading. Every musket should be primed and ready to fire when the officers give the order. Gun jams or slow reloads are detrimental to the overall firepower of the squad, so check all weapons before entering combat.
    4. Properly trained officers are needed to maintain control of the enlisted men on and off the battlefield. Without officer's guidance, these men could become bloodthirsty heathens.
    5. Alcohol consumption is strictly -

    That's as far as I got, thanks to you. Now we will never know if the VS strictly forbid or enforce alcohol consumption during battle.

    Once again, Wisdomcube has let the NC down.
  20. D1STORT

    AC would officially like to merge with this outfit as they appear to share the same tactical ideals as us. Their use of tactical drop zones almost 500 meters away, holding fire before engaging, and disciplined milsim leadership is far more superb than anything I have seen before. If your kpm is over 0.1, please do not apply.