[Video] When will burster maxes learn? An airhammer montage.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RoofLurker, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. JonboyX

    "Everything can counter infantry. Everything can counter vehicles. But only air can counter air; everything else should be merely a 'deterrent'."
    Higby, 2012. Career RIP.

    Possibly the most game defining decision ever made. Regardless of how good you are as a pilot (or aren't), you've got to wonder about the impact of that choice in a game where all bases and towers are exposed to the air.
  2. Mythologicus

    Eesh, I've got a Lancer for people like you.
  3. qquqq

    learn what? that air is broken? they know thats why they are trying to kill you. they don't like you
  4. KnightCole

  5. RoofLurker

    All this air balance discussion is pretty interesting.
    One thing I regretted shortly after posting this video was how I butchered the quality by choosing a bad video format,
    so I re-uploaded the video in 720p60fps.

    P.S.:I'm half-way through with another ESF video (trying to make it more interesting and less cocky following your feedback).
  6. HantuDuppy

    We don't care to watch your videos. Even your fellow NC players don't like what you're doing here. We don't consider you a skilled player, we consider you insufferable, by exploiting a broken mechanic. We think you're driving players away from the game, and would rather have you leave than them. I'm so glad Higby is gone, and hope these ESFs are dealt with soon.
  7. qquqq

    I would have liked your comment but I am not glad Higby is gone. other than that what you said is true,
  8. TechMechMeds

    I recently joined the dual burster max master race.

    I feel good blowing up pilots because i suck in the esf.

    That's pretty much it and i am pretty good with them as well at range which makes me feel extra speshul.